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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
I was asleep, when suddenly I jerked upright and saw a glowing figure at the foot of my bed. Her face was angelic, with sleek black hair that was short on the left and long on the right, she was nude, shapely, with perky breasts and, to my surprise a beautiful cock where I expected to see a pair of sweet lips.

Her finger pointed at me, and suddenly my hair was long and red, where I had been balding, and then the hair on my body vanished and I began growing luscious, large, drooping breasts, my clothes were gone and I was left lying there naked.

"What in the fuck is happening" I moaned, but I had meant to scream, and I now sounded like a girl...

"What the fuck!" I sounded like a damn pornstar, every time I spoke, it was with this soft, but moaning whore's voice. The Glowing Being smiled and waved her arms, suddenly the bed was bigger and we were now in an enchanted forest, with a huge waterfall surrounding us.

The water made such beautiful sounds, and was close enough to lightly mist us.

At this point, I was sure I must still be dreaming, and so I went with it.

"What are you going to do with me?"

The being smiled again, and climbed into bed, her cock now throbbing and hugely swollen.

All of a sudden I felt an urge, one I could not suppress, one that I wanted to give all myself to. I dove for her cock and began gagging myself on it, as if I needed it in my mouth to breathe, even though I was choking as her cock ran down my throat, I felt more air in my lungs than ever before.

I kept slurping up and down her massive member, I loved how it filled my throat and then suddenly, I began to drown as her cum gushed out like a firehouse down my throat, it gushed out the sides of my mouth and dripped down my breasts, to my cock and even my throbbing hole, she filled my stomach with so much seed that I began to look pregnant.

Just when my belly reached that full blown nine months look, she withdrew her cock and I began vomiting out all the sweet cream, covering us both in a fountain of pure, sweet, sticky jizz.

She grabbed me, and began rubbing our bodies together, our cocks meeting, our cum covered breasts sopping and rubbing over one another, while she kissed me and began choking me.

I felt as if I was going to pass out, suddenly no air was in my lungs, and I fell backward, the soft bed cushioning my fall, and through hazy visuals, I saw her part my legs, she scooped up a load of her seed and rubbed it on my hole and her huge pole, and then, with no warning, and no gentleness, she rammed the whole thing inside of me.

I moaned, but inside, I wanted to scream, it hurt so much, but I wanted more, I needed to feel it ravage me, I needed my hole bruised with her ramming me.

She knew, and began thrusting so hard, that her pelvis was slamming me, as if she was punching my hole.

Inside, I felt her cock thrust in, and pull out so fast, that the suction made my cock twitch, then explode with cum, and that is when I felt her full control, she forced me to catch it all in my hand and lap it like a puppy as she mercilessly pounded me.

I looked at her breasts swing and flop with her hard thrusting motions, she then leaned in, kissed me, and that is when I felt a sharp pain in my neck, she smiled like a devil and that's when her arm moved suddenly, she was now holding a bloody knife above her head, as she pounded me, I looked up and realzied I was gushing blood from my neck.

"Your Soul is mine now, you belong to me, in death, I shall give you true Life."

She then began stabbing me violently, as she fucked me, and began filling my hole with her seed.

She pulled out of me, stood over me and began shooting her load all over my wounds, the blood mixed with her seed, and suddenly my wounds began to heal, she then took her knife and cut her own heart out and shoved it inside of my chest.

"Now my heart, belongs to you."

Suddenly I was back in my room, she was gone, but I was still a woman, and I now felt two heartbeats...

End of Prologue.