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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
Family dinner was boring, as usual. I nibbled at my food while mom and dad talked about their day. As I reached for my cup, my arm knocked my spoon on the ground. I leaned sideways to get it, but my short arms weren't enough to make up for how far it slid. My parents kept talking as a got of my chair and went slightly under the table to retrieve my spoon.
Through the dimness under the table I could see the shadowed lower half of their bodies. My mom was wearing a long skirt that even covered her feet. My dad was wearing running shorts that left a lot of his legs exposed.
As I reached for the spoon and my eyes lingered on my dad, I realized that the left leg of his shorts was bunched up a little and I could see something. The tip of his penis was protruding slightly. My heart did a flip, and after staring for a moment I realized it would be strange if I stayed under here starting, someone would get suspicious.
I got back up to my chair and tried to stare at my plate even though I wanted to glance back under the table and see if I had been imagining things. My heart was racing. Was it an accident? Did his shorts ride up on accident without him knowing? Did he do it on purpose? And if so,why?
I decided I needed to try to see again, so I leaned sideways as if I was adjusting my sock and tried to take a glance. The legs of his shorts were even and I couldn't see anything but a slight bulge.
I sat back up and continued to push my food around the plate with my fork in an attempt to appear like I was eating. Had I imagined it? Had I just been dreaming about the outline in his pants for that long, that I imagined it? Or maybe he had shifted and the leg of the shorts moved back down.
I went to my room after dinner. As soon as the door was closed behind me my hand was sliding into the elastic band of my summer shorts and into my panties where I touched and rubbed myself while trying to picture the tip of his cock clearly. As I rubbed and played, I decided that whether it was real or a dream, it was wonderful, and it would be on my mind every time I rubbed and rubbed myself.
The following night I decided that I was going to take a chance at dropping something again and taking a peak under the table. I was in my chair before mom had even set out plates.
Dad came in the room and my heart sank; he was wearing his pajama pants.
Usually I liked when dad wore those pants because they were pretty thin and I could see the outline of his area pretty clearly. But today they made me sad because I knew that they left no chance of an accidental slip.
My cunny was warm and tingling as I silently ate my dinner and imagined what I thought I saw yesterday. I wondered when the next time was that dad would wear shorts and whether or not the stars would align to allow a glimpse.
After dinner we went to the living room to watch TV. Mom sat in her recliner while dad and I sat on the couch.
We were about halfway through the TV program when I could hear the heavy breathing and fluttered snoring. I looked at mom and she was asleep. It was pretty common for her to crash right after dinner and some box wine.
I glanced back at the TV and then saw something out of the side of my vision. My heart was racing and I didn't want to bring attention to myself so I slowly allowed my head to move a fraction to the right while my eyes strained to see.
The button that usually held Dad's pajama pants closed was undone and I could see the tip of his penis resting in the opening, as if it was just peaking out of the opening but not poking out of the pants.
I looked back at the TV and tried to relax into the couch even though my heart was racing. As I dared a sideways glance at his face I saw that he was peacefuly watching the TV.
My eyes strained downward until I could see his member peaking out at me. My heart was racing and my mouth was watering as I imagined running my tongue over the slit in the tip.
I heard movement and my head jerked to the left to see my mother shifting in her sleep and then going back to a state of quiet rest.
After a few moments of going back to pretending to stare at the TV I risked a glance at his lap. My heart sank when I realized he had shifted and I could no longer see into the slit in his pants.
As I mindlessly stared at the TV, I basked in the tingling warmth in my panties and the satisfaction of knowing I hadn't been imagining the first glimpse. Part of me wondered if dad knew and just didn't care. Another part of me considered that it could just be a fortunate accident that was weighed heavily in my favor.
I tried to imagine other ways I might "accidentally" get to look at him and my mind was drawing a bank.
I went to bed that night with visions of his penis in my head and the feeling of my hands in my panties.
The next morning I went to the table hoping for pancakes and for dad to walk in the room wearing exercise shorts.
Breakfast was on the table and mom was buried in a newspaper when dad came into the room. Sadly,he was not in shorts. He was in his calf length robe. My heart tugged in a sad downward direction. His robe was thick and fluffy so I couldn't even see an outline. I wanted to sigh and grumble.
Dad sat down and began to eat. I decided I could practice ways of looking under the table without being obvious. I attempted to use my elbow to push the butter knife off the table but ended knocking down my fork and napkin.
I got out of my chair and began to pick up what I had dropped when I realized that Dad's legs were wide open, also leaving his robe gapped as the sides were held by his knees. It was like the opening of a circus tent and the main attraction was right in the middle. His soft cock and full beautiful balls were hanging right at eye level. I had never had thoughts quite like this before. I was imagining running my tongue against his inner thigh starting by his knee and working up to the crease between his thigh and balls. I wanted to go between licking his cock and balls, and wanting to bury my face against them and nuzzle.
My mom's foot shifted and reality came back in a rush of warmth throughout my body. I grabbed what I had come down for and got back in my chair. I felt dizzy with the warmth in my panties and the images flashing back of the 100 percent unobstructed view of him.
I took a few bites of food and tried not to look as breathless as I felt. The phone in the next room rang and Mom got up to get it. I could hear her talking to someone but not what was being said. I decided to pretend to adjust my sock.
I leaned over while staring at my own foot but as soon as my head was past the lip of the table my head snapped to the side, relieved to find that dad had not realized yet and was still giving me a great view. His cock was a bit fuller now and the tip was a bit pinker. It looked like it was half awake as it leaned against his thigh.
