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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
Shaun left his wife in 2002, their marriage was solid for the first 7-8 years, but slowly worsened over time to the point they couldn’t be in a room with each other without fighting. He was miserable, and finally left after a particularly bad fight. His wife didn’t take that sitting down. It was clear to Shaun that all she really cared about was the money he made, which afforded her a very comfortable life in a nice home in a great neighborhood, with plenty of spending money. She was not ready to give that up.

So, instead of working on their problems, she decided to get a lawyer and write up divorce papers. When Shaun read them, he was appalled at what she had wrote down. Painting him as abusive to her and never pays attention to their kids. All lies. He never touched her, and he had a great relationship with their two children.

Shaun realized a divorce was going to relegate him to being the “weekend Dad”, he would lose half of all the money he had and would be paying support for the next 12 years. He decided to come back and just make it through to be with the kids.

It is now 2015, he has endured a great deal of loneliness and emptiness. He has not has sex for the past 12 years. The only thing he cared about was his son and daughter. Now 19 and 21. His daughter was in her 2nd year of college, and just got her first apartment. He was excited to drive up this weekend and spend it with her. Their relationship was very close. There has been sexual tension between the two for the past two years now. She would sit next to him watching movies, often the two would lie next to each other on the couch, with his arms wrapped around her. She was a lovely girl, slender built with a great body, big brown eyes and long brown hair. During these nights she would often wear short gym shorts, and a thin spaghetti strapped t shirt. Shaun was very sexually frustrated. Living his entire 40s with zero sex. Despite being his daughter, he couldn’t help the burning desires he had inside of him. Lying next to her, he could often see most of her small, firm breast. He would lay his hand on her legs, and rub them. She not only minded it, but would ask him to. Doing this he would often get an erection, and knew she had to feel it against her smooth, mostly bear ass. Sometimes she would shift her body and then cuddle into him with her ass rubbing his cock.

The next day after these nights, Shaun would torture himself with guilt. This is his daughter! Why did he keep doing this?! But by the next weekend, it would happen again and again. Often he would satisfy his burning desires by masturbating, dreaming of her body and fully taking her. Afterwards, he would again feel guilty and sickened at what he was doing.

But here he was driving up to her apartment to spend the weekend alone. He arrived to find her running up to him and jumping into his arms. They spent the day catching up and going out for dinner.

That evening, once again they started to watch movies. And again, they lay next to each other. He couldn’t help to notice she was not wearing a bra, and she was wearing fairly thin pajama shorts, it didn’t look like she was wearing panties either. His mind raced at this. “Why was she wearing no underwear?” He knew she felt sexual tensions with him as well, was she hoping for more? What will I do? His mind was racing as she lay next to him. Wearing no bra, he could see down her top and see her entire breast. Her pajama shorts rode up, exposing nearly her entire beautiful ass and long legs. He was beside himself with uncontrollable desire. He began rubbing her legs, but this time he allowed his hand to wonder up to her butt cheek. Rubbing it lightly, moving his fingers within inches of her vagina. Wondering how far he could take this, she let out a soft “mmm, that feels good daddy”. His mind exploded, this is happening! Overcome with desire, he moves hand under her shirt to her tight, flat stomach. Rubbing closer to her breast, his cock throbbing. He slowly moved his hand over her nipples, lightly rubbing them with the palm of his hand. Her mouth opened, her eyes closed, her breathing increased. For a second his thoughts came back to what he was doing, but the second he did that – she took her hand and felt his cock. She began to rub it while making small whimpers. He reached down and put his hand down the front of her shorts, no panties. She opened her legs. He felt her warm, now wet pussy. Taking his fingers and rubbing the insides of her vagina. She suddenly stands up. “Oh my God, she came to her senses!” he thought. But that is not what is happening. She smiles, and looks at him. And removes her clothing. Now standing directly over him, for the first time he sees her completely nude. So beautiful, so perfect. So amazing