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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
Marshall thrust forward one last time, grunting as he blasted his cum deep inside his little brother's ass. He let his weight rest on Nick's back while he came down from his orgasm. He softly kissed Nick's neck and nibbled at his ear as he ground his semi-hard cock deep into his brother's asshole.

Nick whimpered and moved his head away from Marshall's lips. His eyes were clenched shut. His jaw ached from being forced open by his white Nike tube socks. Marshall had crammed them into his mouth to keep him from screaming while Marshall raped him.... again.

Marshall finally pulled out of his little brother's cute, tight, white ass. He stood up, walked to the front of the bed, and untied Nick's wrists from the headboard. His eyes travelled hungrily down his little brother's body, from the smooth, fine features of his face to the ropes that still bound his ankles to the bed. Nick was such a good looking kid! Barely fifteen, he had a surfer’s build and tan. Nick's athletic form was gorgeous, even tensed up and covered in sweat from the ordeal Marshall had just put him through.

After untying Nick’s ankles, Marshall walked over to Nick’s computer desk. He sat down in the chair, reached out and turned off the webcam. He quickly saved the video he had made to a flash drive and slipped the drive into his jeans, which were lying on the floor next to the desk. Then he leaned back in the chair and spun around to face Nick’s bed.

“Nick, quit whining. Sit up and get your ass over here. You know we’re not done yet.”

Rolling awkwardly onto his back, Nick sat up stiffly. He untied the cord holding his sock gag in place and pulled his tube socks out of his mouth. He worked his jaw a bit before pulling the white Nike socks back over his feet. He bent over and grabbed his white cotton briefs off of the floor and slipped them on before sliding off the bed and crawling to where Marshall sat in the chair.

Marshall patted Nick on the head and ruffled his hair. He smiled down at Nick and said, “Good dog, Nicky. You know what to do now.”

Nick lay down on his back at his older brother’s feet. He reached out to Marshall’s right leg and began rubbing along the fabric of Marshall’s white Nike ankle socks. Grasping Marshall’s foot, he brought it to his mouth, where he began to softly lick the cotton covered sole, sides and toes of his older brother’s socks.
Marshall stared down at Nick, enjoying both the feeling of having his socks licked and the sight of his arrogant prick of a little brother doing it. Lifting his left foot up, he set it down on Nick’s crotch and began to slide it back and forth over the Y-front of Nick’s white Fruit of the Loom briefs. He increased the pressure slightly as Nick began sucking on the toes of his socked right foot.

“God that feels good,” Marshall murmured as he watched Nick’s head bobbing on his sock. The warmth of Nick’s saliva, the pressure of his tongue on the cotton fabric, the sensation of Nick’s hands running along his calf, and the feeling of power that came from dominating his little brother combined to give Marshall a near euphoric high, and another hard on. “You’re doing good Nicky, just keep licking.”

Marshall pressed his left foot more firmly against the crotch of Nick’s tighty-whitey briefs as he continued to slide his Nike ankle sock over Nick’s Fruit of the Looms. He could feel Nick’s cock starting to harden through the bottom of his sock. He pulled his foot away from Nick’s pouch and rubbed the smooth cotton of the Nike sock down Nick’s thigh before lifting his leg up and resting his foot on Nick’s chest, near his mouth.
“Jerk-off while you’re licking my socks. I want to see you cum while you’re doing it.”

Nick reached through the fly of his briefs, knowing better than to make Marshall angry. The last time he’d refused Marshall had kicked him in the balls and then pissed in his mouth. It was easier to just do what he said. Nick nearly started crying again, feeling the hopelessness of his situation. He thought back to how it all started and wondered if things would be different if he’d noticed how much of a pain in the ass he’d been to his big brother.

Growing up, his father had pretty much let Nick do whatever he wanted, while Marshall had to do everything their single Dad didn’t have time to do. At the age of eighteen, Marshall was responsible for managing the affairs for the household. He was the accountant, maid, and handyman, all rolled into one. Of course, he didn’t get any help from Nick. On the contrary, Nick knew he had made Marshall’s job much harder, due to his laziness and I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude.

Then the accident happened.

About three months ago their father had been injured at work. A heavy piece of equipment had fallen and struck him on the head. Joe had fallen into a coma. At first, they didn’t know if he’d pull out it. However, after several weeks in the ICU, Joe woke up a changed man. He had suffered moderate to severe brain damage. He’d no longer be able to work or to take care of himself completely. Once he left the hospital and came home, he began to lie about on the couch and watch TV, not really able to do much more.

