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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
40-The Succubi Train a Sex Slave

Mathew was eager to get to work. The people who had offered to turn his secretary into a willing sex slave were the ones who owned the very busy and rapidly expanding Succubus Queendom Mall. He had to look up Succubus the first time he drove by and read the sign. Mathew regularly attended church and considered himself a good god fearing man. Although deep down and well hidden, Mathew knew he only went to church so, as the most successful businessman in town, he would look good to the other businessmen. He learned that Incubus and Succubus were the male and female versions of sex demons. Just like he didn’t really believe in the god his church worshipped, he did not believe in demons, but he wanted to see how they used their assumed personas to make a successful business.

Mathew parked his car as near to the main entrance as he could, as he approached the door Mathew noticed the five parking places closest to the door were labeled ‘Incus’, ‘Boudicca’, ‘Lucrezia’, ‘Elizabeth’, and ‘Lilitu’. He went into the cafe and ordered a latte and a toasted bagel with cream cheese, then sat at an empty table near the door. A few minutes later the order was delivered. By a man who looked simultaneously very old, almost ancient, and in his prime. After placing the bagel and latte in front of him the man sat down across the table.

“Hello, my name is Incus. My four daughters and I own this business.”

“Boudicca, Lucrezia, Elizabeth, and Lilitu? I recognize Boudicca and Lucrezia, but unless there is a ‘the first’ after Elizabeth I don’t know who that or Lilitu refer to.”

“Well, actually their is a first after her name in history books. Lilitu is Sumerian for succubus. She is my youngest daughter.” After a few seconds of silence, Incus spoke again. “We can make your secret fantasy come true.”

“I don’t have any secret fantasies.”

“There is not a human that has ever lived that didn’t have at least one secret fantasy.”

“OK, you’re probably right about that.”

“We can turn your new secretary into a willing, eager to please, sex slave that you will be able to fuck in any way you please anytime you want. Think about it,” Incus said standing up. “I’ve got a couple of things I need to take care of.” William wanted to stand up and leave, but his erection would be embarrassingly obvious. He had just swallowed the last of his latte and started to stand up. He planned to put his hands in his trouser pockets in an attempt to hide his hard cock.

“Hi,” a amazingly beautiful woman with long wavy red hair sat down next to him, “I noticed my father talking to you.”

“Yeah, he was telling me a bunch of stuff that I find highly unlikely,”

“Our father cannot always be trusted but he is an incubus and his four daughters are all succubi.”

“I have a hard time believing that.”

“I bet you are having a hard time. Let me guess, after you came though the door you barely had time to sit at this table, after placing your order, before your erection became so obvious you were afraid everyone would see it. Don’t worry it’s normal for a male human’s cock to get hard when he’s near a succubus.” Elizabeth reached under the table and grasped the man’s hard cock through his trousers. Williams face reflected a combination of extreme pleasure as he spewed more cum than he ever had in one orgasm, and wonder at the amount of pleasure he received from this woman grasping his erection through his trousers, not directly touching it at all. He could feel his cum spreading through the fibers of his trousers.

“What you are experiencing is the normal reaction of a normal human male to a succubus. Watch,” she continued as she waved a male employee over to the table. William watched as the male, wearing nothing but a speedo with the head of his hard cock sticking out the top. As soon as he reached the table Elizabeth reached out with her other hand and grasped his erection. His hard cock spewed a veritable fountain of cum up onto his chest and belly.

“Thank you mistress,” he said with a mixture of awe and gratitude.

“They aren’t allowed to cum unless one of us touches their cock or they are fucking one of our customers.”

“Your father offered to turn my new secretary into a sex slave for me.”

“We can do that and your secretary will love being your sex slave.”

“I don’t see how that can be, she’s a good Christian lady. She’s never been married and I’m sure she’s a virgin.”

“Then you’ll have the extraordinary experience of being the first male to fuck his new sex slave.” Elizabeth noticed Williams face turning red and his still hard cock jerking in her hand as he deposited more cum unto his trousers.”

“I’ll make a prediction. Once you’ve had a sex slave at work for a week you’ll be back in here wanting us to turn your wife into a sex slave.” She felt his cock jerk in her hand again. “Does your secratery live by herself?”

“Yes, she lives in a small apartment above her aunt and uncles garage.”

