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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
Everyone in this tale is 18+

The backwoods mountain cabin. Book 1

It was an estate gift left to me when I turned eighteen from my Grandfather that started it all. The cabin was to go to my Dad then me but as they were both killed in the same plane crash when I was sixteen it would go to me. We live in a nice house in Golden Colorado and I now have a mountain cabin a few hours away. Another family traded the land in lieu of payment on a court case years ago to my Grandfather. I guess a few details about us would help fill in the blanks of my story. It’s 1997 and I’m a twenty year old fourth year collage student studying computer imaging used in mapping for the oil and gas industry. I have a job waiting for me working for a Dutch oil company in Amsterdam as soon as I get my diploma in a few months in June. It’s Christmas break now. With the only point that does not sit well with me is leaving my Mom behind as I move to Holland.

I’m Randell Edward Jonker the III, or I guess it’s only Jonker now since I and II are both gone. I stand six foot two and weigh a buck one eighty. I sport a short ponytail with my blond hair and blue eyes like my Mom. Betty Jo my Mom calls me Randy sometimes and stands five foot eight. Her weight is a sexy one hundred and thirty-eight pounds. Her shape is a petite 34-32-36 with almost a C cup. With her full lips and golden flecks in her blue eyes it’s hard not to stare when you see her. Your short platinum blond hair and you’re walk turned heads everywhere you go, I know it does mine. Whenever I stood next to you it looked a lot like your wedding pictures with Dad, I was his spitting image. Mom looks so young we looked like we were a couple. The house in Golden was not modest as my Dad was a second generation estate lawyer in Denver the firm had it’s own office building and employed over one hundred and forty people.

The insurance paid for the house and for my school our house is a forty-five hundred square feet 1920s mansion. With four master bedrooms all with on-suites and six more bedrooms without a bathroom, an outdoor pool in an upscale gated community, it even had a full gym with an indoor handball court. My Dad wanted me to take over the law firm but my skills lay in computers. It was a fight over what I wanted to do with my life that my Mom won. My Mom sent me to Computer camp three years in a row. The camp helped with my skills with software and increased my handiness with tools building my own gear. Our Christmas would be our last together in our home as Mom knew I was moving away, I have a job waiting for me in Amsterdam. Mom wanted one last weekend get away at the backwoods cabin just the two of us like the last few years.

The cabin was built in the 1940s by another family it was a simple A-frame made from wood cut on site. With insulation that was added years ago it helped in the winter, the bridge was built around then and it held up for over fifty years. The cabin only had one room downstairs with 600 square feet it was both the living room, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. Not a wall inside but a blanket covered the alcove to the bathroom. The tiny set of bunk-beds up in the upstairs was perfect for anyone handy in climbing a ladder to get to the so called second floor. The single bathroom at the back of the cabin had a shower heated by the fireplace with a sink. An out house was built inside the back of the bathroom and it had a wood door with weather stripping to keep the smell down. A curtain was all that stood between you and modesty for a shower. For extra heat there is a wood burning stove for cooking on. The single bed was an old queen-size bed bought from an hotel when the land was turned over to our family in lieu of payment for an estate trail case years ago. This was how the cabin and forty acres came to be in our family to began with. When I was fourteen a spring flood washed out parts of the wood bridge over the river going though to our land. I was hung off the bridge by a safety rope to drill and replace the bolts that held the structure upright.

A forest ranger called us last month to let us know the bridge was out and it may be unsafe to cross. I loaded up all the hardware and lumber that I would need along with my safety rigging with an idea of repairing the bridge one more time. The camping gear and food was loaded ready to pick up at the house loaded on a trailer. I was able to get out of classes early and on Wednesday after my last test, I jumped into my compact SUV loaded with my tools to drive to the house and pick up my Mom and our snowmobile and it’s trailer.

