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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024

Shit! Fuck! DAMN! This grade was the worst I'd received this semester. It was written in red inside a red circle. Like, as if I wouldn't have noticed if it had been written in black ink? There was also a large, red ink scrawl where Mr. Delaney had written across the page, 'Come See Me During Office Hours'.

Mr. Delaney seemed like an okay guy for an old guy. In his mid-thirties, he was a tenured professor but didn't want students to call him Professor Delaney all day. 'Just Mister will suffice,' he told everyone. I hadn't had him last year for the semesters of my freshman year basic math classes that I'd barely passed by the teeniest, tiny of margins. Maybe that was why I just could never seem to catch up with what was presented in Mr. Delaney's Algebra class now. I'd had all Summer to forget everything I did manage to learn in Freshman math.

So, okay! Maybe I had partied too much my first year of college. After too many parties, too much beer, and too many dates, I'd ended up on Scholastic Probation after my first year. But I was doing much better my Sophomore year. Except for this class! If I failed this class, it wouldn't be offered again until Summer Session! FUCKING SHIT! I'd miss the trip to Acapulco with my friends.

My parents had promised to finance the trip only if I pulled my grades up to all Bs or better in my classes this year. Looked like that wasn't going to happen which would make my dad fucking over-the-moon ecstatic! Paying for three credit hours during Summer Session would be much cheaper than financing two weeks of fun South-Of-The-Border. No sense in appealing to my mom the lawyer. A deal's-a-deal for Mom and it would be 'a learning experience' if I missed my trip!

And it wasn't as if I hadn't tried! I was doing great in all my other classes. But I don't like math. I have never liked math and I will never like math! Biting the bullet, I trudged across campus through the cold, misty, late Fall Day to the faculty office building. Great! My day just kept getting better! I could hear muted voices through the door when I arrived outside Mr. Delaney's office. Some asshole had gotten here first! I wanted to pound on the door and yell, 'Hurry up in there! Some of us have actual lives!' I waited and waited but the asshole just wouldn't leave. He kept asking about quadratic equations and other shit. Would Mr. Delaney explain this and that for the freaking thousandth time! Was there maybe? some extra credit crap he could do. He even wanted names of tutors. Jeez, like, get a life, dude! I had to wait and wait in the hallway as secretaries and professors called it a day and left. By the time the fucking asswipe left it was already after four.

Taking a deep breath, I timidly knocked on the door frame and peeked in. I had a flashback of being sent to see the Vice-Principal of my high school. Those meetings had never turned out well. Mr. Delaney had his back to me and was about to put on his jacket to leave and, I gotta admit, I checked out his butt. For an old guy in his thirties, Mr. Delaney had a nice tush.

"I can come back tomorrow..." I started but he waved me inside as he hung his jacket back on a hanger.

"Come in, Cynthia. My wife won't get off work for another hour, so I've got time." Mr. Delaney waved me to a seat but I was too nervous to sit. I dumped my bookbag onto the chair but remained standing as he sat down. Mr. Delaney gave me several minutes to spout off and list my grievances. Math was always my worst subject... I just couldn't get a grasp on algebra... Why do I even need Algebra? It's not like I'll ever use it... If I don't pass... I can't waste my Summer going to class instead of Mexico!... Isn't there something I can do for extra credit?

Mr. Delaney gave me a fair hearing as he called up my class grades on his computer. Then, "Cynthia, I give four tests a year. Those count for your entire grade. I also give an extra credit assignment that will earn five points added to every test including the final. You knew this from the class syllabus I passed out to everyone first day of class."

Mr. Delaney studied the computer screen, "You've never asked for extra credit assignments. You've never scheduled a consultation for extra help. In fact, this is your first time in my office. Your first test was a C-. Five points would have given you a C. Your second test was a... Well, five points would have almost given you a D-. This test though..."

Mr. Delaney shook his head, "Even with five points, you'll need an A on the final to get a passing C.

"No hope for a B," I asked and leaned on the front of the desk to plead. "I can't go to Acapulco unless I get all Bs this year!"

"No hope," Mr. Delaney stated, shooting down my trip in flames.

"What if I did all three extra credit assignments now and really study? Like, get a tutor and all that and did really good on the exam. Would I still need an A on the final to get at least a B-?"

"Cynthia, for me to let you do all the extra credit assignments now wouldn't be fair to the other students. And, yes, you'd still need an A on the final."

"So, there's no hope," I sighed. Goodbye Acapulco and, like, the bestest Summer of my life! Dumping my bookbag onto the floor, I sat down in defeat.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Mr. Delaney replied with a smile. Standing up, he walked to the door and checked to see if there was anyone waiting to see him. Closing the door, he added, "I just said that it wouldn't be fair to my other students. But I didn't realize how much a good grade in my class meant to you. You really want that B?"

"Yes! I'll do all the extra work you want! I just have to make this trip!"

Mr. Delaney didn't return to his chair and instead came to stand behind me. I started in surprise when he rested his hands on my shoulders. Squeezing my shoulders lightly, he added, "There is one thing you can do to help your grade."

I had a pretty good idea what Mr. Delaney meant when one hand smoothed my long, blonde hair away from my ear while his other hand began a slow massage of my shoulder. I was about to gather my bookbag and leave when thoughts of Acapulco intruded and... Maybe I was wrong? So, I asked, "What can I do? More extra credit assignments?"

"Not exactly. You're a beautiful young lady, Cynthia," Mr. Delaney leaned down and spoke softly into my ear while both hands now massaged my shoulders. I've known that since I started growing boobs. None of my boyfriends had ever complained about my looks. And while I don't have huge Double-D boobs, I'd overheard one boyfriend tell his buddies, 'Her tits are a perfect handful.' Of course, I was flattered but I still dumped his ass for talking trash about me behind my back. I don't like gossip about what I do on dates.

