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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
"Where am I? Where am I?" I wondered aloud as people milled about me.

"You all right? You all right, girl? What's your name?" the man kept asking, demanding. I stared at him dumbly as I was quickly wrapped in a warm blanket, placed on a stretcher, and lifted into a waiting ambulance.

I opened my eyes to the sound of a woman's voice, "How are you feeling, sweetie? You've been sleeping most of the day; the doctor thought just letting you rest was the best medicine," the nurse said.

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked.

"You're at Princeville Hospital," she answered.

"When they brought you in, you were in bad shape, in shock, malnourished, dehydrated. It also appeared, sweetie, that you had been sexually assaulted . . . repeatedly," she said, sounding sad; "but you're going to be fine . . . just fine, just give it a little time.

"The police have been looking for you since you disappeared more than three months ago," she said as she adjusted the IV."

My name is Beth Sturgis, and I am a Marine Biologist working out of the North Princeville Marine Research Institute on Murchison Island, here in Kauai. I'm a scientist, a logical and disciplined professional who prides herself on making decisions based on logic and critical thinking. These beliefs were challenged and tested over several months, and the story below recounts what happened:

After several particularly stressful weeks at work, I decided to treat myself to a well-deserved trip up the coast for a much-needed rest. My trip started well enough, but within a few days, I began experiencing the nagging sensation of being watched when in the water diving or swimming. I know it sounds crazy, but that's the only way I can describe it . . . being watched. Despite the unease, I brushed aside my paranoia and decided not to let that stop me from enjoying my time away from the Institute.

It had been a beautiful day, with warm, calm waters. Being a skilled, certified diver, I decided to take an extended solo dive along the North Shore. As I dove and swam, stopping now and then to snap pictures of the beautiful fish and underwater fauna, I stood momentarily examining a cluster of beautiful orange and red coral. Feeling suddenly uneasy, I turned and, in the distance, saw what appeared to be an octopus swimming towards me.

I stayed as motionless as possible, trying to be non-threatening, waiting for it to swim past me. As it came closer, I was surprised by how large the creature was; it was the largest octopus I had ever seen. It circled slowly around me, watching me with intelligent, calculating eyes. With a sudden burst of speed and strength, it enveloped me in its tentacles. I could feel the suction of its tentacles as they came in contact with my skin. Somehow, I managed to break free and started for the surface. Although I was not that far down, it seemed to take forever, and a cold chill ran through me when I felt one of the octopus's arms grasp my ankle and pull me back down. I was gripped by a rising panic, knowing that I was out here alone, defenseless, having defied one of the cardinal rules of diving, "always have a partner . . . never dive alone."

With its tentacles encircling my waist, it held me in position as it began probing, rubbing between my legs with its largest tentacle. It forced my legs apart, but because of my swimsuit bottom, it was unable at first to penetrate my pussy which was apparently its objective. I struggled futilely to escape its tentacle but failed to prevent a smaller tentacle from working its way inside the waistband and succeeding in pulling it off me, leaving me naked from the waist down. The large tentacle began again more forcefully thrusting, between my thighs, trying to reach and enter my pussy.

I was no match for the octopus and was quickly exhausted. I felt myself becoming lightheaded and I knew my air tank was running low. Oh my god, I didn't want to drown with this creature's tentacle like cock inside me, but reconciled to what I knew the outcome would be, I closed my eyes and welcomed the warm darkness that thankfully enveloped me.

When I came around, terrified, naked, and cold, I was in one of the sea caves that were found sprinkled along the North Shore. In the middle of the cave's floor was a large pool I recognized as the entrance to the cave, which was only accessible underwater. The only way out would be diving into the pool and hopefully swimming to freedom. In the corner of the cave, I spotted my almost empty air tank and broken air mask, and I wondered if I dove into the pool, would I be able to find my way out and make it to the surface?

My eyes began to burn as the tears welled and trailed down my flushed cheeks. My mind was again filled with the terrible realization that I could die here. I began to cry in earnest and lowered my head onto my crossed arms, and after a while, fell into a fitful sleep.

As I clung desperately to the oblivion that only sleep could bring, I felt something rubbing against me. Still in a half-sleep, my eyes hesitantly opened, and I screamed out in terror. With one long tentacle wrapped around my waist, the octopus that had grabbed me earlier roughly flipped me onto my stomach. Despite kicking and flailing my arms, it effortlessly lifted and positioned me so that I was on my hands and knees. With two tentacles, it encircled my thighs, separating them before it pulled itself onto my back and started thrusting an aroused, engorged appendage between my legs. After several attempts, it succeeded in penetrating me and began working its tentacle-cock deeper inside me.

As soon as it found entry, it pushed forward so that its tentacle-cock filled my pussy, painfully forcing it to open and accept him. I began to struggle until I felt one of the smaller tentacles slip around my throat and slowly tighten, clearly sending the message to submit. I stopped fighting. I felt its cock swelling inside me as its girth increased and became more uncomfortable. My body, instinctively on some primal level, tried desperately to accommodate its size.

"Oh my God! This thing was raping me . . . it was fucking me!" My mind screamed in repulsion and fear.

It gave a hard thrust, and as it did, I could feel the first of several deep, forceful pulses as it shot hot octopus cum out of the tip of the phallus-like tentacle into my tight, still resisting pussy. When it finished, it did not withdraw but stayed inside me, slowly stroking, holding me steady and in place with its tentacles. After what seemed like a very long time, it pulled out of me as I groaned with relief and sank to my stomach.

The creature pulled itself off and, rolling me onto my back, began licking between my legs with a broad tongue-like body part that seemed to extend from its large, dark grey head. I lay there with my eyes squeezed shut. I gradually felt a sensation of calm wash over me, and then the unmistakable though inexplicable tingle of orgasm began to build. As the octopus creature continued to lick and use its suckered tentacle tip between my legs, an intense orgasm rippled through me, making me writhe, cry out, and shudder with indescribable pleasure. Finally, when my orgasm began to subside, the creature moved from between my legs, made its way to the pool, and slithered into the water.

"It was having sex with me," I cried into the darkness, disgusted and repulsed.

My mind was racing a mile a minute. What had happened? Of course, on an intellectual level, as a biologist, I understood that at some point in an animal's maturation, the urge for sex would naturally develop. However, with most animals (including humans), the need to actualize the biological instinct to mate and reproduce with a female of their species would become paramount, but that's not what happened. Suddenly a chill ran through me when it occurred to me with a horrifying impact that the tentacle it had fucked me with was more than likely the modified, specialized tentacle, which conducts its semen and is used to impregnate the female.

"I've got to get out of here," I said. "I've got to get out of here before that thing comes back and . . . and . . ."
اسم الموضوع : Octopus Bred P1 | المصدر : Sex Stories

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