Marshall had picked up the slack. Using the disability insurance checks, he kept the house running, took care of their Dad, worked, and tried to take care of Nick. Nick didn’t want to deal with the situation though; instead, he decided to run wild. He stayed out all night with his friends, drank heavily, skipped school so often he was expelled, and never gave his older brother any help.

Then, about a week ago, Nick had stumbled into the house in the middle of the night, drunk off his ass. He fell down in the hallway leading to his and Marshall’s room. He’d tried to stand back up, but couldn’t manage. So he gave up and crawled to their room on his hands and knees. He vaguely remembered pushing their door open, but then he’d passed out on the threshold.

The next day, when he woke up, he was clean and in his bed. His head was pounding with a hangover. Nick was startled into full alertness when he tried to move and discovered that his arms were tied above his head and his legs were tied to the bottom corners of his twin-sized bed frame. He also realized that he was nearly naked. Looking down, he saw that the only clothing he was wearing were his white FTL briefs and white Nike tube socks. He began to loudly yell for someone to come and let him go.

Almost immediately, Marshall stalked into the room. He snarled “Shut the Fuck Up,” and then backhanded Nick across the face. Nick stared at his brother in startled amazement. Marshall’s six-foot muscular frame was naked except for his black Hanes boxer briefs and white Nike ankle socks. He watched as Marshall bent over and picked a pair of Nick’s dirty Nike tube socks up off the floor.

Marshall rolled the socks into a ball, reached over, grabbed Nick’s chin, and shoved the socks into his mouth, securing the gag with the piece of rope that he’d left lying next to Nick’s head on the bed. Afterwards, Marshall began to pace back and forth beside the bed while glaring down at Nick.

Finally, Marshall stopped pacing and spat out, “I am so tired of your shit. Last night I had to clean your piss and vomit off of you and off the floor. I’ve put up with you for way too long.” Marshall came closer to the bed and angrily hissed, “I’ve had it with taking care of you. Now you’re going to take care of me!” Marshall yelled the last word into Nick’s frightened face.

Stepping back from the side of the bed, Marshall stared down at Nick’s bound form. His eyes traveled hungrily down the length of his little brother’s 5 foot 4 inch frame. “You’re not good for much of anything, except to look at.” Marshall began to run his hands over his bound little brother’s chest. “You are fucking hot, I’ll give you that. I’ve wanted to fuck you and suck that cock of yours since you were twelve.” Marshall’s hands came to rest on the front of Nick’s briefs.

Nick was completely shocked. Not only did he have a hell of a hangover, but he woke up tied to his bed and now his big brother was telling him that he was gay for him! He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Stunned, he lay there listening while Marshall began to softly knead his cock through his briefs.

Marshall was talking softly, saying, “Maybe if you hadn’t been so full of yourself you’d have noticed me staring at you all the time.” His hands traveled to the fabric covering Nick’s balls. “Maybe if you’d helped with the laundry you’d have noticed cum stains in your socks and underwear that you didn’t put there.” Marshall ran his hand down Nick’s bound left leg and caressed his calf, shin, and foot through the fabric of his white Nike tube socks.

After a moment spent massaging and kneading his little brother’s socked leg and foot, Marshall turned back towards Nick’s dick. “The only thing you’ve ever paid attention to is whatever you wanted to do,” Marshall continued as he leaned over and began licking the cotton cloth covering his little brother’s dick. Shocked out of his stupor, Nick began to struggle violently against his bonds. Marshall stood up, turned and looked Nick in the face.

Staring down at his helpless sibling, Marshall snapped, “You just don’t get it, do you? Your ass is mine, now. Dad can’t help you this time. He’s out of the picture. He’s so fucked up on pain killers that he’s practically a vegetable, just layin’ out there on the couch waiting for his next dose. Plus, you got your ass kicked out of school, so no one’s going to come looking for you from there. If your friends do happen to come by, I’ll tell them that I sent your ass off to live with relatives. So, you need to understand that you belong to me!”
With the last word, Marshall had slapped him across the face. He’d slapped Nick hard, way harder than the first time; hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. Nick stared fearfully at Marshall and saw years of anger well up in his brother’s blue eyes.

Overcome by fury, Marshall clenched his hands into tight fists and punched Nick in the stomach. The air exploding out of Nick’s lungs, only to be blocked from escape by the Nike socks crammed into his mouth. Nick’s gasp of pain combined with the chuffing noise caused by the gag and produced a low-pitched grunt.
The sound seemed to enrage Marshall. He punched his helpless brother in the abdomen repeatedly, producing more grunts of pain. Nick lay there helplessly, groaning and jerking as Marshall left bruises all over his stomach and ribs.

