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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
When I was in high school, I worked in a garden center at a large department store. Usually, there were three of us working, a supervisor and two sales clerks. There was a high school girl that worked with me sometimes. She was very shy and didn't say much. She look down a lot and would blush when I talked to her. She wasn't ugly, but she was very plan. I was really surprised when one day she handed me a four page handwritten story. I asked her what it was, and she just shrugged and said, "Read it." I read the story, and it was the most pornographic stuff I have ever seen. I asked her if she wrote this and she said, "It's from one of my Dad's books." When I was done, she demanded that I give the story back to her.

I pressed her a little more and she told me that she had copied the story from her one of her father's books. Apparently, he had a stack of dirty books in his porn collection. I asked her why she gave it to me and she turned bright red and shrugged.

The next time we worked together, she gave me another to read when it was just the two of us working when our supervisor went to dinner. I read it out loud and watched her blush at the really naughty parts. From then on, she gave me handwritten pornographic stories whenever we were alone and I read them aloud to her. I asked her a couple of times if she wanted to do the things in the stories, but she said no. I told her that I would like to do them and I wouldn't mind if she wanted to do them with me. I said that all of the thing she wrote I would like to do with her and play with her naked body. She just shook her head not and told me that she said she was a virgin. A couple of weeks later, she admitted to masturbating a lot over the stories and used a hairbrush when she was alone. After that, I would rub me cock while I read the stories and she would stare at me erection.

At the end of the summer when business was slow, I talked her into going into a storage room and I took all of her clothes off, explored her naked body with my hands, and bent her over a stack of fertilizer. I fucked her bareback and doggy style, while she read the stories aloud. I came in her wet cunt. I never saw her again after that summer. I went off to college and found a better summer job.
اسم الموضوع : Sex at Work | المصدر : Sex Stories