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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
43-SexKitten At the Mall

“The goal is that between your first Friday gang bang at work yesterday and today at the Succubus Queendom Mall, you’ll have been fucked more often than your aunt Sadie and your mom combined.”

“That wont be hard.”

“Believe me, they are all going to be hard.” Lilitu put her arm around her new slave and took her through the portal to the Succubus Queendom Mall. Lilitu quickly hiked the waist band of her slave’s plaid skirt up enough to guarantee the slaves pussy would be easily seen and adjusted the blouse so both of SexKittens nipples were displayed SexKitten looked around in wide eyed amazement. A man, who she had gone to school with, walked by wearing nothing but a speedo with the head of his hard cock protruding over the top. She realized how much she had changed, or had been changed, by Lilitu and her sisters, when her only thought was how good it would feel to be fucked by that cock. Lilitu stopped the man.

“I understand you went to school with my SexKitten?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Did you think about fucking her when you jerked off when you were in school with her?”

“Yes, Mistress?” Both SexKitten and the male slave blushed. Virginia realized both that she now thought of herself as SexKitten and she had no secrets from Lilitu. Putting an arm around each of them, Lilitu walked them to a table just inside the main entrance.

“I’m giving you the opportunity to live that sex fantasy right here in the mall.” She was careful not to touch the male slave’s hard cock. “Lift SexKitten up and set her on the table.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“SexKitten, lean back, use your elbows to keep your head high enough to watch the cock you found so interesting slip slowly into your much fucked cunt.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Virginia got a thrill every time Lilitu called her SexKitten.

“If you do a good job fucking SexKitten, I will allow you to cum in her.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Enter SexKitten slowly and gently, then build up the excitement.” SexKitten noticed that the table had a circle on the floor around it, and that a crowd was gathering just outside the circle. She did not know, yet, that this table was one of the designated public sex places in the mall. All of the designated public sex locations were covered by cameras and streamed live to subscribers. As the male slave slowly pushed his perpetually hard and ready to fuck cock into SexKitten’s perpetually wet and ready to be fucked cunt, SexKitten leaned her head back, and unwittingly looked right into one of the cameras.

“Oh god this cock feels good pushing into my cunt.”

“Enjoy, SexKitten, there is a lot more fucking in your future.” Lilitu stepped behind the line so the people controlling the cameras could concentrate on the slave being fucked. The male, wether human or Dæmond, was always more of a prop. Lilitu had to admit she and her sisters had done a great job turning Virginia into SexKitten. In her opinion none of their other female human slaves put on orgasm shows like SexKitten.

“You can orgasm now.” Lilitu told the male slave when she felt the streaming of this particular sex show had lasted as long as it should. On hearing those words the male slave thrust his cock as far as he could force it into SexKitten’s cunt and, with an expression of pure ecstasy, pumped several days worth of of cum into her. SexKitten sighed and laid back on the table with her legs still spread wide. She had learned the best ways to get another cock to fuck her was to display her just fucked cunt drooling cum and vaginal secretions.

“You,” Lilitu said pointing to the mayor’s wife, “clean her up.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The mayor’s wife eagerly lowered herself to her knees and plastered her lips to SexKitten’s pussy.

“You,” Lilitu said pointing to one of the human male customer’s, “fuck her ass while she’s doing it.” The human almost said Yes Mistress but realized he, as a customer, wasn’t required to.

“Thank you” he said as he was getting a chance to ass fuck the mayor’s wife without paying. The mayor’s wife stood up and spread her legs without taking her lips off SexKitten’s pussy.

You,” Lilitu pointed at the Chief of Police’s wife, “clean him up.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The Chief of Police’s wife spread her legs and bent over from her hips to take the male slave’s cock in her mouth.

“You, Lilitu said pointing to another human male customer, “fuck her ass.” Lilitu new perfectly well that the incubi owners of these two sex slaves programmed them to orgasm only when they were being fucked by their owners. They were also programmed with a compulsion to allow any human, male or female, fuck them whenever they wanted to. The compulsion required them to fake orgasms when they did. The two incubi only fucked these two female sex slaves, and allowed them to orgasm, when they had met earning goals.

After SexKitten was sufficiently cleaned and the two enslaved wives had each faked several orgasms without either of them having a real orgasm, Lilitu helped SexKitten off the table and walked her to the tattoo artists station. “This succubus is a tattoo artist, the best in all of Dæmondland. Don’t worry her tattoos don’t require needles, they are permanent, and don’t fade. But if I, or any future owner you might have decide to remove them that can be done for a small fee. Oh, honey,” Lilitu continued when she saw her young sex slave was about to cry, “I’m not going to sell you.” She wrapped her arms around SexKitten and held her while she rolled her eyes looking at the succubus tattoo artist. SexKitten sniffed and nodded her head.

“I’m sorry.” SexKitten said, then sat down in the chair.

“What I want is her slave name SexKitten on her belly right here above her crotch. With Property of Lilitu below that Like all my other slaves. The same thing on her lower back, what the human’s call a tramp stamp. Then on her inner thighs I want photo realistic cock and testicles starting with the scrotum at her knees and the head of the cock just far enough away for a spry of cum going right up into her cunt.”

“No problem, any particular genitals you want them to look like?”

“Incus, my dad’s.” Lilitu answered after a moment of thought

“Yes, his are quite magnificent.”

“I’ll make arrangements for all of my slaves to get the cock and balls tattoo.”

“Just give me a list of them and I’ll start scheduling them. I can visit the MILF Whores in their apartments and do them their.” Lilitu was approached by Nancy, the Employee Relations (slave) Manager for the mall.

“I have a man and his eighteen year old son, it’s the son’s birthday, and the father wants to share a slave whore with his son. A little father/son bonding, I guess. Do you have any preferences which slave whore I should use.

“Yes, as soon as the tattoos are done I think SexKitten would be perfect. Do they want it to be private or can we stream it? If they cooperate, offer to add the son to the father’s membership at a discount. I’ll leave it up to you how much of a discount to give him.”
اسم الموضوع : Dæmondland - life of a sex demon Pt 43 | المصدر : Sex Stories