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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
44-SexKitten takes a Demon to Church

“It’s a church, it’s on sanctified ground.” SexKitten said looking at her new ‘Sunday go to Church’ dress in the full length mirror. She was confused by her reflection. For one thing her breasts were larger, but not huge, and they remained firm, resisting the pull of gravity even without a bra. The dress was designed so it covered the tattoos Lilitu had placed on her. The bodice was lined so her perpetually erect nipples were not obvious, but there was something, that she couldn’t quit put her finger, on that was vaguely obscene about it.

“What do you think,” Lilitu asked stepping up behind her slave and, wrapping her arms around SexKitten, pinched and pulled on her nipples through the dress, “I’m going to burst into flames?”

“I don’t know, I’m just worried about it.” SexKitten leaned back against her owner.

“I’ll quote the same thing my father said when Father John and Sister Mary tried to exorcise us from the Succubus Queendom Mall. According to Franciscan friar Ludovico Maria Sinistrari incubi ‘do not obey exorcists, have no dread of exorcisms, show no reverence for holy things, at the approach of which they are not in the least overawed’. So, no, I hate to disappoint you but I wont have any problem entering the church, and there wont be any pyrotechnics.” Virginia shrieked when Lilitu seemed to be engulfed by flames in the mirror. “You can’t believe everything you see, SexKitten.”

“Are you, ah, magical?”

“No. I’m just a Dæmond, My natural home is in a dimension we call Dæmondland.”

“But, you made my breasts bigger, how is that not magical?” Lilitu slipped her hands underneath SexKitten’s dress so she could handle her slave’s naked breasts.

“It’s just something we can do.”

“You’re really not going to let me wash before we go to church? My boss fucked me all day Thursday, every male at work took turns fucking me all day Friday, and yesterday at the mall I must have sucked thirty or forty cocks in the glory whole room, and god only knows how many men took a turn fucking me in that chair. Not even mentioning the bukake

“Well, don’t mention it, four of our Happy Endings Massage service whores, Including the Mayor’s and Chief of Police’s wives, licked you clean from head to toe.”

“Well, my hair looks like I slept with extra hold hair jell in it.”

“First, you and I will know it’s dried cum so I say it’s funny.” She put her arm around SexKitten’s waist. “Through the portal to the mall, then to your church.”

“Why to the mall?”

“My car is parked there.”

“You’re not going to have somebody fuck me while we are there are you?” Lilitu thought she sounded like she would enjoy a fuck before church.

“Maybe just suck a couple of cocks so you can have the taste of cum in your mouth during the sermon.” SexKitten giggled. Lilitu waved the first two speedo clad male sex slaves she observed over to her and SexKitten. “On your knees honey.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“She’s going to suck your cocks, each of you cum after she’s sucked on your dick for two minutes.”

“Yes, Mistress.” They answered in unison.

“SexKitten, after each of them cums in your mouth use your tongue to spread it all over the inside of you mouth before you swallow. I expect to smell cum on your breath when I get back.” SexKitten giggled. Lilitu half expected SexKitten to say ‘yee-gods’ after her giggles like the Mayor’s daughter in the production of Music Man she had gone to a few years ago. While her newest sex slave sucked cocks, Lilitu went into the office and made sure her family was ready for the Dæmond attack on the fundamentalist church they were going to.

The meeting didn’t last long and Lilitu was back shortly after SexKitten had finished sucking the two male sex slaves cocks. “Come on.” She said putting her arm around SexKitten. She didn’t have to ask if SexKitten enjoyed sucking the two cocks, she had been programed to like every kind of sex. She had also been manipulated to love the taste and smell of cum.

It was a nice spring day so many of the church members were standing outside in the warm sun before going into the sanctuary. Lilitu parked on the street about a block from the church and they walked from there. As soon as Lilitu saw Mathew they headed in that direction. SexKitten walked up to her boss stood on tip-toe and whispered, ‘I’m not wearing any panties’ then stepped back, licked her lips and smiled. She had no idea why she did that.

“I see you brought Lilitu to church with you.” Lilitu had her pheromones and other powers dialed down to minimum but Mathew still had to put his hand in his pocked tying to hide the beginning of his cock hardening. “Excuse me honey,” Mathew said to his wife, “I need to go to the men’s room.”

“Oh, look,” SexKitten said waving her hand, “your father and sisters are here.”

“Your sisters?” Mathew’s wife asked.

“Boudicca, Lucrezia, and Elizabeth. My father likes historical names.” SexKitten giggled.

“And Lilitu? That’s right isn’t it, Lilitu?”

“Yes, it’s ancient Sumerian for succubus. My dad has quite the sense of humor.”

While Lilitu and her sisters all had their succubi powers dialed back as far as they could, Incus was right behind the sisters with his powers on max. Lilitu watched as a wave of unexplained human female sexual stimulation passed through the crowd. Incus, looking dapper in his immaculate white suit, and with every human female’s head turning to watch him, walked over to Lilitu.

