
طاقم الإدارة
جوا 28, 2024
مستوى التفاعل
30-The Priest and the Nun

The priest stepped through the front door of the Succubus Queendom Mall with his book of common prayer already marked for the exorcism ceremony in one hand, a rosary and bottle of holy water in the other. “In the name of Jesus Christ I command all the demons to be silent.”

“Wait just a second, don’t you know you can’t exorcise Incubi and Succubi?”

“Why not?”

“To quote Franciscan friar Ludovico Maria Sinistrari, Incubi ‘do not obey exorcists, have no dread of exorcisms, show no reverence for holy things, at the approach of which they are not in the least overawed’.” Incus took the bottle of holy water from the priest, opened it, drank the water, and handed the empty bottle back to the priest. “Now, rev, there is something you can do for me.”

“Uh, what?” The priest asked looking around in confusion.

“I love priests,” Lucrezia announced, pressing one of her breasts against his arm, “have you ever fucked a Succubus honey?” While he stuttered trying to answer her question, Lucrezia cupped his cock and balls, through his robe and trousers, with on hand and squeezed his butt with the other. “What I really want,” she continued her hot breath in his ear, “is for you to suck on my hard nipples while you fuck my nasty demon cunt with your hard holy Christian cock. Just like Jesus used to fuck Marry Magdalen.”

“Oh, god.” The priest moaned in an extremely unholy manner. Incus took the priests other arm and walked him and Lucrezia to a table in the caffe.

“You know you can have her, Incus told the Priest after ordering, “you can have her in any way you want.”

“Oh, god.” Seemed to be the only words the priest was capable of. He was glad his robe and trousers hid his spreading wet spot.

“What’s your name?” Incus asked.

“Uh, John.”

“Well, Father John, you can have Lucrezia do every nasty thing you’ve ever thought of when you were masturbating, but you have to do one little thing for us first. Are there any nuns in this town?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Are they modern dress or do they wear habits?”

“Some of them wear habits.”

“Any of the habit wearers good looking and in their thirties. You know, like the one you think about when your hard cock is in your hand.”

“You mean Sister Mary?”

“Yes, of course, Sister Mary.”

“Lucrezia will go with you, I want you to bring Sister Mary back with you and she can assist you in the exorcism.”

“Come on, Father John, let’s go find Sister Mary.”

“OK,” he said, standing up and walking out through the front door with her. The only thing he could think about was fucking Lucrezia. Incus was glad that his daughter had other business to take care of that morning and had dressed conservatively. He had no doubts that, with Lucrezia on the case, they would have no problem finding Sister Mary and bringing her back to the mall.

Lucrezia kept her right hand on the priest’s thigh while she drove with her left. He wasn’t thoroughly under their control yet so it helped to keep a hand in contact with the priest. She moved her hand up to his shoulder with her fingertips resting on the bare skin of his neck. That’s better, she thought. Unbeknownst to Father John Lucrezia was already working on his mind. Changing fundamental beliefs and thoughts. By the time they found Sister Mary, the center of Father John’s world was the Succubus Lucrezia. She wanted this nun to go back to the Succubus Queendom Mall with them so Father John was prepared to do anything and everything to make that happen. Even if it meant taking her by force.

Once they found Sister Mary it turned out she was eager to help Father John with his project to expel these demons from their town. On the way back to the mall Father John sat in the back seat and Sister Mary sat in the front with Lucrezia. The nun’s habit left Lucrezia little choice as to getting to touch her skin so so she took the nun’s hand in hers. The nun tensed, then relaxed as a warm, loving glow seemed to envelope her. She was so calmed by Lucrezia’s touch that the nun began to believe that this woman was an angel who was there to help her and Father John in their holy mission to drive out the demons.

Parking her car in the reserved parking space beside the one used by Lilitu, her extremely powerful sister. Dæmond’s had not made an incursion of this size into the human dimension in several centuries. Sister Mary realized the magnitude of her mistake as soon as they crossed the threshold of the main entrance.

“Oh, dear God.” She said grasping the crucifix hanging around her neck. In her case it was not just a thoughtless expression of surprise, but an actual attempt to call on the god she worshiped for help. The male employees were all dressed in no more that tight speedos, worn to display and show off their hard cocks. Each of those cocks leaking a thick fluid that oozed through the material of the speedos. When she turned to flee from the vile and evil place, Sister Mary discovered that Lucrezia was much stronger than she seemed. Sister Mary was held in place as what she correctly assumed to be a male demon approached her.

