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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
41-Virginia at Home

“This,” Virginia’s Boss/Owner said holding out a key ring as she finished buttoning her blouse, the first time she had worn both pieces of her clothing at the same time since he walked through the door that morning, “is the key to your new apartment.” She reached out and took the key she had no idea that she had a new apartment. “I’ve already taken the keys to your old apartment off your keyring. You can leave your car in the parking lot, it’s only two doors down the street you can walk. Virginia dreaded walking outside, the first four buttons of her blouse were missing, her skirt just barely reached the top of her stockings and she could barely walk with the spiked heels she was being forced to wear. Every male driving by would assume she was a whore on her way to her favorite corner.

“You’ve already got clothes in the apartment, and food in the refrigerator. You’re going to love it, there are big screen TV’s in every room and they all play training tapes for you.” Virginia realized that ‘training tapes’ were her Boss/Owner’s term for pornography. Even though the sun had set and it was cool enough to harden her nipples, it was still light enough that three cars, each driven by a male, had honked at her, and she was only halfway to ‘two doors down the street’. Why am I getting excited when these men honk at me and yell obscenities about exactly how they want to rape me? Once she was inside the apartment, and the door was locked, she sighed in relief, then looked around. The wide screen TV’s were, indeed, all showing porn. The volume wasn’t loud enough to garner complaints from the neighbors, just loud enough they really could not be ignored.

First thing Virginia did was check her bedroom. Some of her clothes had been moved here but the available clothing was more of what she already had on. They were already put together into ‘outfits’. The note on one of these said ‘Enjoy your new work clothes. I know Mathew will.’ It was signed Lilitu. A small group of more conservative clothes also hung in the closet. The note on them read ‘For church. Remember even when you are dressed for church you are not allowed to wear panties or bras.’ Signed Lilitu.

Virginia stood for a minute remembering one of the instructions her Boss/Owner gave her, he had said even while you are in church, even while you take communion, you will think only about my hard cock and how it feels when I push it into your wet eager cunt. That thought reminded her how wet her inner thighs were from her boss’ cum and her, seemingly, unending flow of vaginal secretions. “He’ll never know,” she said out loud as she headed towards the bathroom

“Who will never know?” Virginia made a noise very similar to the ‘eeek’ popular in comic books as she whirled around.

“Who the … wait, you’re one of the women who came to my apartment last night.”

“Yes, my name is Lilitu.”

“What did you people do to me.”

“We did what Mathew is paying us to do, we turned you into a sex slave.”

“I don’t want to be his sex slave.” Virginia sobbed.

“First, that’s the nature of being a sex slave, nobody wants to be one. Second, you don’t belong to him, you belong to me, I’m just sort of leasing you to him.” At that moment Virginia noticed as a short, incredibly pregnant, Asian woman appeared.

“She the devil.” The woman said.

“Be silent, FuckMachine.”

“She the devil.” FuckMachine repeated petulantly.

“Take your clothes off,” Lilitu ordered Virginia. “You’re not allowed to wear clothes at home. You must be ready to be fucked by anyone I send over here.”

“You mean…”

“That you have to fuck anyone you are told to fuck even here in your own home? Yes, exactly that. You wont be able to keep your door locked to avoid being fucked. They will all come through the same door I used. I installed a portal that I can use to send men into this apartment.”

“Portal? Who are you?” Virginia realized that she and the woman in front of her were both naked. She could not remember getting undressed.”

“I am a succubus.”

“A succu… ?”

“A succubus, a female sex demon. Doesn’t your church teach you about demons?”

“She the devil.” FuckMachine said softly.

“Shut the fuck up FuckMachine, and take care of my son.” FuckMachine looked directly at Virginia and mouthed ‘She the devil’, nodding her head towards Lilitu.

“Ignore her,” Lilitu, instructed the new slave, “how did your first day as a fuck toy go?” As she spoke Lilitu pushed her hand between her slave’s thighs and inserted two fingers into her drooling cunt. Virginia moaned more loudly than the women being fucked on the television screens and grabbed her true owner’s shoulders with both hands to keep from falling to her knees from the intensity of the orgasm. Lilitu stepped backwards and sat on front edge of the couch, pulling her slave down onto her knees between her wide spread thighs.

“Whatever Mathew tells you,” Lilitu instructed, pulling Virginia’s mouth to her pussy, “you will think first and always about pleasing me and my cunt.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Virginia said before she extended her tongue and, for the first time in her life licked a woman’s pussy. She immediately had another orgasm as the succubus’ cunt seemed to suck her tongue into its warm moist folds until the slave’s nose rubbed against the sex demon’s large clitoris.

“As my SexKitten you will willingly and enthusiastically enjoy being raped by every man or woman that I or Mathew give permission to use your body. SexKitten made a valiant attempt to say ‘Yes Mistress’ while tongue fucking her owners pussy and rubbing her nose against Lilitu’s clitoris, but nothing could be heard except a loud, orgasmic mumble.

“Now, push a couple of your fingers into my ass, slave.” SexKitten mumbled again as she followed her mistress’ order. Virginia quickly lost all awareness of time. When Lilitu finally pushed her new slave’s mouth away from her pussy. Virginia had no idea if she had been servicing her owner’s pussy for minutes, hours, or days. Sitting back on her heels, Virginia looked at Lilitu.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” She could think of nothing she wanted more than to please her new owner in anyway she could. As she watched a cock grew out of her mistress’s pussy. “Oh, my, god.”

“Yes, slave,” Lilitu placed a hand on each side of her slave’s head and held her with their eyes locked on each other, “my cunt is your goddess, and my cock is your god.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Do you want to kiss and suck on your god?”

“Oh, yes, Mistress, more than anything.”

“Before the night is over you will, but right now I want you to stand up, turn around, now straddle my legs and slowly impale yourself on your god.”

“Oh, god, it’s so big…” Virginia repeated over and over while her pussy slowly enveloped every inch of her god/cock’s length.”

“This,” Lilitu informed her slave, “is called the reverse cowgirl position.”

“Reverse cowgirl,” Virginia giggled.

“Reach down and stroke your clitoris.”

“Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress.”

“Mathew thinks your breasts are too small.”

“I’m sorry my breasts are too small, Mistress.”

“I’m going to fix that.” Lilitu said as Virginia felt her owner’s hands moving over her breasts and her owner’s voice speaking a language she didn’t understand.

Being left to her own devices while sitting beside her mistress, and her mistress’s new slave, FuckMachine, not being able to reach over her huge pregnant belly, bent as far as she could to the side, and reaching around her belly just managed to touch her own clitoris and the first inch or so of her cunt lips. She really wanted Lilitu to fuck her with that demon cock, but since that wasn’t going to happen, FuckMachine decided to take care of the situation herself.
اسم الموضوع : Dæmonland - the Life of a sex demon Pt 43 | المصدر : Sex Stories