Mom was ready in her matching ski pants and parka and we loaded up the SUV hitting the road for the almost two hour drive. Going higher into the mountains the snow fall was getting heavier as we were stuck behind a snowplow making the drive over four hours long. Getting to the gate at sunset I crossed the gate and parked inside the fence and folded the seats in the back of my car and laid out the sleeping bags. I started the generator and fired up the space heater. Dinner was hot canned soup from a hot plate. We played Backgammon talking about my moving at the end of summer till we got sleepy and turned the lights out and went to sleep. The smell of a woman hung strong in the enclosed air of the SUV. It was hard to go to sleep the need to be touched and to touch was paramount to my well-being. That it was my Mom giving me a boner being so close did not bother me in the least.

I was woken later by my Mom crying quietly in her sleep for her partner and husband. I took my Mother up in my arms my chin rested against your neck you relaxed and you pulled me close like a warm blanket. Your warm breast added to my boner I tried not poking you with my seven inch cock as you were my Mom you turned over and we spooned my cock missing your butt. I swear the heat coming off your rear was keeping me rock hard.

After twenty minutes of this Mom woke felt my hard cock near her ass rotated your hips against me feeling my hard cock and say. “David your hard give it to me baby!”

I was scared to answer but I could not take you if you thought I was my Dad. Don’t care if I do look like him if we do cross that line it will be with our eyes open on who we are. You can’t spend a lifetime wanting your Mother like I do, to take advantage now.

I say. “Sorry love to but I’m not my Dad as much as you want me to be, so sorry your hurting Mom I do love you. Call me Randy and I will take you. Guess I’m grounded for life now huh?”

Mom turned on her side facing me and says. “You can hold me baby for a second I thought it was your Dad sorry, Damn you did not get that from his side of the family.”

I kissed your cheek and answered you. “I’m okay being Dad if it means we can spend our life together.”

Betty said. “Your crazy to want this old broad but I do love you holding me, your so much like your Dad.”

I did as you asked as your warm hands found mine I felt you breathing softly as we slipped back into sleep. Waking up hours later and needing to pee, I got out of my bag and stepped out side to the freezing cold I had put up a wind brake made from a tarp to keep the snow off the SUV and trailer it helped some. Mom helped me back in the car as she took her turn going out side. It was not near dawn yet we slipped back under the sleeping bags as we cuddled for warmth. We slept till the light of dawn made us want to move the golden light was healing it was not like sitting in class with not much in the way of natural light.

Eating a hot breakfast of MRIs sitting on the sleeping bags in the SUV out of the cold. We brewed our hot coffee as we mapped out the days plan of seeing how the bridge was and if I could patch it enough to safely cross to the cabin. We loaded the snowmobile with it’s trailer on skids and rode the two and some odd miles up the dirt road it was covered in a good three feet of snow some of it fresh from last night. Your arms wrapped around me though the jackets it was hard telling I was being held then we hit a bump and you dug in and I felt you. The wood bridge had been good to drive over in an SUV in seasons past but it was under snow now and not a good sight to see. There are drifts blown up to the heights of the hand rails, boards are broken under the weight of the snow, some of the supports underneath are broken, and are pulling apart. If I can get them back in place the bridge would be repairable. One of the support cables was broken adding to the swayback look of the bridge.

I dressed in long-johns with an insulated coveralls and added my safety harness and strung lines out to were I would be working. The first would be to get a hold of the old cable and use it to run the new cable across that was below stabilizing the bridge so it would be safer to cross. I took our backpacks tethered to a rope with two poles for skids and tied it off where I was working crossing the bridge leaving my hands free as I moved across. I moved the safety clip down with me pulling it through the snow of the bridge the weight of the two packs would show me what boards were to weak to cross as they were marked with a spray can of paint to be checked. The backpacks were loaded with our spare clothes and food. More than a few boards snapped under their weight it was not looking like an easy fix.

I crossed the bridge after an hour having marked the bad spots but it was not safe for Mom to cross with out some repairs on the boards and cable. I took the packs up to the cabin and loaded the water tank with snow for water and started the fire place and stove to make the cabin warm. I went out to shovel off the snow off the bridge with the snow shovel kept at the cabin. Mom was still back over on the other side of the river in a tent with the generator running the electric heating blanket and the space heater were getting a work out it had to be in the thirtys outside.