Finally, Marshall stopped hitting him. Nick clenched his jaws tightly down on the sock gag to fight the pain. He stared up at Marshall through eyes full of tears while his body shook with his sobs.

Marshall walked to the foot of the bed and released the rope holding Nick’s left leg to the bed. He quickly retied the rope to the opposite side of the bedframe and flipped Nick over onto his stomach. Then he released Nick’s right leg and re-tied it where his left leg had been, leaving his little brother lying face-down on the bed sobbing, his stomach and ribs covered with bruises.

Walking over to his side of their bedroom, Marshall grabbed his pants off the floor and pulled his belt out of the belt hoops. He tossed the jeans down and angrily stalked back over to his little brother’s bed. Marshall reached down, grabbed Nick by the hair on the back of his head, and pulled back, turning Nick so that he could see into his little brother’s eyes.

“You’ve needed to get a whipping for a long time,” Marshall snarled. “Now I’m going to give it to you.” Then Marshall had started whipping his ass and back with his belt. Nick screamed into the gag as the first lash landed. Tears flooded his eyes and he sobbed and yelled into the Nike socks, begging Marshall to stop.

After 20 or so lashes, Marshall threw down his belt and grabbed the waistband of Nick’s briefs. He pulled his little brother’s Fruit of the Looms down below his ass cheeks and then got onto the bed and straddled Nick’s legs. Nick couldn’t see what Marshall was doing, but he knew what was coming and shouted “No, please, no” into the socks jammed into his mouth.

Nick felt the tip of Marshall’s dick sliding down between his ass cheeks, before stopping at his hole. He jerked his body back and forth on the bed, but couldn’t dislodge Marshall. He felt a terrible tearing, burning pain as Marshall shoved his entire seven inch length into his ass. Nick blacked out from the pain.

Marshall noticed that Nick had stopped struggling. He stopped with his dick shoved all the way to the hilt into his little brother’s ass. Rising up, he used one arm to shake Nick, forcing his little brother back to consciousness. As soon as Nick came to Marshall hissed, “Wake the fuck up! I want you to feel me fucking you. I own your ass now, and you’re going to be awake when I get off.”

Marshall resumed fucking his little brother, slowly and deeply he penetrated Nick’s ass again and again. He felt Nick’s ass clench around his cock with every thrust. Nick was grunting and sobbing from the pain in his ass. The muscles of his arms were tight as he pulled on the ropes, trying in vain to pull himself away.

Marshall thrust hard into his little brother, then, resting on Nick’s slender, shaking back, he reached up and turned his brother’s head to the side. “I want to watch you cry,” Marshall said as he leaned his head forward and began licking the tears from Nick’s cheek.

Raising himself back up, Marshall placed his forearm across Nick’s shoulder blades to hold him in place so he could keep staring at his little brother’s face while he fucked him. He started thrusting in hard, then pulling almost all the way out of Nick’s ass before shoving his entire length back into his bound brother’s body. Every time he slammed his dick home he got a grunt and grimace of pain from Nick.

Marshall had never felt so turned on, so powerful, as he looked down at his brother’s face and knew he could do whatever he wanted to him. Marshall sank into his brother and rolled his hips around, grinding his dick into Nick’s ass. “You feel so good, little brother, so tight…” he whispered. He untied the rope holding the Nike socks in his little brother’s mouth. He removed the sock gag as he slowly withdrew his cock from his brother’s ass. With just the head of his cock still buried in Nick’s tight ass, Marshall began to slowly slide back in. Staring down at his bound brother’s face, he whispered, “I want you to beg me to stop, Nicky.”
Nick clenched his teeth as Marshall’s seven inches slid back into him. With tears rolling down his cheeks, he did as he was told even though he knew it wouldn’t do any good. “Please Marshall, please stop,” he begged, an unaccustomed whiny tone in his voice.

Grinning, Marshall quickly pulled halfway out of his little brother. He paused for a second and then rammed back into Nick, saying, “Tell me you’ll do whatever I want.”

“Aaahhh!” Nick screamed. “Please, please, I’ll do whatever you want!” he cried. “Just stop, please, just stop!” Nick said, the words spilling out of his mouth in between grunts of pain. Every time Marshall slammed into him he felt as though a hot poker was being rammed into his ass.