"I noticed you the first day you walked into my class," Mr. Delaney continued. Hands massaged my shoulders harder as his mouth moved closer until his hot breath in my ear made me shiver. "You're not in high school anymore, Cynthia. I think you know what I'm talking about. How you can earn that B you want so much."

"But... I... That's..." I was speechless. Oh, I'd heard rumors about professors who traded grades for sex. But I'd never imagined that I'd ever be in that situation myself. I stood up and Mr. Delaney let go of my shoulders but moved closer to me. I was still almost determined to slap Mr. Delaney and walk out of his office, but... Acapulco!

If I remained standing motionless, confused and undecided, Mr. Delaney was neither of those. He took my indecision as an opportunity to move even closer, crowding me until my butt hit the edge of his desk. I leaned backwards as Mr. Delaney leaned forwards to plant his hands on the desktop to either side of me, trapping me between his arms.

"I don't think... I can't..." I tried to get out a coherent sentence, but Mr. Delaney was so close. As I leaned further backwards, he moved with me.

"You can't?" Mr. Delaney parroted as I tried to lean backwards more but couldn't. To go left or right was cut off by his arms. He was leaning over me so close that to go forwards more than an inch would smush my boobs against his chest. "Are you a virgin, Cynthia?"

Wow! Color my face red. No one had come right out and asked me that since I was a Sophomore in high school. Especially a guy old enough to be my Dad!

"Well, no. I..." What I was going to say was forgotten when Mr. Delaney leaned over further, his chest lightly brushing against my nipples as his lips touched mine. He didn't try to deepen the kiss. Instead, there were short, soft kisses on my lips before his mouth began leaving kisses over my cheek and... OMG! The first light kiss to my neck made my stomach muscles clench, causing me to take a quick, inhaled breath I'm sure Mr. Delaney heard.

Mr. Delaney's mouth was so close that I felt his lips move as he continued to speak between kisses to my sensitive neck.

"You're not an innocent virgin, Cynthia." Mr. Delaney stopped to lightly run the tip of his tongue over that sweet spot I had under my ear. My mind blanked out as my stomach muscles spasmed and I missed some of what Mr. Delane said next between continued kisses and tongue tip licks, "...in high school any longer, Cynthia... You're an adult now... And adults have to make difficult decisions every day... It's not like I'm asking you to do anything... You haven't done already with other boys... How many times have you had sex this semester... The way you look... I can't imagine any boy not wanting to spend time in your bed."

"I've... I've had sex..." I squeaked. I couldn't seem to breathe except in short, staccato gasps. My concentration seemed to flee with every soft kiss, every hot breath and lick on my neck.

"Mmm, I bet you have, Cynthia," Mr. Delaney said. A hand on my back pulled my un-resisting torso to a more sitting position on his desk and closer to him. "How many times have you had sex just this semester? How many of those times were quickies in a back seat? How many times were you really satisfied?"

"I don't... I don't know..." Oh, shit... I'd worn a thin crop top and a barely-there thin bra to class because that idiot weather lady had said it was going to be warm today. I'd walked around campus all day with my mid-riff exposed and freezing my tits off with pokies drawing attention from every guy I passed. I didn't have to look to know I had large pokies for Mr. Delaney to see. There was also a large gap between my crop top and jeans. The feelings I had as Mr. Delaney's hand on my bare back pulled me closer...

Softer and longer kisses began as Mr. Delaney's lips moved back to my mouth before he moved away enough to look me in the eyes, "Cynthia, when was the last time you had really satisfying sex? Sex that made you explode in orgasm?"

Oh, my God! Everything happening was coming at me too fast! And everything just felt so good... Not being a virgin didn't mean I had sex every day. And even the times I'd had sex... It had been weeks since I'd had that really satisfying sex that Mr. Delaney described. Sex where my toes curled up, my thighs won't stop trembling and my gut muscles were clenched so tight that all I could do was pant for breath like a dog.

"I don't... know...," I managed to say before Mr. Delaney's lips were pressed against mine again.

I tried, I really tried not to respond, to keep my lips stiff. But a part of me responded without my conscious thought and my lips softened when a tongue tip traced my lower lip. After that I began returning Mr. Delaney's kiss with my tongue. I felt it when a hand moved under my crop top and up my back to un-snap my bra. I felt it when the front of my crop top and bra cups were pushed up and over my tits, then over my head to fall to the floor.

I felt the strong hand on my back holding me close while Mr. Delaney's other hand cupped and molded my soft tits... Pinching my hard nipples. And, oh fuck, I felt it when Mr. Delaney's mouth left mine to latch onto an already hard nipple and began sucking on it hard as if he was trying to suck my entire tit into his mouth. And when teeth gently bit my nipple... My stomach muscles spasmed and... Oh, shit, I was already panting like a dog.

I felt all of that and I couldn't seem to find the word, Stop. What I could find was the desktop behind me to put my hands palm down on as I leaned backwards to offer Mr. Delaney my full tits to play with. A short time later as one hand continued to play with my tits, his other hand cupped the back of my neck and pulled my mouth to his again.

I was returning kiss for kiss, tongue for tongue when I felt fingers trailing down my bare stomach to un-snap my jeans. If ever there was a last chance to return to some semblance of sanity... To stop before I sold my pussy for a trip to Acapulco... I turned my head to break our kisses as I put my hand on Mr. Delaney's wrist to pull his fingers away.

Mr. Delaney hooked a finger into the waistband of my jeans and my weak attempts to move his hand went nowhere. Unfortunately, by turning my head I'd exposed my neck. I was quickly losing the will to protest as lips nibbled at my earlobe again while a whisper of warm breath asked, "Cynthia, will it really matter how you get your B?