It was lunch time by the time I got back to the snowmobile getting the snow off the bridge. Marking the boards that needed replacing was slow going across. Betty Jo had a hot lunch ready for me as she rubbed my arms when I came in. The hot food was a comfort as was the banter about not wanting to watch me cross and wanting to. My hands warmed up about the time I needed to cable together the lower supports. I wanted my Mother on my safety line because if I fell she could slow my fall from the bridge to the water that was sixteen feet below. I tied off the safety rope on the bridge long enough to span the bridge on a piece of railing that looked solid enough.

Looks were deceiving a good deal of the wood was rotted at the point of the iron bolts were drilled though the lumber. Rust had scaled off the bolts and split the wood. I stepped on what looked solid but as soon as my weight was on it, I was falling sixteen feet to the frozen river and snow below. The soft snow slowed me down some but the hard ice stopped me hard. The landing knocked the wind out of me as I heard a far off bloodcurdling scream. The ice started cracking and before I could breath fully I was under the icy waters being pulled down stream by the current tangled in the rope the rail still attached. What I did not see but though I heard my Mother screaming and the safety line stopped me with a jerk but I was unable to swim back out or up though the ice pounding on the ice with my fist my air running out. My lungs burning I was able to get my feet on a rock on the river bed out of air I stood up kicking hard and broke though the ice. I took a breath as the water tried to push me further downstream. I was trying to climb up on the bank of the river, but the cold sapped my strength as I started sinking back into the water as the current started pulling me away from shore my wet heavy clothes weighed me down.

I felt my body being tugged backwards it gave me hope as I turned grabbing for the rope holding on for dear life. I looked into your eyes and knew there was no way I was dying not today at least. My Mom was waist deep in the frozen river dragging the rope ashore near the cabins fishing pier. Trying to stand above the ice was faster once on shore we were wet staring up the trail to the cabin it was easy going till our clothes froze on us. The water on my face froze as I tried to clear my vision from the ice Mom was not wet on her face but was having trouble walking in her wet things.

What was a ten minute stroll in the summer was taking thirty my whole body was numb my mind wanted to scream but we were shaking to hard to do so. The two of us were holding each other up walking to the top of the hill it was slow going getting though the snow. If one fell the other helped them up it was getting harder not giving up and just stopping laying down for a nap. Getting up to the tiny porch the smell of wood smoke meant heat and shelter. Once inside I moved my Mom over to the fire place as I opened the sleeping bags on the bed my hands hardly worked as Mom tried to get out of her wet things. We both were blue and our teeth chattered, with my help we got you down to your underwear and started my things as you tried to help me. It took two people to act as one to do anything at all.

It was slow going getting out of our things. Trying not to peek at the other but we were both failing, seeing you look out of the corner of your eye at me you inhaled a deep breath and turned to face me taking your bra and panties off. Before laying down I took my long-johns off holding hands under the sleeping bags our cold naked bodies were blue almost dead as we laid together. If we did not shake it was the only sign of life. After about fifteen minutes time we started getting warmer. Forty in and the heat started coming off our bodies as steam started. Our tremors stopped about the same time as my cock got hard it was hot to the touch on your lower belly.

I moved a little to the side and my hot cock found your hot labia with your lips swollen and wet. You trembled not from the cold but from the new heat, your smell was divine. The heat and lust coming off us was taking away how embarrassing this all was. I not sure who started rocking first it seemed like we were having an outer body experience. My hot cock felt your body move it was where I came from, all I had to do was flick my hips and we would be as one. Your neck turned red your body no longer looking blue as my lips kissed your neck under your ear.

My breath was as ragged as yours was as I stuck my tongue in your ear to gentle words of. “I adore you I never felt this way with any other woman I’ll ever been with, Can your son make you come dear, sin or not?”

Mom’s answer was to moan and to move your outer lips open to cover more of my hot cock this made me bump your hot hard clit on each stroke. I slid on you till you screamed out your cum. The smell of our sex was heavy in the room it reminded us of our sin. The heat got hotter in the cabin as sweat formed on my lip I tried to get there but there was not enough friction to let me come.

Betty Jo says. “Not doing it for you is it baby try this.”