“Sister Mary,” Lucrezia informed her still holding her immovable, “this is my father, Incus. He is a incubus thousands of years old.” The nun tried to pull away from the demon’s touch but was being held tightly.

“Help me, Father John,” the nun begged, turning her head to look at the priest. “Oh god,” she said softly when she noticed the wetness on the front of his robe, “not you.”

“Yes, Sister, he’s mine now.” Lucrezia explained, grasping one of her breasts. “He’s not the first priest that I have taken for my own, and you wont be the first nun my father has ‘converted’.”

“No.” Sister Mary yelled, “I belong to God. I am a bride of Christ.”

“And now you will be a whore of Incus.” Lucrezia’s father finished pushing his hand between her legs. “Nun or not, you are a human female and your cunt is drooling down your thighs just being close to me.” She could feel her face turning red, the demon was right. Her nipples were hard and her pussy was almost gushing. Incus and Lucrezia went to work modifying the thinking of their two new human slaves following a method developed by Lilitu.

As Lilitu had described her methods to her father and sisters. She visualizes a small room inside the human’s mind where she imprisons behaviors, beliefs etc. that will cause the conflicts that will keep the humans producing all of the rage and guilt that we like to feed on while keeping them impotently confined where they cannot affect the human’s behavior. “So, a trapped version of Sister Mary lives inside her head, forced to live and experience everything the newly created slut/whore Sister Mary is compelled to do by our orders. She lives inside the human’s head unable to stop her body from orgasming over and over every time they, seemingly enthusiastically performing every sexual act they are told to do.

“Sister Mary, remove every piece of clothing you are wearing under your habit.” The nun scowled at Incus, but began removing her undergarments and handing them to the sex demon.

“Father John,” Lucrezia addressed the priest, you do the same. Father John seemed to be a bit more eager to obey Lucrezia’s order to get naked under his robe than the nun. This was all being done just a few feet inside the main entrance to the mall with people inside the mall, and walking by outside, able to see them. When Incus received the last piece of Sister Mary’s underwear, he placed the pile on the closest table then stepped up behind the nun and, wrapping his arms around her, turned her to face the sidewalk while he cupped her breasts through her habit. Lucrezia added Father John’s clothes to the pile on the table then, turning him to face the people on the sidewalk cupped his cock and balls through his robe.

“Lift your robe,” Lucrezia whispered in his ear, “let the world see what your priest cock looks like when it’s about to break the vows of celibacy.” The priest’s entire body was trembling with excitement. Lucrezia knew that this man had decided to become a priest when he was very young and was, quite literally a virgin. “In just a few minutes you are going to find out what it really feels like to sink your hard cock into a virgin pussy.” Lucrezia grasped his hard cock and watched it fountain cum half way to the mall door, “she’s a virgin too, your virgin cock will be the first to penetrate her virgin cunt.” Father John moaned loudly. “You’re going to discover what a waste it’s been not using your cock for anything except pissing.”

Incus had Sister Mary holding her habit up to her shoulders so everyone walking by could see her breasts and her pubic bush. “You are about to find out what it feels like to have a priests cock, his virgin cock, penetrate your virgin cunt. When you discover how good it feels you will regret wasting all these years you could have used being fucked. Don’t worry though once you two have defiled each other we have men and women lining up to fuck you and be fucked by Father John. You will start reclaiming all those wasted years.”

Another incubus appeared to take Sister Mary’s other arm and, with Incus escort her to the public sex chair. Lilitu appeared on the other other side of Father John to escort him to the public fuck chair. The pairs of demons made sure that the robes of the priest and the habit of the nun remained up to expose their naked bodies. The crucifix hanging around the nuns neck hung right between her still firm breasts. The fully erect nipples impressed both male and female, humans and Dæmonds. Sister Mary could feel the flow of her vaginal secretions down her inner thighs and Father John’s hard cock drooled precum on the floor wherever he walked. Just about every woman in the audience had another person standing behind her and reaching around to maul their breasts while they watched the priest fuck the nun.

Business was slow in the Happy Endings massage area so the Door Prizes were in the audience to be available to any male who wanted to fuck them. Having been programmed to crave sex all the time, the Door Prizes weren’t happy to just wait for one of the men to approach them, they spread out through the gathering audience and rubbed their all but naked bodies salaciously against any male who looked like he might not have female accompaniment.

“Get away from him whore.” Patricia, one of the newest whores, and wife of the mayor hissed at BouncyBoobs when she started rubbing against a man her father’s age.

