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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
“School Disco!”

Friday night, doors open 8.30


(Anyone wearing a school uniform.)

I read the poster, again. My favourite night-club, was advertising a ‘School-Disco’ for the following Friday. Immediately, I rang my friend, Shelly. “We are going to have so much fun on Friday. P.J.s’, night-club, is having a special night, and we will get the chance to dress up as schoolgirls!” I shouted into the ‘phone.
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We spent the next few days going through our wardrobes, looking for suitable skirts and tops. Shelly has a 15-year-old sister, so we raided her drawers, too. By Thursday, we had decided, I chose an old grey, pleated skirt, of my own, with Leanne’s shirt and tie. As we got dressed, on the Friday night, I produced a pair of black, seamed stockings, and a suspender belt. “Janet, you tart!” I have been raiding my mothers bedroom drawers so I can match you.
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When we had finished putting our hair, into pigtails, I looked in the mirror. She was right, I looked like a tart. I was wearing black patent, high healed, shoes, seamed stockings, with my black and white suspenders and red g-string, the skirt was so small, it showed my stocking tops, a tight, white shirt that was knotted underneath my, Wonderbra encased, breasts, and far too much bright, red lipstick. “Tarty, but damn sexy!” I announced.

Shelly looked quite stunning too complemented by her , large breasts were fighting to get out of the tiny vest, and her long legs would always attract men.

We took a taxi to the part of town were the club was. The driver adjusted his mirror so that he could get a clearer look at us, in the back seat, so I kept opening my legs, flashing my red knickers. When we got out, he gave us his card, telling us to use him any time, day or night.

As we queued to get in, the wind kept blowing my skirt up, much to the amusement of the guys standing next to us. Inside, the queue at the bar parted, like the Red Sea, allowing us to be served first. They weren’t being gentlemen; they just wanted to leer at Shelly and myself. Twice, I had my skirt lifted up, so that they could see my arse, each time greeted by a cheer. We were reveling in the attention.

The music was excellent, from the 60’s and 70’s. About thirty people had dressed as schoolboys and girls, making the atmosphere quite sexy. We had a few more drinks, danced, and got ‘chatted up’ a couple of times. We were having a fantastic time, then the D.J announced that he wanted ‘sexy schoolgirls’ for a competition; the first prize was £50 and a bottle of champagne.

Shelly and I ran to the front of the small stage. Four other girls, dressed similarly, to ourselves soon joined us. Two handsome, gay boys dressed, only, in big boots and small rubber shorts led us along the stage. Already there, was a tall man dressed in a large black cape and mortarboard. He announced himself to the audience, “I am the headmaster, and I expect that all of my pupils behave in a manner that befits this fine establishment.” This was met with laughter, “If not, they will be dealt with, most severely, indeed!” At that moment, he threw back his cape, and produced a long bamboo cane. The crowd, at the front, mostly men, roared their approval, as he swished the cane, in their direction.

“Gentlemen, I would like you, the school council, to choose one lady, and I use that word loosely, to become Head girl,” and he swished the cane, at us. The crowd roared and clapped as we wiggled and pouted, some girls flashing their panties and cleavage. ‘The Headmaster’ lined us up, and walked along the line, stopping in front of each girl, crudely commenting on our dress sense, size of breasts, and how pretty we were. “Gentlemen,” he asked “what are we looking for? Huge tits?” He prodded my tits with his cane. “Small tits?” He prodded the girl next to me. “Long legs?” He ran the tip of the cane up Shelly’s leg. “Or,” he motioned for us to turn around, with our backs to the crowd, “the perfect arse!” The men roared their approval. “The winner will be the young lady who receives the loudest applause.”
“Number one, touch your toes!” he bellowed. The girl, small and blonde, did as she was told. With straight legs she bent over, showing her stocking clad legs and small white knickers to the crowd, who cheered and clapped. ‘The Headmaster’ swung the cane and cracked it against her fleshy bottom. She jumped up and squealed, one of her tits falling out of its’ cup, the crowd went wild.

Number two, appeared shy and clung onto the hem of her skirt, as she quickly bent over, number three did the same. Each was greeted with booing!
اسم الموضوع : Sexy Schoolgirls | المصدر : Sex Stories