Mom flipped her hip up and my cock slide forward turned into a slide in. My whole body shook as I grabbed my hard cock and squeezed it hard keeping me from blowing off mere seconds after being balls deep in the place I came from. Mom watched my face waiting for my edge to pass your smile told me you knew how close I am to coming. Your warming hands held my face as we kissed my hand was pulling on your nipple as I bent down to suck.

I say. “Betty did I bite them as a baby? How hard do you want them bitten?”

I did and when my bite was as hard as you wanted it you said. “Yes you were a little devil there. Please there, your turning me into a slut.”

I felt your fingers tease your hard clit as I began a rocking slowly at first and rotated my hips to your moans. It was wonderful beyond belief my moans joined you as your hot pussy squeezed my hard cock we were making sucking sounds with our bodies. Keeping it slow it was making you thrust back harder than I was going in.

You froze and shook your whole body trembled as you screamed out my name. “Randy that’s twice now I’m not a porcelain doll fuck us hard Baby. How does it feel to be inside back home?”

I screamed and bit your neck marking you with a hickey as my hands grabbed your hips as I tried to start a forest fire in your pussy moving so fast. Our moans were endless as you came again and again but when my cum exploded out of my cock all seven inches it made a mess. It was like we were dead and now were alive.

Mom shuttered and whispered in my ear, “Damn that was unreal, you do this for all your dates Hon?”

“I know we should not do things like this but it is more than unreal you saved my life today, it’s only fair that I show you how much I adore you, the idea of leaving you here stateside breaks my heart we could share a place no one has to know your my Mom you love me that much Mom?”

You looked at me your blue eyes sparkled in hints of gold as tears filled your eyes as you said. “That’s a dream baby incest is against the law they hang us and burn us alive at the stake if they found out.”

I held your face and say. “Mom it’s not against the law in Holland and I would not be here if not for you.”

Betty said. “Baby your strength got us to the cabin without it we be frozen solid, what? It’s not against the law for real?”

I nodded at you as I kissed you like a lover and your naked body again slid into mine, our chest heaving together as if we were the same body. We have not shown shame or modesty we both squirm in bed as we got up to pee. I went first as I’m quicker. I hung up the wet clothes it sent chills down my back of what could have been as I hung the wet things up. I put on my spare long-johns set as I started dinner. When the soup got hot we sat on the same bench at the table closer to the fire wearing my spare pair of long johns and Mom in hers, as you had one of our sleeping bags on your shoulder like a cape as you leaned into my back your warmth was a gift it came with your breast pressed into my back. Your breast were warmer than your arms but I was happy to be held so intimately.

We ate and played games as it was getting late hot cocoa and homemade cookies was our snack. I loaded the coffee pot it only needs to placed on the stove as I added wood to the stove and to the fireplace. We laid down under the covers as your hands held my cock so lovingly it made me tear up. Spooning as my cock rubbed your ass you pulled down your long johns as you pulled my cock out of mine you slipped me inside you again the feeling in my cock was one out of this world was it the sin being of the same blood? I started slow and was able to keep it up till Mom came. You moved to the top wearing the sleeping bag as you road me like a Valkyrie till we came together. Falling asleep was a gift, best sleep of my life.

Waking with morning breath we took turns peeing no shame or modesty it was who we were now sharing the one tiny sink as we brushed our teeth together. I knew the water tank was not big enough for two to shower with so we needed to share. Standing in the bathroom naked I wet the washrag with soap as I bathed you not a spot was missed as it was your turn after I was soaped up you stepped to the shower washing it off the radio was on. Waiting for the weather report for the next few days it was listed to be a heavy snow fall and if were still in the cabin we might have to spend a week here. The car and snowmobile might be under a snow drift making it hard to get out at all with out help.

We made small talk over coffee till I started checked the harness out if it was safe to use. After I put on my bib coveralls as I dressed no words were spoken I had to finish the repairs on the bridge as it was not safe to try to cross. I rigged the safety lines and was down working on drilling the lumber and making it safer. I climbed up and dove the snowmobile back to the car for the rest of the lumber and nails. I worked on making the bridge safe to cross over on. Most of the lumber that was there was rotten and it was a draw on if it could be crossed safely or not. Twice boards I thought were in good shape snapped when my weight was added to it.