“Give me her address and when you arrive at work tomorrow morning she will be your sex slave.”

And now he was almost at work, he could not believe that these people could really do what they promised but the payment would be negotiated after he was satisfied with her performance. Mathew sat in his car and looked over some business papers waiting for his erection to subside. When he was satisfied that it was no longer embarrassingly obvious Mathew placed the papers back in his attaché case and went into his office.

He stopped in the middle of the outer office and stared at his secretary sitting at her desk. She was wearing a white blouse. His cock was rapidly coming to attention as he pondered the blouse, the color of purity, showing off her braless breasts. Her crinkled dark areolas visible through the thin material of Virginia’s blouse. The thin material high lighting her hard nipples. Someone had thought to redirect the air conditioning vent so the cold air blew directly on her tits. Virginia’s face was deep red in embarrassment. Mathew made no effort to hide his erection. Why bother, he thought, it’s going to be pounding her cunt in a few minutes. “Come into my office.” Mathew ordered as he walked past her desk.

“Yes sir.” He heard her reply her voice soft. Mathew was surprised by the extent the sound of fear in her voice excited him. He set his attaché case down beside his desk and sat in his chair.

“Shut the door and lock it.”

“Yes sir.”

“stand here.” He said turning to face her and indicated a spot on the floor right in front of him. Virginia’s skirt was shorter than anything she’d ever worn, with each step the darker material at the top of her stockings briefly came into view. In fact if she’d worn it the day before he’d have sent her home to change. Mathew leaned back in his chair, making no attempt to hide his erection, and looked her up and down, her face practically glowed with humiliation.

“Take your blouse off.”

“Yes, Sir.” She answered with a quavering voice while she undid the buttons with shaky hands.

“Are you a virgin?”

“Yes, Sir.” She answered as the blouse slipped down her arms and fell to the floor. Her breathing was shallow and her belly trembled.

“You know that, in a few minutes, I’m going to rape you.”


“You are now my sex slave. Slaves aren’t able to say no. Besides Neither I, or any of the other men I may allow to rape you will ever ask if you want to be fucked, that means that it will always be rape. No matter how many orgasms you may have during the rape. At the very least I’m going to rape your cunt, your ass, and your mouth today,” The Dæmonds had explained to Mathew that as a sex slave she would cum, often and hard, and she would feel embarrassed and humiliated every time she orgasmed. “Take off your skirt.”

“Yes sir.” The skirt slid down her legs onto the floor revealing the garter belt that held up her hose, and her full growth of pubic hair.

“Cup your breasts and hold them like your offering them to be sucked.” Mathew put his hands up to his chest demonstrating what he wanted. He picked up his phone and framed the shot. “Lick your lips, let your lips open, that’s good. Now look right into the camera lens. “Now, bring those tits over here and ask me to suck your nipples.”

“Yes, Sir,” Virginia stepped forward, “Please suck my nipples, sir.” She watched as her boss first licked her right nipple, causing her to moan softly, then take the erect nipple, and crinkled areola, into his warm mouth and gently sucked. Virginia’s moans became louder. She had never dreamed that having her nipples sucked on could feel this good. When Mathew placed his right hand on the inside of Virginia’s right knee, she moved her feet apart without being told to. He slowly moved his hand up the inside of his secretary’s trembling upper thigh. As soon as the side of his hand touched her wet, open, pussy, Virginia bent her knees just enough to get more pressure against her vagina and rocked her hips, moving her cunt against his hand. Virginia was humiliated by her body’s reaction to what her boss was doing, but she could not stop herself.

“Oh, God.” Virginia almost shouted when Mathew pressed his thumb on her clitoris. Her hips spasmed, pushing herself more firmly against her boss’ hand. “Oh, oh, oh…” she repeated with each spasm. As the stimulation continued Virginia placed one hand on the desk beside her for support. She had never felt anything in her life like this. Not even the few times she had surrendered to temptation and stimulated herself in bed were just a pale imitation of the feel of another person touching her.

“Do you masturbate?” Mathew asked as he wiped his hand on her thigh.

“No sir,” she answered emphatically.


“Only a few times.” Placing his hands on her hips, Mathew maneuvered his secretary/sex slave to stand between him and his desk.

“Sit on my desk.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Lean back.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Lift your legs up and spread them.”

“Yes, Sir.”