Marshall began driving in and out of his brother’s ass faster as he replied “Yeah Nicky, I’m gonna stop, after I fill your ass up with cum.” Marshall could feel his orgasm approaching fast. He bent forward and licked the fresh tears from Nick’s upturned cheek. With a loud moan, and a cry of “Fuck yes!” Marshall erupted. He felt the semen burst from the end of his dick and fill his little brother’s ass with brother cum, pulse by pulse.
As he came, Marshall collapsed onto Nick’s back. He lowered his forehead down to rest on his little brother’s upturned cheek. He loved the feeling of Nick’s chest heaving up and down under him. His brother’s whispers of ‘why’ and ‘please’ gave him an incredible charged-up feeling. He placed his mouth next to Nick’s ear and breathlessly whispered, “That was the best orgasm I ever had, little brother.” Then he sucked the earlobe into his mouth.

Marshall licked and teased Nick’s earlobe, sucking on it and lightly nipping it with his teeth. He pushed his arms under his little brother’s body and pulled Nick tightly to him. Moaning softly, he began to kiss his hot little brother’s neck and cheek, before finally kissing Nick’s mouth. He shoved his tongue as far as he could into Nick’s mouth, given the awkward angle and the lack of assistance from his unwilling partner. He licked and tasted Nick’s tongue and mouth, savoring the moment and the afterglow of his orgasm.

Finally, when his orgasm had fully subsided, Marshall pulled out of his little brother’s bound body. He rolled off the bed and went into their small bathroom to clean himself up. After taking a quick, hot shower, he returned with a warm washcloth and used it to clean little brother’s abused ass.

When he finished, he threw the washcloth into the hamper and pulled Nick’s FTL briefs back up. Then he grabbed the sock gag off the bed. He shook out Nick’s dirty white Nike tube socks, brought them to his mouth and licked the soles, tasting his brother’s saliva on the soft cotton.

Sighing in satisfaction, Marshall rolled the socks back into a ball, with the slightly soiled sole on the outside. He leaned over his bound little brother and said, “I’m going to gag you again for a few minutes, Nicky, just so I can take some pictures.”

“No, plea-,” Nick’s reply was abruptly cut off as Marshall grabbed him by the jaw and shoved the Nike socks back into his mouth.

Pulling away from his brother and walking towards his desk, Marshall said, “Nicky, just don’t spit your socks out and I won’t have to tie them in.” He picked up his digital camera and took several pictures of the back of his bound and gagged little brother’s body as he walked back to the bed. When he got there he took some close-ups of Nick’s gagged and tear-streaked face.

Marshall sat his camera down beside his little brother’s bound form. “I’m going to untie you and flip you over. Don’t try anything,” he warned as he untied Nick’s ankles and rolled him onto his back. After retying the ropes, he retrieved his camera and took more pictures of his bruised and abused sibling getting close-ups of his tighty-whities, socked feet, and face.

Setting the camera aside, Marshall ran his hands over the bruises on Nick’s boyishly muscular chest and six-pack abs. He tweaked Nick’s nipples, pinching and rolling the little nubs between his fingers. When he’d gotten them hard, he stopped and placed one hand on the pouch of Nick’s bright white FTL briefs. He began to knead Nick’s cotton covered cock as he said, “I’m going to enjoy sucking you off almost as much as I enjoyed fucking you.”

Nick watched his muscular older brother get on the bed and kneel down between his outstretched legs. He resisted the urge to move as Marshall leaned forward and started licking his underwear. He felt Marshall’s tongue through the thin cotton as he licked upward from his cotton-covered balls, along his shaft to the head of his dick. Nick let his head fall back into the pillows as Marshall sucked the limp, cloth-covered head into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the fabric. He tried to ignore that fact that Marshall’s warm breath and the wet tongue slipping over his underwear actually felt good, even though he was still in pain and hated what was happening to him.

Feeling Nick’s cock starting to harden, Marshall smiled and pulled off of his little brother. He looked upward, towards Nick’s face, and saw that Nick had the gag between his teeth and was biting down with his eyes clenched tightly shut. “I bet you were thinking you wouldn’t get hard,” he said with a smirk. “It looks like little Nicky doesn’t care who’s playing with him,” Marshall taunted as he pulled his brother’s cock out through the Y-front of his briefs.

He slowly ran his tongue along the head and shaft of Nick’s dick, teasing the slit before finally sucking the head into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the crown while placing his hand around his little brother’s shaft. He glanced upward again and saw that Nick was still fighting to keep himself from getting hard. Grinning around the dickhead in his mouth, Marshall slowly masturbated Nick’s cock shaft as he continued to suck and lick the head of his little brother’s dick.

Once Nick was fully erect, Marshall sank down on his brother’s cock until his nose was almost touching Nick’s pubes. He could feel the head of Nick’s six-incher tickling the entrance to his throat. Moaning, Marshall licked around the shaft of his little brother’s cock, tilted his head, and sucked hard. At the same time, he put his hands on Nick’s cotton-covered ass, and pulled.