I went in for lunch and told you I could work the bridge for days it’s never going to be safe we need to go or face being snowed in before we lose the light, we will rope together dragging the backpacks on the sled and we cross a few feet apart from each other to spread out the weight. Packing in silence as I closed the house down putting the fires out and opening the water tanks to drain as Mom covered the furniture in drop-cloths.

Looking at the bridge walking up to it a snap was heard almost a cracking sound. We hooked up and it hit me how did my Mother cross this bridge with out falling in? Kissing my Mother in the cold mountain air as a thank you, our lips met we were stuck for a second till the heat of our passion melted the ice.

I say. “Thank you Mom I owe you my ass.”

Mom trembled in my arms of what could have been as you let me go. I started off pulling the makeshift sled behind us as we stepped on the bridge it creaked like an old stair as your trying to sneak in late at night. It swayed a little too you tried to hold my hand as the bridge started to sway but I spaced you out away from me as I stubbornly say.

“Too much weight Hon were roped together for safety you can hold me on the ride home we have to be smart and spread out our weight.”

The crossing was uneventful with the exception of one where the boards that cracked and one that fell after being stepped on. Getting to the snowmobile we hugged as I loaded up the trailer and we climbed on and drove to my SUV. Mom went into the car and started the generator firing the heaters on and started hot cocoa for us. I loaded up the packs and the snowmobile strapping every thing down. The inside was warm as I started the SUV letting the heater start working before I turned off the generator. Opening the gates with Mom not seeing the tiny pine tree for Christmas hidden on the trailer I was able to cut it down as Mom was in the tent. We stopped at a steak house that had live music and dancing. I let Mom drink but I did not so I could drive safely home.

Mom was asleep as we pulled into the near barn like garage and carried you to your bed and pulled the covers over you, your hand held mine as you said in a sleepy voice. “Don't be long dear I've love to have you hold me so good you dance so good.”

I went and put the tree up for Christmas eve day as I loaded the coffee maker set the house heat and checked the weather, I went outside and check the generator with fuel and tested the starer circuits and emptied the SUV and put wrapped presents under the tree and went to bed to my Mothers room with a cup of hot cocoa. Sharing it as my Mom pulled me into bed next to her it was her turn to start something. Being on the end of love making was great no mater who started it but this was a gift it was slow and loving. Every move was started with a kiss every position was one we traded off taking turns. The speed of how fast we felt naturally at peace being naked together was other worldly. Your hips moved as if they had a mind of their own, the wetness of your body as sweat covered us with our smell.

No matter how slow I went or how fast you were moving when you came your whole body shook as my speed never increased but you be still feeling me deep in you. I would kiss you and you call me names begging me to move faster. I refuses to move faster as you pushed me off to our side as you moved on top. You picked up speed as you bent down and bit my nipple, I returned the favor as your body let go. You came and your eyes rolled up in your head as you mouthed a scream.

I wanted to pound you hard it’s been ten songs playing on the radio and your endless orgasms was giving you a wanton woman look as a finger played with my balls and a wet finger slipped into my ass. I moved like my Mother wanted like I was running track. At the half way mark to the Boston Marathon Mother started spraying us I thought it was pee but it did not have that smell. I picked you up by your hips as I marked your neck with another big hickey, Our groans were matched as was the need to feel the other person orgasm.

On a wet bed that the sheets came off of the mattress slipped off the bed frame as it tilted sideways. We did not stop we did not slow down but we did end up on the floor with my Mom underneath me. Screaming together was unreal as our bodies were taunt every muscle in our bodies stood out under the strain. You were slapping my chest egging us on to faster speeds words were not needed. I started feeling my toes curl as my cum blew out of my Mothers tight pussy it was running down your thighs making a puddle under us.

I managed to say. “Damn were matched Mom I love you man your nasty. Give me five minutes and we will do it again.”

Mom laughed and said. “Damn I not sure if your kidding or not but I’m here if your not all talk. You know we got nowhere to be all week we can do this every day there’s no rush.”

