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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
33-Cry Havoc and Loose the Dogs of Rape

Betty jerked awake and looked around on the edge of panic. When she was turned into a sex slave whore by Lilitu and Incus, Lilitu’s father, her apartment was reduced to the front room, the Bedroom, and the bathroom. Still on the edge of hysteria, Betty got off the bed and looked around the three rooms. She calmed down after she discovered their were no dogs in the apartment.

Was it a dream? If it was she never wanted to go to sleep again. If it was a dream she knew beyond doubt that it had been projected into her sleeping mind by one of the Dæmonds. Being forced to act like she loved being raped by random men appearing in her apartment was bad enough but to be gang raped by a pack of demon dogs that looked like overly large and vicious mastiffs from hell was more than she could handle.

Examining her body provided evidence that it was not a nightmare. Scratches on her hips and arm pits, as well as dog teeth marks on her ankles indicated that she really had been gang raped by a pack of demon dogs or, more likely, Dæmonds capable of transforming into demon dogs from hell. Betty had been practicing ignoring the feelings of love and loyalty she felt for Lilitu, her owner, and the Succubus that had enslaved her to be locked into these three rooms and be available to be raped by any male who had paid the Succubus Queendom Consortium however much they charged the men they allowed to come through the portal.

She resolved, like she had so many times before, to not allow the next man, or men, who came through the portal, fuck her. “What’s the use?” She asked out loud. She knew that the resolve would only last until the next customer, or customers, appeared in the apartment. She knew, from experience, that her body had been programmed so completely that it would smile, moan, and orgasm as they raped her. Only deep inside her own mind would the screams of protest be heard.

Even with the demon dogs from hell the programming worked. She tried to scream for help when they first appeared in her front room, but her body refused to scream. She ran from them, but there was no place for her to run. In a single bound one of them caught her by her ankle and, after she fell to the floor, drug her to the center of the room. As the devil dog rape replayed in her memory, Betty remembered their were four dogs.

Each of them took a turn holding her neck in its teeth while two of them would hold her ankles in their teeth, pulling her legs wide apart, as the fourth dog positioned itself to rape her with a dog cock that was larger than almost any human cock she had ever been fucked by. The first one stopped and lapped at her pussy several times before positioning itself and raping her.

It didn’t stop when all four of them had raped her in this almost human position. After the fourth dog finished raping her, it used nips, scratches and, she was sure, mind control, to position her on her hands and knees. Then they raped her two at a time. One with its front paws on her hips raping her rectum, and the other, with its front paws in her armpits, raping her mouth and throat. In this position the rapes seemed to go on forever. Sometimes two at a time, sometimes one. Sometimes raping her ass and sometimes raping her cunt.

Reliving, as best as she could remember, the last thing she recalled was Lilitu, naked, carrying her to the bed. “Why?” She had asked.

“Oh, LittleGoose,” Lilitu had replied, “there doesn’t have to be a reason.” The next thing she remembered was waking up terrified. ‘LittleGoose’, the nickname Lilitu had given her, always made her feel warm and special when the Succubus called her that. Betty, in an attempt to reclaim a little more reality, always thought of her as ‘the Succubus’, or ‘the sex demon’, instead of Lilitu. Even now after terrifying hours being raped by demon dogs from hell, thinking the name Lilitu made her feel warm, loved, and cared for. But thinking ‘the Succubus’, or ‘the sex demon’, allowed her to realize the truth. She was being held in a three room prison. The front door no longer worked, the only exit was a portal through the Dæmondland dimension to the Succubus Queendom Mall. The portal would not let her leave her prison, it only allowed customers access to rape her and return to the mall. Her son visited, he only came through the portal to rape her just like the other customers. But her son was making fewer visits since his fiancé had been turned into a sex slave whore belonging to the succubus. Betty assumed that Barbie, now SexDoll, could no longer refuse him sex of any kind, at any time, and any place he desired.

Her prison had no windows, no clocks, and the giant screen TV’s on every wall only displayed pornography and could not be turned off. Food was delivered to her, but the men who delivered it always raped her as an extra payment for bringing her food. Cleaning crews came into her prison on a regular basis. The three man crew made a quick job of cleaning the three rooms then they would rape her before they disappeared through the glittery spot on the wall that marked the portal.

Betty had come to the conclusion that there were cameras taping everything that happened. Betty wondered how many people watched the streams of her being raped, and how much they paid for the ability to watch her body pretending to enjoy being raped. How much money did they make when Lilitu and her three sisters morphed into giant dogs and spent the day raping her over and over?
اسم الموضوع : Dæmondland - The life of a sex demon Pt33 | المصدر : Sex Stories