Nick’s dick slid into Marshall’s throat. Marshall moaned again, nuzzling his nose into Nick’s pubes. He now had all six inches of Nick’s dick in his mouth. Marshall was ecstatic! He was finally sucking off his little brother! He went crazy, bobbing his head, circling the shaft with his tongue, and softly tugging on his little brother’s balls. He gave Nick the best blowjob he had ever given anyone...

But it wasn’t enough. Between the beating, the anal rape, and his little brother’s anger and determination not to enjoy the feeling of the blowjob, Marshall just couldn’t get Nick to cum. He finally gave up with a sigh, his jaw too tired to continue. He sat up, releasing his little brother’s erect cock from his mouth.

Marshall sat back on his heels on the bed. He ran his hands up and down Nick’s thighs, while looking down at Nick’s face. Nick was looking back at him with a mixture of defiance and fear. “Spit the gag out Nicky.” Nick continued to hold the sock gag between his teeth. “Nicky, don’t make me tell you again. I’ll tie that gag back in place and remind you who’s in charge, if I have too.”

Nick blanched, and then pushed the white Nike tube socks out of his mouth with his tongue. Marshall reached out and took the sock gag off of Nick’s face and placed it onto the pillow beside Nick’s head. He ruffled Nick’s hair and sat back on his heels again.

He smiled at his little brother and said, “That’s better, Nicky. You know, I’m really sorry that I had to be so rough earlier, but you’ve needed a whipping for a long ass time. I feel bad about punching you though…I just get so mad at you sometimes.

“If I could trust you not to do something stupid and try to run off, I’d untie you for a while. But I just can’t. I know you haven’t learned your lesson yet, and I don’t want to have to punish you again. I could get you some water or something, though, if you want.”

Nick looked up at Marshall, the pain, fear, and confusion still warring across his face. He worked his sore jaws in silence for a moment, just staring at his older brother. His eyes teared up. He began to cry softly, as the pain won out. “Marshall you just raped me,” he sobbed. “Why do you give a damn if I’m thirsty?”

Marshall reached out and stroked Nick’s leg comfortingly. “Nicky, I still have to take care of you. You just need to learn who’s in charge. You’ll have to learn to do what I say, no matter what.”

Marshall got up, and then lay down on the bed beside his little brother. He turned on his side to face Nick and slid his arm under his brother’s bound shoulders. He used his free hand to reach up and brush the tears from Nick’s eyes.

“Nicky, with Dad like he is, I’m all you’ve got. If you run away, or tell anyone about this, they’ll put Dad in a home and you’ll end up in foster care. You don’t want that to happen.”

“But why did you rape me?” Nick cried softly.

“Because I’ve wanted to sleep with you since I started wanting to have sex. Because you’ve been so bad for so long that I deserve to get what I want. You deserved it, and the whipping, for everything you’ve done wrong. But, it doesn’t have to be like this. You just do what I say, and I won’t have to punish you again.”

Nick was silent for a long moment before he said, “I’d like a glass of water.”

“Sure thing, little bro” Marshall replied.

Marshall pulled his arm out from under Nick’s shoulders and rose from the bed. He stood beside the bed for a moment and then he bent down and kissed Nick on the lips. Standing, he said, “Just remember that you have to do what I say, okay?”

“Okay, Marshall.”

“Good. I’ll be back in a second.”

When Marshall got back he untied Nick’s arms. Nick sat up and rubbed at his wrists where the rope had scratched him. Marshall held the glass out to him. “Drink up little bro."

Nick took the glass from his brother and drank a bit of the water. It had a bitter, chalky taste. “Marshall, this tastes funny.”

“Just drink it. All of it.”

Nick did as he was told, and swallowed down the rest of the liquid. He sat the glass down beside the bed.
Marshall smiled at Nick and sat down facing him on the edge of the bed. He reached out and ruffled his little brother’s short-cropped black hair again. “Good boy, Nicky. You’re learning. Now, lie back down and put your arms over your head.”

Nick looked pleadingly at his older brother and said, “Come on Marshall, I’m not going to try to get away. Just untie me and I’ll be good, I promise. I’m too sore to try anything anyway.”

“Sorry, bro. Not yet,” answered Marshall as he placed his hand on Nick’s chest and gently pushed until Nick was flat on his back. Marshall took the ropes and retied Nick’s hands above his head. Afterward, he sat back and looked at Nick’s boyish face. He looked at the ropes securing Nick’s arms, and then at the bruises he had made in his anger.