It was a week to remember it was like a honeymoon second to none. The long hours of talking and planning of what our life in Holland would be like, what we wanted in a place to stay. Our home was appraised and placed on the market we spent the week packing what we wanted and shipped it to a storage company to be sent on it’s way. The week went by to quickly but it was a dream being in love with your Mom and being loved back.

I had known about my job for months so I had everything I needed and Mom made notes on what she needed to do to move with me. After planning to move a day after I walked the stage with my class.

Lining up the doctor visit getting the Visa and updating your passport were on her to do list. The months went by slowly getting home in under an hour to my Mother eating together being happy beyond belief. The weeks went by faster but the days like the weekend we get out for a few hours before I would have to get back to the books we even got some skiing in one long weekend in February. Mom was my Valentine and the underwear that was almost there did things to me it made me a beast it was nothing slow it was primal almost beast like it was break the bed good with my Mother pushing me away and taking me to the shower to wash the three hour lovemaking off us and we ate as we cooked stir fried seating on bar stools in front of the wok as we picked what we wanted to eat and had made it together.

Siting at the bar knees touching we fed each other I teased you on hot the dipping sauce was as I made sure to cut it to make it milder than I like it as I just added more to my plate. Easter came and went and we had to fly to Texas for a funeral two months before school was done. It was not a big deal in today's world but with the passing of my Dad’s Mom it left no one left from both sides of the family it was just us looking over the house getting it ready for an estate sale and picking out a few things to keep. Mom kept the old bed frame it was hand carved by my Great Grandfather at the turn of the century. I found an old shoe box of love letters from four generations and four wedding rings hidden in the frame. I took the rings to a jeweler and had made two gold bands of a puzzle ring one for each of us.

The last week of school was test after test, my grades were in the top ten percent. We had two weeks before I had to be at work and I had a meeting with a Realtor who contacted me he wanted me to sell them the whole forty acres or go into business together on a planned subdivision. I had been reading the letters as a break from thinking about school work it helped. The one from my Great Grandmother to her son, she was twenty-five years older than he was they came over on a boat in 1898. In an odd turn of the phrase in one letter it talked about running away from the family with her new husband and left leaving with her son to America as husband and wife. Also it talked about having to leaving her daughter and another son behind in Amsterdam in care of her first husband. It was strange to me that I was not the first to sin this way in our family.

I did not think about it again till I finished a test and knew I aced it. I wrote my Mother a love letter telling her how I felt just like my Great Grandmother moving to another country to be together. Well you can tell the tone of the letter by how I’ve loved my Mother. I took my last final and walked the stage with the rest of the one hundred and thirty-one of my classmates I was in the top ten percent of my class.

Mom was there as we stood for photos after Mom says. “Baby let’s go back to the cabin a day early for us before the lawyers if we leave now we could be there with enough light to get across safely maybe, You got any ideas?”

I answered back. “Rope and an old rowboat we have those things at the house it would not take long to rig it up and the waters not to deep or cold to swim across just need a few minutes to rig it up.”

Stopping at the house and packing the trailer on what I needed to rig it we left packed for the drive to the cabin. We picked up food and gas for the generator at a truck stop before getting there. Wine and beer were brought with us from home cleaning out the house as an estate sale and auction was happening over the weekend. The drive was fun as Mom read the letters out loud. Your reading skills were better than mine so many words I was clueless on formal Dutch words.

I spent the rest of the ride brushing up on my Dutch as Mom was quite the teacher. Taking the turn off to our road Mom unlocked the gate as I drove in as she shut and locked the gate. It was a shock seeing the bridge how broken and dangerous it is no way would I cross it again. Getting the rowboat down to the bank of the river. The fish was jumping and the water looked clear and clean. I tied off the rope to a big tree and loaded the boat with Mom and the ice chest. I let the rope out as the current pulled us into the middle of the river, we got close to the dock without me using an oar for anything but a rudder.