"Some students have an innate grasp for math. Do you think they feel guilty for using that gift," Mr. Delaney asked reasonably. Removing his hand from my jeans, he began lightly touching and tracing each of the attributes he listed, "Other students have a beautiful face... Soft lips that beg to be kissed... Perfect breasts with hard nipples that were just made to be sucked on." Mr. Delaney's hand lingered on my breast. Cupping and weighing it with his hand while trailing his thumb across my hard nipple.

Then Mr. Delaney's hand left my tit to trail the back of its fingers down the skin of my suddenly clenching stomach muscles. "A fantastic figure and a tight... warm... wet... pussy," he continued just as his hand began rubbing my crotch in a slow, circular motion through my jeans. I hadn't even realized that my thighs had opened wider in invitation for the hand I'd known was coming.

At the first electric shock caused by Mr. Delaney's hand rubbing my pussy, I knew I was lost.

"A month from now this will just be a memory you will laugh about as you lie on a Mexican beach," Mr. Delaney whispered into my ear as I felt him work the zipper of my jeans down an inch. "A little fling... Nothing you haven't done before..." Mr. Delaney finished as his lips returned to mine and I felt the zipper of my jeans tugged all the way open.

The hand on my back pulled me tighter to Mr. Delaney's side for a long kiss as his other hand worked to push my jeans over my ass and hips to my thighs. God help me, I found myself raising my ass up off the desktop to help. This time when the hand returned between my legs, it was to rub and circle my pussy lips in a faster rhythm with only my thin, lacey panties over my pussy. When I responded with only a low, throaty errrrmm from deep in my chest, Mr. Delaney knew I was his.

Mr. Delaney's mouth and hands and attitude became more possessive. Lips hard against mine forced my mouth open more as his tongue found mine. The hand on my back reached around me to grip my tit as Mr. Delaney's strong arm kept me hard against his side. Mouth and tongue stole my breath, while my tit and nipple were molded and pinched by strong fingers. Through all that I did my best to push my crotch into Mr. Delaney's hand.

I surrendered completely when Mr. Delaney's fingers pushed under the waist band of my panties. My thighs opened as far as I could manage. Both of us discovered how wet I was as fingers found and circled my engorged clit before sliding down my slippery slit to rim and dip slightly inside my pussy hole. I was making deep, throaty sounds as fingers pulled and played with my pussy before pushing deeper and deeper inside my drenched hole. First with one and then with two fingers, Mr. Delaney began finger-fucking me on his desk.

Oh, crap. I didn't even want to think how I'd look if someone walked in right now. Sitting on my professor's desk, half-naked with my shirt and bra pushed up to my neck while my jeans and panties were around my ankles. One hand gripping and squeezing my tit. My thighs spread open to let Mr. Delaney's other hand play between my legs. That would be the way I'd be seen, but the way I'd be heard... I didn't know which was loudest. My moaning around the tongue trying to reach my throat or the wet sounds from my crotch while I was finger-fucked on the desk. But after a couple of minutes, I didn't give a shit how I looked or sounded. I pulled away from Mr. Delaney's mouth when everything began to be too much. The muscles of my face were flaccid as I gazed at Mr. Delaney through slitted eyes.

"Don't stop... Don't stop," was all I could say as I lifted one hand from the desk. As Mr. Delaney's arm held me up, I put the fingers of my hand over my clit and moved Mr. Delaney's thumb out of the way. I began rubbing in time to the fingers fucking my pussy. The heel of Mr. Delaney's hand pressed my fingers harder between my soft pussy lips. The extra pressure on my clit... My mind shut down as my knees bent, drawing my legs up to let my thighs fall open more. Ohhh, fuck....

I just need... I just need... A little more...
Maybe I whispered that aloud or maybe Mr. Delaney read my mind, but at just that moment a third finger pushed inside my pussy and a few seconds later my mind and body seized up and I CCCAAAMMMEEEE...

Muscles I never knew I had until times like this, clenched and clamped my dripping pussy tight around the fingers still fucking me. Mr. Delaney's hand pressed hard against my pussy and stopped moving. But though his hand no longer moved, the fingers inside me never stopped. I could feel them inside me. Pressing against my pussy walls. Twisting and turning, opening and closing, stretching and manipulating the inside of my pussy in ways no cock ever can. As active as Mr. Delaney's fingers were inside me, my fingers never stopped strumming across my hard clit, pushing my orgasm higher. But even as Mr. Delaney's continued to fingerfuck my pussy, I lost my balance and fell backwards to lie on the desk as his other arm released me to clamp a hand over my mouth as my orgasmic voice rose in volume past my clenched teeth.

My orgasm peaked and fell, peaked and fell. Even as the fingers of one hand continued to manipulate my clit, my other hand darted between my legs to wrap my fingers around Mr. Delaney's wrist. My hips were thrusting upwards while my thighs closed to trap Mr. Delaney's hand between them even as I tried to pull his fingers deeper into my spasming pussy.

I was coming so hard, for so long, that I could feel my juices wetting my ass crack before pooling on the desktop. Eventually, I couldn't bear the touch of fingers on my over-stimulated clit and pussy. I stopped my assault on my clit and pulled on Mr. Delaney's wrist until his fingers slowly slipped out of my pussy. I felt exhausted, unable to move as I laid on the desk panting in after orgasmic bliss. My hand stilled in a protective cup over my pussy and very tender clit. Gradually my body jerked and spasmed less and less. My thighs were still trembling, but I was in control of myself when Mr. Delaney removed the hand which had muffled the high-pitched tonality of my orgasm.

I raised my feet up until I could rest them on the edge of the desk. Even as occasional shivers ran through me and my thighs trembled, I looked at Mr. Delaney and inhaled my first deep breath.

"Oh, my God, Mr. Delaney. No one's made me come like that in forever," I told him.

I tightened my hand's protective shell over my still over-excited clit when I thought Mr. Delaney's hand was reaching towards my pussy again. Instead, his hands came to rest on the inside of my thighs and began to slowly press...