Marshall began to rub his hands across his bound brother’s chest, pinching and tweaking the nipples. Unable to resist, he leaned forward and sucked on them. He moved from one nipple to the next, then began kissing up Nick’s chest to his throat, and finally planted a kiss on his full, red lips.

Looking into his little brother’s blue eyes Marshall said, “I dissolved some Ecstasy and one of Dad’s pain killers in the water. It should be kicking in any time now. Then I’m going to suck you dry before I untie you. Meanwhile, I’m going to do something else I’ve always wanted to do while you were awake.”

Marshall got up, went to the foot of the bed and untied Nick’s left leg. He began to rub up and down Nick’s foot, caressing his Nike socks. “I have this weird fetish. I love licking socks, and having mine licked. White Nike socks are my favorites.”

Marshall sat, and raised Nick’s sock covered foot to his mouth. Holding Nick’s foot by the heel and instep, he licked across the toes of Nick’s sock. Lowering Nick’s foot back into his lap, he said, “You know, I’ve actually licked your socks before, a bunch of times. When you’d come home wasted and pass out drunk. I used to pop a boner as soon as you staggered in. I’d help you get your pants off, and get into bed. As soon as you started snoring, I’d start licking. I’d lick your socks and jerk off for hours. When I was ready to cum, I’d grab a pair of Nike’s or tighty-whities out of your dirty laundry and wrap them around my cock. I’d slide my dick into your socks or the pouch of your Fruit of the Looms and just rub away while I licked the socks on your feet. Then I’d shoot into them, knowing you’d be wearing them later. Man, I loved doing that to you.”
He licked upward, from Nick’s heel to his toe, then he took the cotton covered digits into his mouth and softly sucked while swirling his tongue along the cloth. Then, holding Nick’s Nike covered foot by heel and ankle, he licked up the instep from the toe to the top of his little brother’s foot and around the sides of Nick’s socks, all the way to the black swoosh logo. “Mmmmm....” Marshall moaned as he licked his way back down to Nick’s white cotton covered toes.

Taking a break, Marshall continued, “Just last weekend, when you came home from Jeff’s party, I slipped you an Ambien in that glass of water I gave you. After you passed out that night, I licked your socks for a while and then finally got the courage to lick your underwear for the first time. I was so fucking hard! I was so worked up that I just shot my load onto the crotch of the undies you were wearing. Then I left them on you to dry.” Marshall looked into Nick’s face before asking, “Did you notice?”

Nick’s speech slurred a bit as he responded, “I thought I had a wet dream.” Nick was staring at his brother licking and sucking on his sock covered toes, calf, and shin. “That feels weird” he muzzily stated, “but kinda good.” He let his head fall back onto the pillow and listened as Marshall continued talking softly to him.

Marshall let Nick’s left leg fall into his lap and untied his right leg. “I’m glad you like the feeling. I’ll be doing this a lot, and you’ll be doing it to me too, later.” He lifted Nick’s right foot to his mouth and started licking the black swoosh logo. He took his other hand and pressed Nick’s left foot into the crotch of his black Hanes boxer briefs.

As Marshall rubbed Nick’s socked foot up and down the length of his cotton covered cock, Nick lay there, floating in warm sensations. Nick could feel the throbbing heat of his brother’s hard cock every time Marshall ground the sole of Nick’s foot into his crotch. Meanwhile, Marshall’s tongue on his sock was sending a warm glow spreading down his leg. In one corner of his mind, he knew that the Oxycodone and Ecstasy were causing him to feel this way. It didn’t really matter, though. He gradually stopped caring that it was Marshall doing these things to him and just enjoyed the sensations.

Marshall was lost in his own sensations. He was licking Nick’s socked right foot all over, making long strokes with his tongue. He loved licking from Nick’s heel to the Nike swoosh logo to his toes. The cotton of Nick’s sock was becoming damp from Marshall’s saliva. With his other hard he was grinding Nick’s left foot down into his Hanes boxer briefs, thrusting his cotton-covered cock upward against the pressure.

As Nick became more relaxed, Marshall felt his second orgasm of the night building up fast. With his left hand he rubbed Nick’s white Nike tube sock covered foot against his face. Meanwhile, he dropped Nick’s other foot into his lap and pulled his raging hard-on out through the fly of his black Hanes boxer briefs. Once his cock was in the open air, Marshall grabbed Nick’s foot again and pressed it up against his dick. He wrapped his hand around his brother’s Nike sock and his cock and began to quickly pump the pair while sucking the toes of Nick’s other sock into his mouth.

