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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
I've never discussed this with anyone, but my mom and I had a sexual relationship for a few years back in the 80s. My parents got a divorce when I was 5, because she had been cheating on my dad. He got custody, but I visited her regularly. She moved out of state and then I visited 3 times year. She re-married to a guy who had 2 daughters.

As I became a teenager I started to recognize that she was very sexual. She was beautiful, but she also flirted a lot with other guys. She also wore lingerie around the house all the time. In fact, my step-sisters, who were just slightly younger then me, started to complain about the way she dressed around the house and said that they thought she may be cheating on their dad. They also told me that they had found Playboys in their room under the bed.

So one time when I was home alone I snuck in and found them. The first porn I had ever seen. I'd go back in whenever I had an opportunity. I would get chances quite often because sometimes when I visited my step-sisters were still in school and I would be home along during the day at least for a few days out of a visit. I stared looking around more as I got older and I found a blank VHS tape under the bed too.

I suspected it was porn. I had never seen a porn video before, so I put it in and it was a hot scene. As it went on, though, it was strange, because the guy was calling the woman he was having sex with "mom". I rewound the tape and saw that it was called "Taboo" a movie about Mother-Son incest. It was the only tape under the bed.

I watched this movie a few times, whenever I would get the chance. I started thinking about my mom and wondering when she watched this and what she thought about it. This went on for like 2 years.

I the meantime, my mom and step-dad were having problems. My step-sisters were saying that he found out she had been cheating on him with a guy she works with, and one of them also complained that she would flirt with her boyfriend when he came to the house.

My mom also drank frequently. I wouldn't say "a lot", but she would have wine after work two or three nights a week. She would sometimes have philosophical conversations with me after she'd had some wine or talk about what was going on in my life, asking about girlfriends, etc. On occasion she would come into my room at night to "tuck me in", usually involving a five or ten minute discussion about whatever. In the evenings she typically wore stuff like a short silk cami with silk shorts or something like that. So there were times when she would come in and talk with me and be handsy and I could see down her top and things like that.

Well, when I was 17 they got divorced. They got divorced when I wasn't there, but when I came after the divorce she was still in the same house and they had moved out to a place across town. She picked me up from the airport and we went home. We had made plans to visit my grandparents later in the week, but it was definitely quite without anyone else in the house. She had prepared a big dinner for us earlier. Before dinner she went running (she ran 2 miles every day since before I was born), and when she got back we set the table together and ate. She had wine with dinner then said she was going to jump in the shower.

When she came out, as usual, she had on lingerie. But it definitely seemed more awkward now with just the two of us there. I was definitely thinking about her sexually. I still remember the outfit. It was a pink silk babydoll that came down about mid-thigh. But the top was quite loose and she had about c-cup breasts that were barely being contained. However, this wasn't that unusual, this is what she typically wore around the house at night.

We cleaned up together after dinner and she had some more wine. The TV was hardly ever on in her house because both she and my stepdad were big readers. He read stuff about history and she was always reading romance novels. So it was awkwardly quite. After cleaning she went a got a book and went over to her chair where she reads. She said I could watch TV if I wanted. So I watched TV for about 30 minutes, some sitcom like Mamma's Family I think (ironically), while she just quietly read over in the corner. I was trying not to think about having sex with her, but I couldn't help it. I kept thinking about Taboo and wondering if she liked it.

I went to bed early, it was probably like 8:00. I told her I was going to bed and she said she'd be in in a few minutes to say goodnight. Sure enough, she came in after about five minutes. The lights were off and I was under the covers in just my boxers, as I always slept.

She came in and sat on the edge of the bed by me and put her hand on me and started talking about how glad she was to see me and how she'd been thinking a lot about me since the divorce and she was glad we had time together now. She started stroking my hair and talking about being lonely in the house all by herself so she was glad I was there. The whole time I was thinking that I wanted to have sex with her so bad but I was super nervous that she didn't feel the same way and would freak out if she knew, but then I'd think, maybe she does and that's why she had that video? I was freaking out and almost shaking. Then she leaned in to give me a goodnight kiss and I leaned up and kissed her on the lips, slightly open mouthed. My heart was racing because I didn't know how she was going to react and I was hoping I'd been subtle enough I could play it off if she wasn't into it but not too subtle in case she did want to.

She paused for a second, then leaned in to kiss me again, and this time we both kissed open mouthed. We started kissing passionately and she started pulling back the sheets. She said something like, "I've wanted this for so long," and I said, "Me too." She pulled my boxers down and started sucking me. Stopping from time to time to say stuff like, "Oh my God," "Oh yes."

I had only been with one other girl before. I'd had sex I think 3 times prior to this. I was still on my back laying down and she got on top of me and slid it in. It was a sensation I'll never forget, like an electric jolt. She was incredibly wet and much looser than my ex-girlfriend. She started riding me and in less than a minute I came in her. She got off and started sucking me again, but gently this time. Then she laid down next to me and said something like, "We can't tell anyone about this, but now that we've done it we don't need to stop unless you want to." I was like, "I don't want to stop, I definitely want to do it again."

I was visiting for one week that time, during spring break. We spent most of that time having sex. It was the most intense sex I ever ending up having in my life. We had sex multiple times a day almost every until I had to leave. We just missed the one day when we visited my grandparents (her parents), which was very awkward. She introduced me to anal sex with her, we 69ed, we slept in her bed together the whole time. It was intense.

Before I left we had some deep discussions about it. I told her I had seen the movie, Taboo. She still had it and we watched it together. She said that she'd thought about doing it with me ever since the first time she saw it. But she also said that if I told anyone about it that she could go to jail, and we'd never see each other again, etc. so, I certainly wasn't going to talk about it. She also said to get a girlfriend and forget about this and maybe next time we saw each other we wouldn't have sex anymore.

But when I went back to my dad's place I was a bit freaked out. I was paranoid someone was going to find out. And I kept thinking about how she said we wouldn't have sex anymore, but that was the best sex of my short life and I wanted to do it again. But I also felt like I had gotten a lot better at sex so I wanted to have sex with another girl too. So, I was able to talk my ex into having sex again and sure enough, it was way better because this time I knew what I was doing, whereas before I really had no clue. So she and I got back together after that.

But the next time I visited my mom, a couple months later, we immediately had sex again. It wasn't as intense and we didn't do it every day, but we still had sex several times. This went on until for about a year until I went away for college, and then we never had sex with each other again after that. She got re-married while I was in college and moved to a different state. I got engaged, though we ended up breaking it off.

We talked from time to time, but at a point she was like, "We just can't talk about that anymore." And we didn't. We never discussed it again and basically acted like it never happened. I never saw her that much after college. We lived in different states, and I eventually got married as well. She did come to my wedding. But we barely saw each other. She talked to my wife one time and I could tell it was just a courtesy greeting. She saw my kids a few times, but really we saw each other maybe 5 or 6 times after I went to college. And she never looked me in the eye after that either. But we hugged and had pleasant conversation when we were together.

Not totally sure what to make of it, but I wouldn't take it back.
اسم الموضوع : Taboo Mom | المصدر : Sex Stories