Mr. Delaney my thighs parted as I lifted my hand from my pussy to expose me fully to his eyes. I was wanting what I knew was coming! Strong hands pulled my ass closer to the edge of the desk. At some point Mr. Delaney had freed his dick. I felt the touch of his tip press against my pussy lips as he leaned over to kiss me.

Oh, fuck. Am I... Is he... Am I really going to let him fuck me on his desk? I didn't question for very long as, in the next instant, I pulled lips hard to mine with one hand on Mr. Delaney's neck while my other hand reached between us to grip his thick cock. I ran his cock tip between my pussy lips several times to moisten it before positioning it to my hole. Our mutual moans were long and heartfelt as Mr. Delaney pushed inside me.

I closed my eyes to fully enjoy that first slide of a cock stretching my pussy walls. It didn't feel like the largest cock I'd ever had inside me, but it was definitely not the smallest either. After a few slow, sure strokes, I groaned louder when I felt Mr. Delaney's groin pressed against my pussy lips. Fully inside me, Mr. Delaney stilled his cock and leaned over me for a long kiss before his hip movements began again.

My groan turned into grunts as Mr. Delaney used his hands on my hips to pull me towards him to meet the increasingly stronger strokes of his cock into my pussy. But I wasn't just grunting. I was spreading my thighs wider while begging Mr. Delaney to fuck me harder and faster. My voice was raising in volume, begging to Mr. Delanet to fuck me, until he took a hand from my hip to place it over my mouth. My voice was muted but the thudding sound of groin meeting pussy was still loud in the office. Mr. Delaney was panting as I gripped his forearms to pull myself to meet his thrusts. His eyes watched my tits gyrate wildly on my chest in response to the powerful thrusts driving his cock into me until...

I twisted my head to the side away from pussy scented fingers. "Fuck me, Mr. Delaney," I whispered. "Fuck me! Oh, shit... I'm going to come again. You're gonna make me come again, Mr. Delaney..."

Mr. Delaney's strokes didn't slow as he leaned to look me in the eyes, "Do it. Come on my cock!"

All I could do was nod as he straightened up and the power and speed of his strokes seemed to double. After another minute, I did just what I'd promised. Feeling myself swept away in another long orgasm as I came on the cock inside me. Pussy scented fingers clamped over my mouth again even as the fingers of Mr. Delaney's other hand began a vigorous rubbing assault on my clit. My cries were loud even past Mr. Delaney's hand. It was only his hand pressed against my mouth that kept the back of my head glued to the desk as my back lifted from the desktop and every muscle seized up.

Slowly my orgasm faded, leaving me light-headed even when Mr. Delaney pulled me from his desk and put me on my knees. I was still gasping for breath when a thick cock was pushed deep into my mouth. I've blown my share of boys. I know how to suck cock. But I didn't have to show my talents. Instead, I only needed to clamp my lips around Mr. Delaney's shaft as it moved between my lips while I was mouth fucked.

More cock was pushed into my mouth, sliding over my tongue. Straightening up on my knees let me position my head so my mouth and Mr. Delaney's cock were better aligned. Fingers twined in my hair to hold my head in place as more and more cock slipped past my lips to fast fuck my mouth. It was an effort to control my gag reflex as Mr. Delaney hips pushed and pushed until my nose and lips were pressed into his hard pubis. I was drooling spit I couldn't swallow in my effort to control my gag reflex as Mr. Delaney's thrusts threatened to push the tip of his cock into my throat. With all of his cock in my mouth, he quit his movements. I could still, barely, breathe through my nose as Mr. Delaney moaned while pressing hard to keep his cock tip hard against the back of my mouth for a slow ten-count.

My hands were pressing against Mr. Delaney thighs trying to push him back. Trying to free my mouth from the cock trying to push into my throat long enough so I could draw a deep breath. Finally, with a deep sigh, he pulled back only to begin mouth fucking me again. I'd never had a boy use my mouth this aggressively! My tits and shirt were wet with drool as Mr. Delaney's thrusts came faster and harder until I wondered if I was going to gag first from the cock tip hitting the back of my throat or get a bloody nose from the hard pubis colliding with my nose.

The desk behind my head kept me from moving away and with hands holding my head captive, I couldn't move to the left or to the right. Pushing against Mr. Delaney's still trouser clad legs to gain a little respite proved useless. All of my concentration was soon occupied with just being able to breathe as Mr. Delaney thrust all the way into my mouth and then stilled. I heard him groan and felt his cock contract moments before cum began filling the very back of my mouth causing a reflexive gulp of cum and spit that chocked me

My airway was fully blocked by cum and I was frantically pushing against Mr. Delaney's thighs while his cock pulsed and streamed more cum. He finally stopped pressing his tip so deep as his cock finally stopped filling my mouth with cum. It was still hard to breath with cock still in my mouth and cum clogging my throat. I continued to push against his thighs until he finally pulled out. Once his cock left my mouth, Mr. Delaney moved quickly away so I wouldn't spatter his pants with cum and spit as powerful coughs cleared the cum and phlegm from my throat. Cum and spit wet my tits and left large wet spots on my shirt, but I didn't care. I could breathe again.

Mr. Delaney walked behind his desk and came back with tissues. He'd already zipped his trousers up. His attitude was of a man in a hurry. Typical male. Use a girl, then leave the girl to clean up the mess! Looking at the clock on the wall I realized his need for speed, it was time for his wife to leave work.

Maybe he meant it as a compliment when Mr. Delaney handed me more tissues and said, "Fuck! You're a better cocksucker than my wife."

But you know something? Reminding a girl who still can taste your cock while cleaning your cum from her tits that you're married isn't usually a good thing. But I had no romantic fantasies about Mr. Delaney so his being married was his wife's worry. Reaching behind me, I hooked my bra. After getting my tits comfortable in their cups, I pulled my shirt down and dabbed at the thick cum on the material. Blowing my nose, I used more tissues to finish cleaning the cum and spit from my face. Wadding up the tissues, I tried a three-pointer into the trash can. I missed but Mr. Delaney got the rebound and put the tissues into the bin.