After a moment of furious pumping, Marshall erupted again. He had his mouth wrapped around all five of Nick’s cotton covered toes as his first blast of cum shot onto the sole of Nick’s other foot, quickly soaking through the fabric and coating the skin beneath. Marshall kept pumping and thrusting his dick against his brother’s socked foot, depositing two more small loads onto the fabric.

Spent for the moment, Marshall flopped over onto his side across the bottom of Nick’s bed. He pulled his brother’s feet onto his chest stroking the socks from Nick’s calves to the tops of his feet. Then Marshall brought his brother’s cum covered sock to his mouth and slowly licked his cream off of the sole.

“Man! That was awesome!” Marshall said after he licked the last glob of cum off Nick’s sock. He scooted across the bed to Nick’s side and propped himself up on an elbow, looking down at his little brother’s face. “How are you feeling, Nicky?” he asks.

Nick turned his head to look into Marshall’s eyes and slurred out, “Warm and fuzzy,” with a dopey grin on his face.

Marshall smiled back at his handsome little brother. “Good. I’m glad you’re feeling better now.” He leaned over and kissed Nick on the lips. Parting Nick’s lips with his own, he slipped his tongue into his little brother’s mouth. Nick kissed him back, just a bit. The stoned teenager was definitely feeling a lot better, Marshall thought with satisfaction.

Marshall pulled away, breaking their kiss. “That was nice, Nicky.”

Nick responded with a groggy, “Mmmmm.”

Marshall laughed and said, “You’re wasted, little bro!” He ran his fingers through Nick’s short cropped black hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He smiled again when he saw his little brother quiver from the pleasant sensation.

With a wicked grin, Marshall sat up on the bed and started lightly tracing waves and swirls across Nick’s chest and sides with his fingernails. Nick’s reaction was instant. His body writhed under Marshall’s hands, while short grunts of sensory overload burst from his lips. Marshall thought it looked a lot like Nick was having an orgasm!

He laughed again and said, “I’m sorry to leave you here like this, bro. But I need a glass of water. I’m really thirsty.” He ruffled Nick’s hair one more time, then stood up and headed for the kitchen.
Marshall opened the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of ice water. He stood there for a minute, sipping his water and fleshing out his plan for breaking his little brother’s spirit. After getting a taste of what he’d wanted for so long, he had to make absolutely sure that he kept it.

While he was thinking, he realized he hadn’t checked on their Dad in a while. After he finished drinking his water, he put the glass in the dishwasher and headed for the living room. He paused in the hallway to check the wall clock for the time. It read right after 1 PM, which meant he’d missed his Dad’s lunchtime meds.
He hurried into the living room. Joe was lying on the couch in his bathrobe and boxer shorts, snoring softly. It was pretty much the same thing he’d done all day, every day, since coming home from the Hospital. He’d managed to fall asleep, despite the blare of the TV and missing his pain meds.

Marshall gently shook his Dad, rousing him enough to ask if he needed to go to the bathroom. The last thing he wanted to do right now was deal with a mess. Joe was usually okay going to the bathroom by himself, but accidents had happened in his sleep. Joe nodded to his son, so Marshall fetched his walker and helped his father sit up on the couch.

While they were there, he figured they might as well get the meds out of the way. He opened his Dad’s pill box and took out two Oxycodone tablets and a blood pressure pill. He handed them to Joe.
His Dad put the pills in his mouth and swallowed, not even bothering with water. He tried to stand up and grab his walker, but didn’t quite make it. Marshall helped him up on the second try and together they walked to the bathroom in the hallway.

Joe’s speech was slurred, much like a stroke victim’s. He still managed to stutter out, “You’re a good boy, son.”

You wouldn’t say that if you had any idea what I was doing to Nick was the thought that Marshall kept to himself when he replied, “Thanks, Dad.”

He led Joe into the bathroom and helped him with the necessary business. Then he walked his Dad back to the living room. Joe sank onto the couch, then asked, “Where’s Nicky?”

Given Nick’s past history, Marshall had a perfect response ready, “I have no idea. Partying at some friend’s house, I guess.”

Joe looked a little crestfallen. He whispered, “Oh,” then stuttered out something like “Tell him I love him.” Marshall didn’t really understand the words, but he caught the meaning.

“I’m tired,” Joe murmured brokenly. He could feel the heaviness of the painkillers kicking in. Marshall had to help him swivel his broken body around so he could lie down on the couch again. As soon as Marshall pulled his light blanket over him, he began to drift away into narcotic sleep.

