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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
My mom, the slut


Sandy strode into her parents' bedroom and sat herself on their bed, crossed her legs, and watched through the open bathroom doorway as her parents finished getting ready for their night out. Her father Aaron was already dressed, and seemed to be fussing over one of the straps on his wife Maryanne's dress as she tried to finish applying her mascara. Sandy heard her mother asking Aaron something, before she called out to her daughter, "Your father ordered the pizzas for 7 o'clock. We might be late home; thought we might check out that new wine bar after the movie, ok, so - don't wait up."

As Aaron came out of the bathroom he paused to adjust the crotch of his pants briefly, before giving his daughter a slightly awkward smile. He crossed over and, leaning over the bed, gave his daughter a warm hug and kiss on her forehead. "Love you, sweetie," he said softly. Sandy gave him a smile and briefly hugged him back before he headed for the door. "Two minutes hon," he called out to Maryanne as he left the room.

"Coming!" Maryanne replied, as she too left the bathroom and walked over to give Sandy a quick hug and kiss, before using her finger to wipe the lipstick off her daughter's cheek. Sandy's response however was quite different. "What's this, like - three Friday's in a row now, mom?" Sandy quizzed her mother with a frown. When she didn't get a reply, Sandy added "Do you really need to get that dressed up just for the movies?"

Maryanne was wearing a rather sexy black open-backed dress. As a 42 year old mom of twin teens, she was no longer the lithe young girl that Aaron had fallen in love with in their final year of high school, but she still cut a sexy curvy figure, with her long red hair cascading over her shoulders. "Let's not do this again please, Sandy. I've been a mom for 18 years, I think I'm allowed to have a few nice evenings out with my husband, yes?" she retorted, walking toward the door.

"And please, try not to fight while we're gone," she said before heading out into the hall. Sandy remained, pouting slightly on the bed.

Maryanne knocked on the door of the next room along the hall, then popped her head inside. She yelled out "Steven!" to get her son's attention as he sat staring at his dual screens, headphones over his ears. "We're going now. Pizzas are coming. Look after your sister." Steven gave a brief nod, before turning back to his screens. Maryanne closed the door, and hurried off toward the garage where Aaron was waiting.

As the car pulled away, Sandy walked up and opened the door to her brother's bedroom, entering without hesitation. Steven looked up as she moved straight over to his desk. "Well?" Sandy said after staring at him for a moment, her hands gesturing openly.

"Dad definitely ordered us pizzas," replied Steven.

"So the screen sharing worked? You saw what he was doing? What else did he do?" Sandy asked her brother.

"You know they're our parents, and we're their children, and they probably deserve some privacy, right"?

"You saw something?" Sandy looked at her brother's screens but saw only a battlefield.

Steven took a breath. "I watched him while he order the pizzas... he got you a margarita..."

"I don't care about the fucking pizzas!" Sandy exclaimed in frustration. "I want to know what they're doing every Friday night. I want to know what they're not telling us."

Steven looked at his younger sister. He was the older brother, by 10 minutes. Even though it was only a few minutes, he still felt the role of big brother on his shoulders.

"Ok, look, I was busy killing people," Steven added, talking about his game, "but - when I looked up again... I think I saw him confirming a motel booking. He closed the window before I could get a snapshot, and yes - I checked - there was no history, so he must have opened it in a private window. But - that doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong. Maybe they just, you know, want some privacy cos of their snooping obsessive daughter."

A hand shot out and smacked Steven up the back of his head, playfully, as Sandy pouted. "I'm not obsessive."

Her brother raised his eyebrows. "Says the girl who kept a diary of how many times our parents have gone out at night in the past 9 months. Not obsessive..."

"You admitted you're curious too!" she retorted.

"I'm just glad mom and dad seem happy."

"So, what was the name of the motel?" Sandy asked, trying not to sound too obsessed.

Thirty minutes later, at the Sandy Oaks Motel, Maryanne and Aaron stood staring into each others eyes, as they slowly undressed each other, carefully placing their clothes over the back of a chair. As Aaron pulled down her panties, he inhaled her scent, staring at her wet smooth pussy lips. "I love how wet you get, now..."

One of their phones buzzed, and the couple looked expectantly toward the door.


Just a bit of a teaser... more to come, either here or on the SexStories site...
اسم الموضوع : My mom, the slut. | المصدر : Sex Stories