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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
I had been dozing off and on most of the time in the cave, and though I could not know how long I had been there, my senses told me it had been for many hours, perhaps even a day. Crouching near the cave wall, at the sound of splashing water, I lifted my head and trembled with fear at the sight of the large octopus-like creature scrutinizing me before it swam to the side of the pool and pulled itself out.

It did not take its eyes off me as I stared at what now appeared to be vaguely humanoid facial features. It moved toward me, and I cowered away until I could move no further. My naked back now pressed against the cold wall of the damp cave, I watched in disbelief as it somehow pulled itself upright, and two of its tentacles slowly morphed into appendages resembling legs, long, muscular, and well-shaped. When that transformation was complete, two of its other tentacles, one on each side of its body, changed into what resembled a man's arm, elbow, and hand, semi-rigid, flexible, and able to bend. Its general body structure was tall, well-developed with mottled grayish-black skin, and was undoubtedly human, or more accurately, a human-octopus hybrid perhaps.

My eyes drifted downward, stopping at the large tentacle between its legs. The tentacle had begun to change into a well-endowed penis, thick, uncircumcised, with a large swollen mushroom tip and a pulsing vein running the length of its underside from the cockhead to its large, heavy ball sac. Despite my anxiety and apprehension, I couldn't help but stare in aroused curiosity and dread, feeling myself becoming disgustingly wet at the sight of his cock and the knowledge of what he was going to do with it. The remaining tentacles did not change in appearance but remained prehensile, sensitive, and functional. This fact was proven out when one of the smaller tentacles crept between my legs and began to tease and coax its way inside me.

Horrified, I reached down and tried to pull the tentacle away, only to feel my hand quickly becoming covered in a clear, sticky fluid (pre-cum?). Just when I thought I would succeed in removing the tentacle, my wrists were seized, raised above my head, pinning me against the wall of the cave. I stood there pressed against the wall when the large, now penis shaped tentacle-cock slowly worked its way between my thighs and abruptly ejaculated. The creature paused as its thick, white cum covered the top of my thighs and began to drip down my inner thighs and pool on the sandy ground. The creature, raising its human like hands, cupped my breasts and began to fondle them, roughly squeezing and pinching my nipples until I started to moan, and my nipples hardened into dark pinkish-brown peaks. I again felt a vague sensation of calmness, even as he mauled my breasts. My body began to betray me, compelling me to grind hard against the large tentacle-cock, whorishly riding it. After a few minutes, I knew I had no will of my own. I felt as if I wanted to scream but couldn't. I felt as if I wanted to fight, needed to fight . . . but I couldn't. All I wanted was for the monster to pound into me and cum inside me.

My whimpering echoed in the dark chamber and eventually turned into cries of, "Yes, oh God, yes," as the creature's thick, fully engorged tentacle-cock assaulted my pussy. While the larger cock thrusts in and out of my pussy, the smaller appendage pressed itself through my restrictive sphincter muscle into my ass, where it emitted more of the clear, sticky liquid. As the smaller appendage began its anal ejaculation, the larger tentacle-cock forced me to orgasm when it emptied itself, filling my womb with its octopus semen.

I don't know how many days the octopus creature repeatedly fucked and deposited cum inside me. It didn't take very long at all; after constant and varied sexual intimacies, oral, vaginal, and anal, with the octopus creature, I inevitably began feeling unwell. I didn't want to believe it at first. Still, the vomiting, tender breasts, perpetually swollen, wet pussy, the increased sexual desires were undeniable, and I had to accept that the octopus-man creature had succeeded in breeding me.

The creature immediately sensed the changes in my body. Perhaps it was my scent, maybe pheromones . . . I don't know. Anyway, its propagation urges now satisfied, its mating sexual desires seemed to increase accordingly. Aware of my growing anxiety and rising fear, the creature would position itself behind me and, with its tentacles (not his hands), encircle my waist and breasts as one of the smaller phallus-like tentacles slid inside me and ejaculated, filling my pussy with its pacifying cum. Over the next several weeks, there were periods when I experienced fear and anxiety; however, those feelings would quickly dissipate once the octopus man mounted and came inside me, leaving me willing and eager to service him.

"Don't be afraid of what is going to happen. In a few weeks, you will bear my issue. You will nurse the child until he is strong enough, and I will take him and release you," the creature explained non-verbally.
"You do not need to fear me. I will not harm you," it reassured me.

I believed him.

During the baby's relatively short gestation (compared to humans), the creature continually fucked me, sometimes multiple times a day, and that never changed (I keep using the term fucked because what the creature did with me was not about love, caring, or tenderness). I was conditioned to lay submissively beneath him or present myself to him on my hands and knees as it spewed large amounts of cum inside me.

My reaction and behavior with the creature was confusing and frightening. I now suspect his cum contained some hormone, or perhaps his body gave off a pheromone that made me docile and sexually compliant. In addition to chemically enhancing my sense of pleasure and well-being, I also suspect his cum provided nutrients that were essential to the baby's in-utero development, just as my milk would after its birth.

During the pregnancy, my breasts had become much bigger, pendulous in fact, and constantly leaked, especially when the creature was near or copulating with me. To ensure that I had enough milk to nurse the baby, at some point during the day or night, he would, for lack of a better word, "prime" my breasts for their future purpose. It was not uncommon for me to awaken to find the creature fondling, squeezing, and massaging my swelling breasts with its tentacles. In his part-human form, it would suckle at my breasts, its tentacles rubbing and brushing across my clit as it rhythmically stroked into me. I'm not ashamed to admit that I had come to enjoy the feel of its cock-like appendage when it stroked into me and forcefully ejaculated inside me. This act would trigger my pussy muscles to instinctively contract and release around its enormous grayish-black tentacle-cock and my breasts to lactate profusely as my body quivered in orgasmic release.

I was his captive for a bit over three months.
After the baby's birth, I nursed him for an additional month while lying on my side, and with the octopus in his part-human form thrusting into my pussy from behind, it satisfied its needs as I breastfed his baby. Even though I was no longer pregnant, the creature could sense my anxiety and not want those feelings to stifle my milk production and possibly deprive the baby of needed nutrients. It would cum inside me in a copious spray of his thick, warm fluid, not only bringing me to orgasm but calming me and infusing me with a sensation of contentment.

One morning, I awoke to find myself no longer in the cave but lying naked on the beach. The creature and baby were gone, and I had somehow been moved from the cave to the shore without being conscious of how or when.

I'm not sure how long I lay there, but as the sun began to rise and it grew lighter outside, I was discovered.
"Where am I? Where am I?" I wondered as people gathered about me.

"You all right? You all right, girl? What's your name?"

I said nothing but lay quietly as I was quickly wrapped in a warm blanket, placed on a stretcher, and lifted into a waiting ambulance.
اسم الموضوع : Octopus Bred P2 | المصدر : Sex Stories

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