As I dressed, there was the expected small talk, 'You were great! It was great! You were fantastic... etc., etc.' Once I was dressed, with the taste of his cum still in my mouth, I hesitantly asked, "So, do I get my B grade?"

"Oh, no," Mr. Delaney laughed and captured me into a tight hug as his hands slid down to grab my jeans-covered ass cheeks. Spinning me, he pressed my back to his chest. Capturing my arms inside his, he reached around to push his hands inside my crop top to grip and play with my tits through my thin bra.

"This just got you a C-," Mr. Delaney informed me. "You said you'd do three extra credit assignments and study hard between now and the exam. This was just the first of your extra assignments. You still have two more to earn your B grade."

"So, I have to let you... Two more times?"

"No," Mr. Delaney answered with a kiss as his hand found my tit again. "Your extra assignments will need to be long and hard. Meeting me this weekend will earn you your grade."

Squeezing my tits hard, Mr. Delaney whispered into my ear, "My wife is leaving Friday evening to visit her parents. When I call, you'll come to my house. From then until Sunday morning, we're going to fuck. You're going to fuck as often as I want. You're going to fuck in every way I want."

"And I get my B, if I do that," I managed to ask. I couldn't seem to think straight. I'd just had two mind-altering orgasms and everything about this, including Mr. Delany's hand that left off fondling my tit to skim down my stomach to rub me between my legs again, was exciting me! Unconsciously my stance widened to open my thighs to let his hand have better access to my crotch. The orgasms I'd just had, had come after a long a dry spell. A snotty nose and choking on cum in my throat were small compared to that. Fuck! I couldn't help myself as I closed my eyes as my hips began to move, pushing my pussy against Mr. Delaney's rubbing fingers.

"Fuck when I want and how I want and you'll have satisfied your other two extra credit assignments for your B when I send you away on Sunday," Mr. Delaney assured me. Giving my neck a soft kiss, he added, "But, if you'd rather have an A, you'll meet me whenever I call between now and exam day."

I gave it very little thought before I turned and lifted my head so more of my neck was exposed to Mr. Delaney's lips, "I think I want an A!"
Chapter Two...

I didn't hear from Mr. Delaney Tuesday. Wednesday came, a regular day for me to attend Mr. Delaney's class. I pretended to take notes and follow his explanations as he solved equations on the chalk board. But I no longer cared. After this weekend I'd have my B grade by doing things much more enjoyable than studying.

As the class ended, I was gathering my things when I heard Mr. Delaney call out my name, asking me to stay after class to 'discuss my grade.'

I stayed seated as the last student left. Mr. Delaney walked over to close the classroom door and I heard the click as he locked it. Due to school security being upgraded, many classroom doors now had locks that could be engaged from inside, but the lock would disengage if the door was shut. To keep malicious students from locking the doors behind them, someone had to be inside to keep the lock engaged.

Curious why he'd asked me to stay behind, I followed Mr. Delaney back to the cheap, metal desk all the classrooms had. My curiosity was soon satisfied as he pulled me to him for a kiss. I was wearing a skirt and it didn't take Mr. Delaney long to run his hands under and up my skirt to grip my panty clad ass cheeks.

"I've thought about you ever since you left my office," Mr. Delaney told me between kisses. Pressing my back against the chalkboard behind the desk, he asked, "Do you still want your A?"

Suddenly I wasn't so sure as a hand moved from back-to-front over my thigh to cup my pussy. One weekend of sex for my B grade seemed okay... Kind'a, sort'a but... "Are you going to expect me to let you fuck me every other day?"

"Damned straight! Anytime I want you... Any way I want you... That's the deal if you want an A," Mr. Delaney told me matter-of-factly between kisses. Fingers pressed harder between my legs, rubbing my crotch in a circular pattern, pressing and sliding my panties over my pussy lips and my pussy lips over my clit. "But I can sweeten the deal. Next semester I can make certain that you're in my class again. You won't even have to come to class. You'll get another A and your Math requirements for your degree are done with."

It was getting difficult for me to concentrate. Mr. Delaney had barely begun touching me between my legs and I was wet. "Are... Are you going to expect me to fuck next semester if I take your course?"

"How about... The same deal we have now. You agree to fuck when I want and how I want, but...," Mr. Delaney tightened his grip on my pussy. "Let's agree to no more than three times a week."

"Once a week," I tried to negotiate. But my hips were moving in response to the hand between my thighs, pushing my pussy into Mr. Delaney's fingers. He must've known he had me...

"Compromise at twice a week if you take my class. A weekend when we can arrange it."

I didn't take me long to think. No more math, ever, and it wasn't as if Mr. Delaney was a terrible lover. Just his touch had me dripping wet!

"Okay. If I take..." I didn't get to say anything else as lips met mine and Mr. Delaney's tongue pushed into my mouth.

Our kiss lasted for a couple more minutes as our tongues dueled for possession of each other's mouth. Suddenly Mr. Delaney pulled back and his hand left my pussy to pull the front of my skirt up.

"I knew it," Mr. Delaney gloated as he moved further away to look down. "Look at that, your pussy is so wet your panties are soaked through."

Fingers touched my panties, sliding the wet silk through my slit. Mr. Delaney rimmed the thin crotch around my pussy hole before reversing to finger my clit hard enough to make me gasp. "You're hot and ready for cock, aren't you," he asked, gazing into my eyes until I nodded weakly before kissing me again.

I didn't need to be asked if I was ready for cock. The empty feeling below my waist that wanted to be filled told me that. The next minute was a flurry of clothes being discarded. Pants and boxers joined my skirt and panties on the floor. My top was pulled to my waist by Mr. Delaney and he groped and sucked on my tits as he took his coat and shirt off. When he tried to raise my leg to open me for his cock, I had to toe off my shoe to free my ankle of my panties.