““Yes, Sir.” Mathew placed his hands on his secretary/sex slave’s knees and pushed them down towards the surface of his desk.

“I sad wider, cunt.”

“Yes, Sir.” Virginia sobbed.

“Now, masturbate.” When she neither answered or obeyed, Virginia heard one of the desk drawers open then close. Without warning she felt the stinging pain of something hitting her left breast right on top of her hard nipple.

“I said masturbate, you stupid useless cunt slave.”

“Yes, Sir.” Virginia answered through tears as she moved her right hand down to her crotch and put her left arm over her eyes.

“Move your arm off your face.” This time the stinging blow came down on her left nipple and breast.

“Yes, Sir.” She sobbed moving her arm down to the desk.

“Use your left hand to pinch and pull on your nipples.”

“Yes, Sir.” Virginia pinched and pulled on her left nipple.

“The first two or three weeks as my secretary/sex slave, you will be in training. You will often be instructed to put on a sex show for me and my male friends. So, imagine my office full of men who are all going to take turns raping you, and they want a sex show while they are getting their cocks hard. I will teach you how to masturbate, not for your own pleasure but as a show to help men getting their cocks hard. Men don’t want to watch you rubbing circles on your cunt with your fingers flat. The want to see you fucking your fingers, or other things, in and out of your cunt.” Virginia’s entire body was heaving with sobs as she inserted her finger into her surprisingly wet pussy.

“Another one, add another finger.”

“Yes, Sir.” She had learned her lesson, Virginia did not want to feel the stinging blow on her breast again. She glance down and realized Mathew had his phone out and was videoing her fingers fucking in and out of her pussy. She hoped it was angled down enough that her face was not in view. ‘Good luck with that’ came from another part of her mind. What did those four women do to me, she wondered before she was distracted by another orgasm.

Virginia had felt so lucky when she was given this job. The chance to work for one of the most admired men in the church was more than she had hoped for. Now she was an adult, and he was calling her a sex slave and treating her like his own personal whore. She quickly stopped trying to think of anything at all and just experience the total mind and body orgasms she was having. Virginia realized that orgasms were good for blocking all the embarrassment she felt having a man touch her, or having to touch herself for his pleasure and entertainment.

“Now,” Mathew said grasping her wrist and moving her hand away from her fully ready to be fucked pussy, “you are going to feel a hard cock entering your cunt for the first time.” Holding his phone in position to video the first penetration of his slave’s pussy. “Lick your finger’s clean while my hard cock enters you.” Virginia almost gagged at the thought of placing the fingers that had just been in her pussy into her mouth. She swallowed a couple of times then, not wanting, what she now knew to be a stainless steel ruler, strike her breast and nipple again, she placed her fingers, one at a time, into her mouth and squeezed them clean with her lips.

The image of being on her knees and doing the same thing with her Boss/Owner’s cock after he fucked her pussy for the first time, flashed through her mind. Holding the phone, which he was using to video this first penetration with his right had, Mathew rubbed her swollen, very sensitive, clitoris with his left thumb. “Oh, god,” Virginia yelled, losing control of her body’s reaction as she was being fucked for the first time. The orgasms came one after the other, until she realized that her Boss/Owner had stopped thrusting his hard cock and was holding it buried, as deeply as he could push it, in her no longer virgin pussy.

“Look right into the camera while I spew your first ration of male cum, all over the inside of your cunt.” She could feel his hard cock jerking inside her body as pulses of his sperm filled cum filled her cunt. “Just relax and enjoy it, her Boss/Owner advised, “You’ll never have a ‘first time’ again. No matter how many hundreds of men fuck you in the future.” Hundreds? Virginia had never thought of anything more than one man. The orgasms had stopped. Virginia sobbed as fresh tears ran from her eyes. “Don’t worry,” Mathew advised his secretary/sex slave, “They assured me that your body is incapable of impregnation until they undo the block.” They who? Virginia wondered as he continued. “And your orgasms came just as they said they would.” She realized that the ‘they’ her Boss/Owner kept referring to was the four women who had visited her the night before.

When she had heard the nock on the door of the apartment she occupied on top of the garage, Virginia opened the door. The first of four women pushed passed her into her front room. “Who are you?” She had asked the last, and apparently youngest of the women. “What do you want?”