“You’re nothing but a sex slave and a whore, just like me. I just thought this gentleman might want someone younger, who’s not a dried up worn out old slut.”

“Yes,” the man said turning his attention to the younger whore with nice firm breasts who looked remarkably like his daughter when she was twenty. Patricia went looking for a another male. The man cupped one of her breasts and gently pinched her nipple, “what’s your name?”

“Everybody calls me BouncyBoobs.”

“Yes,” the man agreed gently bouncing the boob he was holding, “very nice and bouncy, just the way I like them. How old are you?”

“I’m twenty.”

“Let me stand behind you,” the man moved without releasing her breast, “so I can rub my hard cock against your nice firm butt, and play with both your tits while we watch the live sex show.” Once in position he kissed her neck from her shoulder up to just below her ear, then whispered, his warm breath sending chills down her spine, “do you like having your neck kissed?”

“God, yes.” BouncyBoobs answered with honesty and enthusiasm while she pressed back against him and moved her butt crack up and down firmly massaging his hard cock. “I like you, I’d let you fuck me for free, if they’d let me.”

“That’s ok, sweetheart,” the man replied, slipping his hands under the thin shirt that did more to display her breasts than to hide them, to get his hands on her naked tits, I’d gladly pay you three times the price. Don’t tell them that.”

“OK, I wont.” BouncyBoobs put her hands on top of his and moaned softly. “You’re really turning me on.”

“Is your pussy wet?”

“God, yes, it’s running down my thighs.”

“Do you like to have your butt fucked?”

“Yeah, it’s ok, I prefer getting my pussy fucked but, up the butt is ok too.” BouncyBoobs giggled about her but/butt joke, “Whatever you want is the only thing that matters.” She looked over her shoulder, “you know, we can arrange ourselves so you can get your hard cock into my ass and fuck me while we watch the priest rape the nun.”

“Just keep your hands on my tits, I’ll take care of getting your cock into my ass, OK?”

“Excellent idea.” BouncyBoobs reached behind her and felt the man’s hard cock through his trousers.

“OOO, you’re big, I have to get this monster into my butt.” With an expertise gained through months of working and living at the Succubus Queendom Mall, BouncyBoobs had become an expert at manipulating men’s clothing and sex organs. “Push it in daddy, push it in.”

“Oh, god, I don’t usually cum that quickly.”

“Don’t worry, this place is full of magic that keeps cocks hard for hours. Is it ok if I call you daddy?”

“Yes, honey,” the man put his arms around her just below her breasts and hugged her and fucked his hard cock gently deeper into her rectum as the priest and nun were brought to the chair. “Can I call you Betty.”

“Oh, fuck yes, it’s actually my name. Fuck your little whore, daddy.” BouncyBoobs had not truly enjoyed being ass fucked as much as she did this time. Her time working as a mind controlled sex slave/whore had changed her. She found watching the Nun being raped by the Priest immensely stimulating. “I hope,” she said to her ‘daddy’, as she pushed back against him to get maximum penetration of his cock into her quivering ass, “they let all the men gang rape the nun when the priest is finished with her.”

“Yes, Betty, honey, I’d love to watch that.”

“I’d love to watch you fuck the nun, daddy. I’d love to tongue fuck your ass while you pumped your hard cock into the nun’s pussy.” BouncyBoobs smiled when she felt her new friend’s cock pulse and jerk deep inside her rectum. They both stood still, resting, with arms still around her and his cock still buried to the hilt in her trembling ass.

“What I’d really love is to have a party and invite a bunch of my friends over to share my daughter with them.”

“That sounds like fun,” BouncyBoobs said moving her body just enough to stimulate and re-harden her ‘daddy’s’ cock before it softened up enough to slip out. “You want to watch your friends all fuck your daughter?”

“It was always one of my favorite fantasies,” the man moved his recovering cock inside the whore’s ass as he talked, “can such a thing be arranged?”

“Listen, daddy, at the Succubus Queendom Mall, anything can be arranged.” She caught Nancy’s eye and waved her over. At one point in her life Nancy might have found it odd to be negotiating a daughter’s gang rape fantasy sex party with a man while he ass fucked one of her whores and watched a priest raping a nun, but not any longer. Not since that afternoon when Lilitu walked into her salon. This was one of the ways Lilitu had fine tuned the mind of her slave.
اسم الموضوع : Dæmondland - The life of a sex demond Part 30 | المصدر : Sex Stories