Both of us groaned as cock filled me. Mr. Delaney kept my raised leg supported as his thrusts began to gain speed and strength. I was begging for more when Mr. Delaney turned me and pressed my face against the chalkboard. I put my foot on the small ledge under the board and continued begging for more. While Mr. Delaney seemed satisfied pressing me against the chalkboard for a standing fuck, his cock kept slipping from my pussy. Not satisfied with the depth of penetration, he pulled out and moved me to kneel on the chair behind the desk. With a strong thrust he mounted me like a dog. Which suited me quite fine!

I could tell when Mr. Delaney grew close to coming. Apparently so could he and, not wanting to finish inside me so soon, his hands dragged me from the chair. Within seconds I was moved until my ass hit the desk behind me and I was pushed onto my back atop the desk. I was in heaven as he supported and spread my legs. The first touch of his mouth and tongue on my pussy was sublime. When Mr. Delaney let go of my legs, I rested my thighs on his shoulder as hands gripped and lifted my ass making it easier for a tongue to lash my clit while fingers pushed deep inside me. My thighs were soon clamped tight on either side of Mr. Delaney's head as the combination of my pussy being eaten and finger-fucked began driving me to my orgasm.

Repeating, 'Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't stop!' in a squeaky, high-pitched voice as stomach muscles seized up, I reached to grab Mr. Delaney's hair. Using my grip, I pulled his mouth into my pussy harder even as my shaking thighs clamped tight to trap his head between them as I came. Hands kept my ass pressed to the desktop as Mr. Delaney's tongue and mouth pushed hard between my pussy lips. The rasping tongue lashing my clit drove my orgasm while he enjoyed tasting the copious pussy juice dripping from my hole.

I was still in the midst of my orgasm when Mr. Delaney pulled his head from between my thighs and replaced mouth and tongue with his cock. Having a thick cock thrust inside me while in the midst of having an orgasm caused me to yelp and orgasm harder. My spastic movements and Mr. Delaney's thrusts caused the light, metal desk under me squeak and groan as it slid across the linoleum floor. The noise we were making as I was fucked was loud. Mr. Delaney must have thought so too.

Suddenly I was lifted off the desk. His cock never leaving my pussy, Mr. Delaney sank down onto his knees before putting me on the floor. My legs fell open wider until my knees touched the cool tiles. Mr. Delaney supported himself over my body on locked arms and began fucking my pussy with thrusts hard enough to push my ass across the linoleum. My orgasm, which had ebbed as Mr. Delaney repositioned me to the floor, now surged back as my body shook from one of the hardest fuckings I've ever enjoyed!

The hard fucking Mr. Delaney was giving my pussy was sublime. He had to place a hand over my mouth again to muffle my demands to be fucked harder. Harder! Finally exhausted and limp on the floor as my orgasm passed, I laid quietly under Mr. Delaney. I was fully enjoying every thrust that pounded into my now swollen pussy lips. Both of us were making grunting noises. Mr. Delaney grunting as he drove his cock into me. I was grunting from receiving those powerful thrusts as air was driven from my lungs.

My trembling legs continued to splay out to the sides to let Mr. Delaney have full access to my pussy as he continued to fuck me until his face screwed up in a grimace and his hips stilled. The feel of his groin grinding against my swollen pussy lips was quickly followed by the pulsing of the cock inside me as Mr. Delaney filled my pussy with his cum.

Mr. Delaney groaned as the pulsing's of his cock grew weaker and weaker until ceasing all together. Mr. Delaney was sweating profusely as he lowered his body to rest upon mine. Heavy breathing and my moans as I enjoyed every movement of the cock still inside me. Once Mr. Delaney had rested long enough he rose up onto his elbows and kissed me.

"Are you uncomfortable," he asked me.

"No," I answered. Surprisingly, I wasn't. "Having you like this feels good."

"I think we can do better than a hard floor next time," Mr. Delaney assured me as he removed his cock from my pussy. Standing, he gave me his hand to help me up.

Mr. Delaney bent over to retrieve my panties and began snickering.

"What," I asked, confused about what was funny. Mr. Delaney just pointed between my feet. I looked down just in time to see a glop of cum drip from my pussy lips to join other droplets on the linoleum. Reaching over, his hand cupped my pussy. I remained still as fingers pushed inside me to open my gaped pussy wider. Thick, white cum and clearer pussy juice collected in his palm before his fingers withdrew to scrape through my slit from almost my asshole to my clit, collecting more cum.

Mr. Delaney raised his hand to my mouth and waited for me to lick his fingers and hand clean. Now, I'm not a fan of the taste of cum, nor the smell of pussy, and Mr. Delaney's hand smelled of both cum and pussy. But I opened my mouth to let Mr. Delaney push his cummy finger into my mouth for me to lick clean. Afterwards, he pushed me to my knees and waited as I sucked his cock clean, too.

Mr. Delaney zipped up his trousers as I pulled on my panties. Before I could finish dressing, Mr. Delaney pulled me forwards into a tight hug and kissed me. His hand took turns fondling and cupping my still bared tits while my hard nipples were pinched painfully.

"Damn! I want you again already," Mr. Delaney told me as his hand gripped one of my tits with strong fingers. "I don't know if I can wait until Friday evening to have you again."

"I don't think I can take us being together more often. I'd be too sore," I laughed softly. Then I continued more seriously, "Besides, I'd be afraid of someone catching us."

That wasn't an idle fear. Even with Mr. Delaney's hand over my mouth to muffle my cries, I hadn't been very quiet during my orgasm. Plus, there was the sounds of my pussy being fucked hard mingled with the squeaks and groans of the desk under me before I'd been placed on the floor. Surely anyone out in the hall could have heard us. Already I was wondering if a student or even a professor might be out there waiting to see who exited the room.