“Oh, honey,” she responded gently touching Virginia’s cheek, “you don’t need to know that.” This was Virginia’s last clear memory of the night before. Her next memory was sitting at her desk dressed like a whore, waiting for her boss to arrive. Now she was laying across his desk, on her back, her legs spread as wide as they would go, and she could feel the first cum she had ever come into contact with oozing from her pussy and running down towards her ass. Her Boss/Owner put down his phone and grasped both of her breasts and mauled them.

“Well, sweetheart, I can say, you have the best cunt I’ve ever fucked. And I’m going to fuck it as often as I can.” He released her breasts and taking her hands pulled her up and off of his desk. “Kneel right here in front of me. Now, lick my cock clean with your tongue.” Virginia hesitated only briefly then, sticking her tongue out, licked his cock head experimentally. “What you are tasting is a combination of your cunt and my cum, get used to it. As my secretary/sex slave you will be cleaning men’s genitals with your mouth on a regular basis.” Having been distracted by a steady stream of orgasms, Virginia was now feeling guilty about not crying. It felt like a betrayal of god. Tears flowed down her cheeks once again. She couldn’t do anything about the men who would be raping her but she could refuse to enjoy it. Or so she thought.

“Remember, as a sex slave the only purpose of your life is to make men’s cocks hard and give them places to fuck and dump a load of cum into or onto your body.” Placing his hands on each side of his secretary/sex slave’s head Mathew slowly pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. “Any time you spend without a hard cock fucking you is waisting part of your life. The primary purpose of your body is to be fucked, so the secondary purpose is to dress and act in ways that encourage men’s cocks to become hard so they can fuck you with those hard cocks your body craves.” Mathew, and his secretary/sex slave, both felt the tip of his cockhead approaching the back of her mouth and moving into her throat. “They told me they had removed your gag reflex, you now have a really nice fuckable throat.” ‘Fuckable throat’? In her entire life she never considered such a thing as a ‘fuckable throat’ even existed.

Mathew slowly fucked his hard cock as deep into his secretary/sex slave’ throat as he could force it. Only being sure to pull it out far enough for her to exhale and grab another breath every two or three thrusts. Virginia held on with each arm wrapped around on of her Boss/Owner’s thighs, in constant fear that he was going to push his cock deep into her throat and hold it there while she suffocated. Finally she panted, almost like a dog, when he pulled his hard cock free of her mouth. Virginia was caught by surprise and gasped when the cum hit her face covering her nose and cheeks, her eyes stung. She let go of his legs and reached up towards her face.

“No,” Mathew yelled swatting her hands away, “when a man cums anywhere on your body you will wait for him to tell you what he wants you to do with it. You will never wipe it off unless told to.

“Yes, Sir.” She struggle to get her stinging eyes open and, when she did she was looking directly into the lens on his phone as he videoed her cum covered face.

“Use your fingers to spread your owner’s cum over your face, up into your hair and down onto your neck.”

“Yes, Sir.” Virginia replied as she spread the thick, slimy, smelly cum all over her face. She had never felt so degraded in her life. She tried to ignore how tight her nipples were and the flow of her vaginal secretions and his cum down the inside of her thigh.

“If the man who just unloaded his cum onto your body doesn’t tell you any different you will spread it over your skin like you are now.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You will never wipe, or wash off any man’s cum without permission.

“Yes, Sir.”

“You will never wipe off or clean in any way, your cunt, or your ass, or anything flowing from your cunt or your ass, unless you are told to.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now, back up onto my desk. Lay back and spread your knees like before.”

“Yes, Sir.” Virginia’s boss left her alone as he went into the personal bathroom attached to his office. ‘Who were those women and what did they do to me’, she asked herself. Her boss kept making references to what they did to her. They removed her gag reflex, apparently they changed her so she wouldn’t get pregnant, whenever her boss did anything sexual to her, she would start orgasming over and over until the sex ended. Her boss came back into the office with a beard trimmer and an electric razor. He placed the razor on the desk beside his secretary/sex slave, and began removing her pubic hair with the trimmer.

“Your cunt,” he explained as he trimmed her bush, “your cunt is not only the center of your body, but the center of your life.” As the trimmer moved closer to her pussy, Virginia could feel an orgasm starting. “And now it will be the center of your universe.
اسم الموضوع : Dæmondland - The life of a sex demon Pt 49 | المصدر : Sex Stories