Marshall watched as his Dad faded into sleep. Physically, Joe looked very much the same as always. He was a handsome, athletic man in his prime. Between work and a light exercise regimen, Joe looked ten years younger than his actual age of 42. It was the brain damage that kept his body from working right. The doctors said it was the equivalent of a massive stroke.

Dealing with his Dad had dampened his mood considerable. Not completely though, since he gotten a little used to the situation over the last three months. He left a fresh glass of water on the coffee table for Joe then walked back to his bedroom.

Marshall paused in the doorway, taking in the sight of his beautiful brother's body. Nick was grinding his jaw from the effects of the drugs as he lay there, occasionally pulling at the ropes that held him to his bed. Marshall decided to preserve the moment on video, so he walked over to his computer and set up his HD webcam, making sure to turn the monitor so he could see the picture from Nick's bed.

After he got the camera focused on Nick's bed, he pressed record, then walked over and laid down head-to-foot beside his little brother. Facing the camera and watching the action on the monitor, Marshall bent his head down and began licking the white cotton socks covering Nick's foot. He started from the Nike swoosh logo on Nick's calf and slowly dragged his tongue to Nick's toes. He swept his tongue across the soft cotton covering his brother's toes for several minutes. Finally he slipped his mouth down around Nick's toes, curling his tongue around the fabric and sucking lightly.

He was keeping a close eye on the monitor, making certain that he captured every amazing moment. It was a pretty amazing turn-on to be the observer and participant at the same time. He watched himself as he released his brother's toes from his mouth and resumed licking the sixteen year-old's socks, sweeping his tongue down and across the soles of the white Nike's.

Nick moaned a bit as Marshall's tongue washed across the sensitive arch of his foot. He raised his head up from his pillow and tried to focus his wildly rolling eyes on what his brother was doing that felt so good and tickled at the same time. His muddled brain took a moment to make sense of the image of Marshall's head at his feet, before realizing that his big brother was licking his socks again. That memory brought back others and he briefly felt the discomfort of his bruises and bindiings, and the dull throbbing coming from his ass. All of those sensations were muted under the warm blanket of the Oxycodone Marshall had given him, while the Ecstasy enhanced the pleasurable sensation of Marshall's tongue sliding across his socks many times over.

He lay his head back down on his pillow, shivering slightly each time Marshall's tongue rubbed across the ticklish spots on the bottoms of his feet. Nick's cock reacted to the feelings as well, swelling to a semi-hard state inside his tight, white FTL briefs. Forgetting that his hands were tied above his head, he tried to reach down and adjust his dick until the ropes stopped his arm just a few inches off the bed.

“Marshall”, he said, his brother's name coming out in a whispered croak from his dry mouth. He swallowed a few times, raised his head to look at down at his brother, and tried again. “Marshall?”

His brother was sucking on the cotton-covered toes of his left foot when Nick got his attention. He looked up at Nick's face and smiled widely.

“Hey, little bro. How are ya feeling?”, Marshall asked as he sat up and moved closer to the head of the bed.

“Thirsty”, Nick croaked. “Can I get something to drink?”

“Sure, gimme a second and I'll be right back.”

Marshall grabbed the water glass off the table and went into the kitchen to fill it up. He filled the glass with tap water and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator for himself. Marshall took a long pull from his beer, and then headed back to the bedroom. Walking down the hallway, he had a brilliant idea. A way to start breaking his brother's spirit.

Bingo! He thought as he entered the room and walked to the head of Nick's bed. He sat both drinks down on the nightstand, then reached down and untied his little brother's wrists. He helped Nick sit up, then picked the glass of water up off the table.

Nick reached for the glass, but Marshall held it out of reach. Nick tried to grab the glass again, only to miss as Marshall moved the glass again, laughing.

Desperate, Nick begged his older brother, “Marshall, please, bro. I'm so thirsty."

“Not yet”, Marshall replied. “I want you to do something for me first.”

“What do you want?”. Nick asked.

Marshall smiled down at the desperate boy as he pulled his dick out of his black Hanes' boxer-briefs. “Just open your mouth. I need to take a piss, and I want you to drink it before you drink anything else.”

Nick just stared up at his older sibling's smiling face as Marshall reached down and pushed his mouth open. Marshall placed one hand on the back of Nick's head and looked directly into his eyes as he aimed the head of his cock at his brother's open mouth

“Keep your mouth open and just swallow when I tell you to”, Marshall instructed.

Marshall released his bladder and watched as his piss arced into his brother's mouth.
اسم الموضوع : Nick and Marshall – A Tale of Two Brothers | المصدر : Sex Stories