"So what if we're caught," Mr. Delaney asked. "Hell. My wife won't care I'm fucking a student."

Mr. Delaney laughed as his arm around my waist loosened and his hand stopped groping my tits, "I know for a fact that she's sneaking around with her boss. Shit, half the professors here are fucking one or more students. They'll applaud me for getting a sidepiece that looks like you."

I found it odd that a husband could be so nonchalant about his wife cheating on him. But Mr. Delaney certainly wasn't a paragon of virtue! I also didn't appreciate being defined as 'a sidepiece'. Then again, I wasn't a paragon of virtue either as a married man's cum was probably wetting the crotch of my panties. I was nineteen and getting a lesson on morality. Or rather, immorality...

I dressed quickly. Before we left, he jotted something on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"It's my address. Wait for my call before driving over." With a last kiss, he opened the door and we went our separate ways.
The Present... Friday afternoon...

All day Thursday and Friday morning, excitement grew in me as the time drew closer to the time I expected Mr. Delaney's call. I hadn't had such satisfying sex in a very long time. The opportunity to experience an entire weekend of orgasmic sex kept me wet as Friday dragged on-and-on. Mr. Delaney's call finally came and I told my dorm roommate not to expect me back until Sunday. She didn't know I was going to meet a married man. She thought I'd be shacked up with a frat boy. Her shout of, 'Don't do anything I wouldn't do!' amused me. From stories she'd told me about her time in high school, I doubted there was anything she wouldn't do.

As instructed, I called Mr. Delaney as I turned into his subdivision. He had the garage door up and waved me inside as I turned into his driveway. As soon as the door was down and I exited my car, I was pulled tight to his chest for a kiss.

"I thought my wife would never leave," Mr. Delaney told me as we entered the kitchen of his house. I didn't get much of a tour of the house as he hurried me to the master bedroom. He also didn't keep me in suspense of what to expect as my clothes were stripped off and I was pushed naked onto his bed. His clothes disappeared as quickly as mine had. Christ! I'd been in the house less than a couple of minutes and he was on top of me as his hands spread my legs apart!

There was no pretense of foreplay and I was dry as Mr. Delaney's cock filled me with short, hard jabs. Thankfully I moistened quickly, at least enough to wet the shaft so it could move inside me without painfully pulling on my pussy walls.

My first fuck in another woman's bed was short and very energetic! With an entire weekend to fuck me, Mr. Delaney didn't try to pace himself to make our sex last. Hands on the back of my thighs spread my legs and pushed my knees almost to my shoulders as short, hard jabs were replaced with fast, strong strokes. My pussy was wet and positioned for Mr. Delaney to drive his cock almost straight down towards my spine. I'd never been bent almost double and fucked. The different feelings in my cunt and guts... I closed my eyes and just let myself experience the fantastic feelings.

I wanted this bliss to continue but Mr. Delaney was ready to come quickly and, pinching his cock to prevent cum from spilling, knee walked his way up my side and barely got the tip of his cock between my lips before cum spurted to cover my tongue. Mr. Delaney kept me under him with his cock in my mouth until he'd milked the last drop of cum from his shaft and I'd swallowed. Dragging a pillow under my head to lift my mouth up into a more convenient position, he continued fucking my mouth with slow, deep movements. For several minutes I slurped wetly on his semi-limp cock until he sighed and collapsed beside me.

Laughing at how quickly everything had happened, I observed, "A girl might think you were happy to see me."

"Mmm, definitely happy. I'm looking forward to you keeping me happy all weekend."

"How many times do you think I'll have to keep you happy? Unlike women, men have to recover," I said. Pressing against Mr. Delaney's side, I ran a fingernail over a now completely limp dick.

"As many times and in whatever ways I want," Mr. Delaney answered. A hand reached over to fondle my tit and tweaked my nipple gently between thumb and forefinger. He pulled my tit up by the nipple to form a pyramid and then released it several times before asking nonchalantly, "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?"

Christ! I wasn't sure I'd heard him correctly. It was as if he was asking if I'd ever driven a car. "What? No!"

I started to pull away and Mr. Delaney's grip on my nipple tightened until I felt real pain. He let go of my tit and put his hand on the side of my waist to pull me to him.

Grinning, Mr. Delaney told me, "You won't be able to say that after this weekend."

"I didn't agree to that!"

"Sure, you did. You wanted your B grade. You agreed to let me fuck you this weekend as many times and in whatever ways as I want."

"I thought you meant in different positions. Not that!"

"Not my fault you didn't understand before you agreed. Just think of it as a different position." Mr. Delaney released his hand's grip on my waist, "Or you can leave and our deal is over. You get the grade you deserve and no vacation with your friends."

I rolled off the bed and had my panties on before I hesitated. I wanted my vacation as much as I dreaded getting ass fucked. Conflicting thoughts and visions went round and round in my thoughts... Dick in my ass... Mexico vacation... Girls in porn films didn't seem to mind... Sunny beaches in a new bikini... Girls in porn let cocks much bigger than Mr. Delaney's fuck them in their ass... Warm nights on a beach blanket with a boy I'd just met...

Not looking at Mr. Delaney, I hesitantly asked, "How many times would you..."

I didn't finish, but Mr. Delaney knew what I was asking and answered, "As many times as I want."

"And... And if I still want an A?"

"As many times I want until the day of the last exam."

Undecided, I stood beside the bed still facing away from Mr. Delaney. My shoulders slumped and I pushed my panties down my thighs to fall back to the floor. Moving back onto the bed, I let Mr. Delaney's arm pull me to him. Thinking about ass-fucking me must have excited Mr. Delaney as much as the thought repulsed me. The cock I felt pressed against me was no longer completely limp.

Mr. Delaney kissed me and fondled my tits for a few minutes before taking my hand and said, "Come with me." He led me to his bathroom where I saw his wife's cosmetics on the sink counter.