Tying off on the dock and unloading Mom went up the hill as she came back with the four wheeler and the trailer as I loaded it and Mom and I drove it up the cabin. We changed into shorts and Tees and put sunscreen on as Mom opened the cabin up for the summer. I took the come-along pulley with me as I pulled the rope tight, it took two hours of hot sweaty work and we had a roped ferry. Crossing the river picking up the gas cans and took them to the cabin. I readied the mud pit and filled the wash pool. It was getting close to 4:00 pm and I took my shirt off and started fishing for dinner in less than an hour I had six rainbow trout hanging on a stringer in the river.

I sensed rather than saw my hot Mom stand next to me a hot kiss on my lips as your naked breast were resting on my naked shoulder. Saying. “Damn son you need a bath.”

You kicked your shoes off and your shorts and dove head first into the water your white ass flashed in the afternoon sun your neatly trimmed pussy glowed in the light for the few seconds your were in my field of vision. I was out of my shoes and dropped my shorts. My cannonball was a big splash as I came up and my mouth grabbed your breast my teeth teasing you as you love it. We kissed as lovers as I held you out of the water, your got taller as you found the rock that helped my Mom save me.

I got so hard just holding you as you stood on the rock making you stand out of the water higher than your pussy held my cock with your hot outer lips. Your hands wrapped around my neck as you slid my rock-hard cock all seven inches was deep inside you as the shock hit me. I was so close to coming it was like our first time in bed half frozen.

Mom says. “Give me your hot cum baby I want it now.”

I stroked into you and the cool water felt good on my body getting so heated. I blew my load as my finger finds your swollen clit helping you get yours. Letting the water flow around us, unwilling to move it was over twenty minutes that I started walking you to shore. My walking made you come again as I laid you down into the sun-baked mud pit. I started fucking you hard as you started covering us in the warm mud. I flipped over with you on top as you covered me in more mud as you started an impossible pace the mud and your juices were making sweet noises.

The sound of the water mixed with your mews was almost too much for me but having just come I was able to hold off but I did move you so you were in doggy I slid in as I picked up more mud as I pushed it into your as you’re ass cheeks filled with mud. Parts of our mud was starting to dry out and flake off the skin underneath was soft and almost pink.

Mom says. “This is a dream but I have to pee baby take me to the water.”

I did as you ask but I think you thought you would be let go and you crotch over the edge and pee but my fingers played with your wet pussy as I kept up the pace you started.

I bit your neck and told you. “Let go you slut! Pee on your lovers hot cock, is it hotter because I’m your son?”

The answer I got was a hot wet stream running down my cock dripping off my balls as I felt your body get close to coming as my finger played in your hot pee on your clit. You screamed and your legs shot straight out as you came so hard the pee hit me with the force of a garden hose.

I pounded hard till I came and fell back to the mud as you kept moving on top of me your need to come again was clear on your face as I moved my messy cock in you all seven inches pumped out a lot of my two comes from your pussy. You came and fell on top of me we both trying to find a full lung full of mountain air.

We sat up and moved back to the lawn chairs sunk in the mud we recovered our senses and used a luffa sponge on each other taking calluses off our feet. It was getting close to six pm. Wiping the dried mud off us we went to the wash tub to get the rest off us as we took another quick dip in the river as we climbed up the dock as I packed the four wheeler with my things. Riding nude holding each other as we made the steep ride up in minutes flat. Getting there Mom ran to wash her hair as I cleaned the fish after starting the propane fire on the cooking oil to deep fry the fish. I chopped up an onion up and Mom came out with the batter and an apron for me to wear. I dropped a bit in the oil and it bubbled up and popped from the heat, I turned the heat down and dropped the onion rings in the hot oil. I dished them out as my Mother was battering the fish, they fried up golden brown.

Eating on the porch in the shade a cold beer and my hot Mom wearing my tee shirt and panties good food and the laughter of my Mother it sounded like pure joy. The sun started getting low as we cleaned up the dinner dishes after we rode the four wheeler to the edge of our place to watch the sunset. I packed a tent and a sleep pad as we drank wine watching the last rays of a golden sunset maybe a bit more orange than gold but the view and company would make the memory golden.
اسم الموضوع : The backwoods mountain cabin. Book 1 | المصدر : Sex Stories