“Hey, daughter, it’s great to see you.” He treated her to a hug then turned to SexKitten and gave her a hug.

“Dad, this is Mathew’s wife.”

“I’m sorry, he never mentioned your name.” Incus took her hand and kissed its back. To the knowledgeable eyes of the Dæmonds she looked like she was about to orgasm just from the kiss on the back of her hand. Incus continued to hold her hand. “What is your name honey?”


“Well, Beth, since your husband seems to have abandoned you, may I escort you into the sanctuary?” Beth could barely keep her voice normal as she answered.

“Her panties are dripping wet with cunt secretions.” Lilitu whispered to SexKitten.

“Mine would be too if I was wearing any.”

‘We can just leave wet spots on these nice upholstered pews.” Before they sat down, Lilitu reached over and gave SexKitten’s new butt plug a push.

“Oh, gosh, that sends a thrill right next door to my pussy and up my spine to my nipples.” She giggled and blushed when she realized she’d just said pussy in church, not talking about cats. Lilitu and her sister dialed their succubus powers up to eleven.

“Take off your wet panties.” Incus ordered once they were seated, Incus was talking to Beth. But many of the women around him heard. They all stood up just enough to pull their panties, and or pantyhose, down to their knees then sit back down. “Scoot your fanny forward and spread your legs.” All the same women obeyed. The men beside these women already had hard cocks thanks to the four succubi, and didn’t need anyone to tell them what to do. The all lifted the skirts of the women and began fingering their overly wet and well lubricated cunts. Incus reached over and fingered Beth’s pussy. Mathew didn’t notice he was busy fingering the woman beside him. The woman’s husband, who was sitting on the other side of her was not happy about this.

“Get your god damn fingers out of my wife’s pussy, slime ball, go play with your own wife’s cunt.” The preacher who had been hiding his hard cock behind the pulpit walked over to the choir director, without making any attempt to hide his erection. He pulled her robe up over her head and started ripping her clothes off. The choir director, after she managed to pull the choir robe the rest of the way off, pushed the pastor’s trousers down, bent over, and sucked on his hard cock.

A man old enough to be her grandfather walked up to where SexKitten and Lilitu were seated, pushed down the top of SexKitten’s dress and mauled her breasts. “Push his pants down, lets see what kind of equipment grand pops has.” Lilitu suggested. “Pops,” Lilitu continued after SexKitten had exposed his large, for a human, cock, “bend her over the back of the pew in front of us and give her a good fucking.”

“Eh?” The nearly def old man responded.

“Fuck me Mr. Paterson.” SexKitten almost yelled as she bent herself over the back of the pew, pulled the back of her dress up exposing her cunt and spread her feet. Mr. Peterson may have been partially def, and a bit confused, but he still knew what to do with a cunt when it was offered.

By the time Mathew had made his way through the church wide orgy to his wife, she had straddled Incus and had his hard cock in her pussy.

“Hi, honey, why don’t you fuck my ass, I know you’ve always wanted to.” Mathew pushed his trousers down and lined his hard cock up with his wife’s rectum.

“Strike while the irons hot,” he said, “she may never make that offer again.” Once his cock was fully in his wife’s ass, he spoke. “Hay, Incus, if I have you turn Beth into my sex slave will she really belong to your daughter Like Virginia?”

“No, when I turn your wife into a sex slave for you she will be all yours and obey any command you give her.”

“She better be, I’m giving up another block for it.” In spite of the almost crippling sexual frenzy, the largest cock in the world being in her vagina and the first ever dick being in her ass, she heard the conversation. Virginia, his new secretary, his sex slave? Me, his sex slave? He’s giving up two blocks of property for two sex slaves? What does it mean to be a sex slave? Further thought was stopped by an orgasm that seemed to be taking over her whole body, mind, and soul.

None of the humans noticed the sanctuary becoming more crowded. Dæmonds were appearing, fucking, or being fucked by, the humans, and eating their fill of the sex crazed emotions the humans radiated. In the process the incubi and succubi picked humans to visit in their homes. None or, at least, very few of these would be turned into full fledged slaves. They would just leave the church with triggers buried in their minds that could be activated whenever the succubus or incubus, visited their home. Activation would force the human’s to temporarily enter a state of compliance allowing the Dæmonds to use them in any way they pleased. They would be left wondering why they were so tired and ‘worn out’ in the morning and, perhaps have flashes of strange, sex related dreams that they would assume were the cause of their disturbed sleep.

Lilitu’s three sisters moved through the crowd finding hard cocks and wet pussies, that were not otherwise occupied, getting them together for more fucking. For Dæmonds this was the largest banquet since Rome in the time of Caligula. Only Incus was old enough and in the right place to have experienced Rome during the reign of Caligula.
اسم الموضوع : Dæmondland Life of a sex demon - Pt 22 | المصدر : Sex Stories