I nodded my head to indicate the cosmetics and asked, "Does she let you... In her ass?"

"I'm sure she would if I asked," Mr. Delaney shrugged. "But I'm certain she's getting all the cock she wants up her ass from her boss."

The next several minutes passed in a haze. When instructed to get into the shower stall and adjust the water temperature to what I liked... I did.

When Mr. Delaney joined me with a bottle of sex lube and told me to lube his cock... I did.

When Mr. Delaney moved us out of the shower spray and instructed me to bend over... I did.

When I felt the tip of Mr. Delaney's cock press against my asshole and he instructed me to bend over more, I put my hands against the wall of the shower stall to keep from tipping forwards... And I did.

"Just relax," Mr. Delaney instructed as the pressure on my ass increased. I tried and then the tip slipped up my ass followed by inch after inch of cock as I gritted my teeth. It didn't take Mr. Delaney's long before he was grinding against my ass cheeks and his cock was completely inside my ass. I felt the pull of his shaft as it withdrew and then the push as it moved back up my ass.

Pull and push... Push and pull... The sensations began to meld together as Mr. Delaney increased the speed of his hip thrusts, fucking my ass faster. Mr. Delaney stopped once to squirt more lube on my ass crack and his cock. The pain I'd felt at first disappeared as my asshole stretched to accommodate the thick cock moving in my ass but the 'this isn't right' feeling remained. As did the shame. I couldn't quite rationalize the fact that I was letting myself...

No, I wasn't letting myself get ass fucked. I'd actively participated in lubing the cock that was in my ass. I'd submitted to being bent over in a damned shower stall and I'd submitted to remaining still as the pressure on my asshole had increased until I submitted to letting Mr. Delaney's cock push up my ass. Even now, I wasn't protesting the hands on my hips that pulled my ass back to meet the cock being rammed up my ass... And all for a grade. I'd never been made to feel like a whore before, until now. Now, as I bent over submissively to take a cock up my ass, there was no denying I was whoring myself for a grade.

I'm not sure if Mr. Delaney fucked my ass for what seemed like a longer than usual time because he wanted to or if time seemed to stretch out forever because he'd come in my mouth only a short time before. But I felt relief when his cock contracted and released several times to pump cum in my ass for the first time.

After Mr. Delaney pulled out, I tried not to look down to see what else might have escaped my asshole. Anything that may have escaped, must have been washed down the drain pretty quickly because I didn't see anything when Mr. Delaney told me to wash his cock clean. When I washed myself, my ass was a little sore but there didn't seem to be a gape in my asshole. I washed everything carefully before exiting the shower.

"There, was that so bad," Mr. Delaney asked as we toweled each other dry.

"It... It wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be," I answered. Embarrassed because it was true.

"It's good you feel that way. Because by the time you leave on Sunday, your ass is going to take quite a pounding," Mr. Delaney said, then continued cryptically after looking at the time on the alarm clock next to the bed. "In fact, I have a surprise for you in less than an hour."

Mr. Delaney wouldn't tell me what my surprise was as we made and drank a couple of stiff rum-n-coke drinks in the kitchen. I was feeling much better and a little silly from the alcohol as, when told to, I squatted on my heels to suck Mr. Delaney's revived cock. When the doorbell rang, I was mixing another drink while Mr. Delaney went to see who was at the door. Mr. Delaney had requested that I not dress and so I was completely naked as he walked into the kitchen with another man in tow. I ducked down out of sight behind the center counter.

"Hey. Hey, don't be shy. He's the surprise I told you about," Mr. Delaney said as he gripped my forearms and lifted me until I was standing. I tried but couldn't free my arms as he walked me to stand in front of the man. "What do you think, Matt? Isn't she everything I told you she was?"

"Everything and more," Matt replied as his eyes traveled over me from my pussy to my face.

I wasn't a fan of standing naked in front of a complete stranger. Matt was a Black guy, taller and more muscular than Mr. Delaney. I was sandwiched between them when my arms were released and Mr. Delaney smacked my bare ass, "Fix Matt and me a drink and finish yours.

I didn't move. "What do you mean he's my surprise," I asked, Mr. Delaney.

"You still don't get it, do you. You agreed to fuck when I want and how I want until I send you away on Sunday. Well, I want you to fuck Matt."

"I didn't agree to any of that!"

"When I want and how I want until Sunday," Mr. Delaney repeated, "Unless you want to break our agreement, you're nothing but my sex slut until Sunday."

I stood in confusion between the men until Mr. Delaney slapped my ass hard enough to really sting! "Fix us a drink like I told you, too" he ordered. Still in shock, I moved back to the counter and made two drinks for the men before adding more rum to the drink I'd already made for myself before Matt's arrival. I gulped down my drink quickly.

I was lightheaded as my extra-strength drink hit me. I couldn't stop thinking, 'What the hell did I get into? What kind'a stupid deal did I make?' It wasn't as if I was being held against my will. I could dress, drive away and to hell with all of this! And to hell with my vacation...

That was my last thought before Matt took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

Matt was larger than Mr. Delaney. He definitely had one of the largest cocks that’s ever fucked me. With the combination of alcohol and a larger than usual cock inside me... I began to enjoy Matt fucking me.

I noticed Mr. Delaney in the room watching as Matt fucked me. As soon as Matt came and pulled out, Mr. Delaney's hard cock was between my legs for fresh sloppy seconds while Matt held my head up to push his sticky cock into my mouth. I was spit roasted with cock in my mouth and pussy when the doorbell sounded again. Matt pulled out of my mouth and left, returning with another man. Carl.

Until I left Sunday, I truly was Mr. Delaney's sex slut. And Matt's... And Carl's…

Ass fucked... Multiple men... Nothing was virginal about me by Sunday...

But I'd made my grade...
اسم الموضوع : Making My Grade | المصدر : Sex Stories