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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
It’s pride month…and pride night at this very lgbtq+ alt night club…perfect for feeding my need to want to dress up in public and have FUN! It wasn’t a costume party, but I put on my favorite outfit…slutty schoolgirl uniform! Got all dolled up, grabbed my mini bookbag, and drove to the club…nervous as hell!

As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed just how nervous I didn’t have to be! All parts of the rainbow were represented! I took a deep breath, made sure my makeup was looking good, got out of the car, and headed to the entrance. The walk to the door was only a minute…but it was the longest minute ever! Thankfully there wasn’t a line, so I was able to just walk right in.

I headed to the bar to grab something to drink…and considering the treats in my mini bookbag, I opted for some Pepsi. This club was rather packed, but thankfully I found a table to sit at. It wasn’t too long before I was approached by a decently put together guy. He was respectful, even after I declined his invitation to his house. It was so different being in this kind of environment, especially from a feminine perspective! After observing the vibe of the club, I decided it was time to let loose! So I hit my vape (loaded up with some amazing crystal blue persuasion), let out a thick cloud, and slowly strutted my way to a empty spot on the dance floor. As soon as I got to a spot, right on cue, lovestoned by Justin Timberlake starts bumping through the speakers. Thank goodness I wore a garter belt and some short heels, because I was in my zone! So much so that I didn’t realize the small crowd gathering and dancing around me! I danced for another 3 songs, and headed to the bathroom. It was interesting considering they were gender neutral…not sure why I was a little surprised hearing a couple of guy going at it in one of the stalls, but hey, they were having a good time by the sounds of it!

I got done freshening up and made my way to my seat, which was taken by a bachelor party. That was fine, because it gave me a reason to go up to the balcony area of the club….that means stairs, something I didn’t think about encountering! As short as my skirt was, my panties were already peeking out (which was very intentional), but anybody behind me would definitely get a full view! Considering how I was dancing tho, the whole club probably saw them! I made my way up…and nobody followed me (bummer, I was kinda hoping for it)

I got to the top of the stairs and it was a vip area, blocked by a velvet rope and a guard, who I politely apologized to and turned around. Right as I turned around, I heard a voice that said “it’s ok honey, come join us!, let her in!” I jumped because it came out of nowhere. The guard unhooked the rope and let me walk into the vip room. Sitting there were two drag queens, chopping it up and having a good time. One of them got up, said “gurl bring your cute ass over here!” grabbed me by the hand and led me to their table. They told me to relax…and the long plush bench seats made it really easy! We chatted up a storm, flirted back and forth (which I was loving), asked me if I partake in crystal, which I happily answered yes to, and they immediately brought out a nicely packed bubble, a nice looking torch and said let’s take a hit! They let me do the honors, so I thought I’d reward them with a sexy hit. I sat in a very provocative pose, took a big hit, let out a thick, billowing cloud, and touched myself sensually for a couple of seconds. Their jaws dropped as they appreciated the little show. As they were taking their hits, a cute femboy approached the table to talk to one of the queens….
اسم الموضوع : Full of pride! Pt 1 | المصدر : Sex Stories

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