I sat back up and felt dizzy with thrill. But I also realized I was lacking more reason to sneak a peak.
I ate my food and decided that Dad's robe was my new favorite thing for him to wear.
Mom came back in the room and said that she needed to go get in the shower, which left dad and I alone.
As soon as the shower started Dad said, why don't you come over here? He scooted his chair back and turned slightly. I got up and walked over to him. My heart was thundering, I was sure he had realized what I had been doing and that I was about to be in trouble.
When I was in front of him he took my hand and pulled me close until he was helping me onto his lap sitting sideways with my legs hanging off one side. Besides the abrupt and unexpected affection, a thrill went through my body as I could feel his warm bare thighs against mine, leaving only my thin panties between his privates and mine. I couldn't really wrap my arms around him from the angle we were at, but he wrapped his arms around me and held me against him as he kissed the top of my head and whispered into my hair.
"There's no reason to be embarrassed, sweetie. Curiosity is totally normal". I started to pull away and start sputtering explanation, but he held me more firmly and whispered "shhh..shhh, it's okay".
He slowly used his grasp on me to cause my body to rock and sway slightly as he began to slowly move his hips in the chair. What started as a firm but squishy warmth pressing against my pussy was becoming big and hard, and was starting to poke firmly against my opening while the panties acted as a thin strained barrier.
He continued to push and grind his big hard cock against my cunny.
He continued to whisper "shhh.. shh" as his breathing quickened and it felt like the tip of his cock was pushing the tip and my panties a little bit into my opening.
I whispered through my ragged breathing "you're going inside me a little, maybe I should move my panties". A shudder ran through his body causing his hips to thrust upward as he grunted and while he entered me another half inch still pushing at my panties; his cock began to pulse and twitch while I felt a warm wetness soaking my panties as he jizzed on me.
He held me until his cock stopped twitching and it was just pushing against me,then he whispered "go change your panties, but keep the sleep shirt on". He gently moved me off of his lap, but right then the shower stopped. I turned and he was covering his lap before I could see it in it's big hard form. I was thrilled and scared but said "don't tell her, please" and I kissed him on the cheek and went to my room.
I changed my panties and laid on my bed. My mind was racing,my heart was pounding,my pussy was twitching. What had just happened? What was going to happen next? Why did it feel wrong like mom shouldn't know, but also felt right like it should have happened before now. How had the wonderful smell of his skin and the warm feeling of him pushing and rubbing against my pussy not been part of my happiness sooner?
I jumped as if my heart could actually pop out of my chest when mom's voice rang out, "I'll be back shortly, kiss kiss!" before the front door shutting in a rush rattled the walls.
I lay perfectly still until I heard the fading sound of the cars engine as it got farther away. As soon as it was totally silent I was up and headed to the living room. Dad was sitting on the couch, the sash of the robe was undone leaving his body exposed from his feet to his chest. But all I could look at was his groin. His cock was soft and his balls were round and full.
I realized that I had been staring open-mouthed for a few minutes without saying anything. I looked up at his face and he was grinning. He said "do you want to play with them?". I couldn't speak, I nodded and knelt between his legs so that I was sitting on my knees and my face was at ball level.
In a breathy stuttering voice I said, "what should I do?". I kept my eyes on his groin but he said, "what do you want to do?"
I took a deep breath and leaned in. I kissed one testicle and then the other, and then I covered both in multiple kisses until I moved up and covered his soft penis in kisses. The smell of his groin was amazing and I rested my face against him and nuzzled his genitals until the soft tip of his cock brushed my lips. The sensation caused and urge that I couldn't resist and I put my lips over the tip and started to suck it like a pacifier until it started to grow in my mouth. As it grew I continued to lick and suck as much of his cock as my mouth could hold while my hands explored his testicles.
After a few moments of worshipping between his legs,he was standing up and pushing me back until I was laying on the floor and his head was going between my legs. I felt the rush of air as he inhaled through his nose and said "damn, baby. You smell so good" and then he put as much of his mouth over my slit as he could and then he started to lap my slit like a dog, letting his tongue trace my opening from time to time.
I laid perfectly still, breathing hard, dizzy with pleasure. He moved his face lower and suddenly his tongue was probing my hole while his face as buried against me.
Suddenly he stopped and I looked down my body up at his to see his swollen pink erection bobbing and pointing straight out with glistening strands of clear goo hanging from it.
He started to straddle my body, walking on his knees until he was straddling my chest and his cock was bobbing above me.
He leaned forward putting his hands on the floor and moved his hips forward until his cock met my eagerly open mouth and he started to pump in and out of my lips until he was hitting so far back that I almost gagged.
In a strained grunting voice he said, "I'm about to squirt! I'm about to squirt! Suck and swallow, sweetheart! Suck and swallow!".
I felt his cock twitch as the first spurt came out and I swallowed, it was so natural that I automatically swallowed after every spasm. The sensation felt right, the taste was amazing, it seemed like this was what I had craved for the longest time without knowing.
Once dad stopped thrusting and jizzing, he leaned back and then climbed back onto the couch with a big relaxed sigh. I raised my head and then sat up.
My eyes went to his groin where his cock was still partially erect but getting softer. I looked at his testicles and felt a twinge of guilt and longing. I felt like I had spent way more time exploring his cock with my mouth, and barely any time getting to know his balls.
I leaned in and started to nuzzle again for a bit before I started to lick and suck them. Every now and then I would look up to see his eyes closed and a big smile on his face.

More to cum...