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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
Everyone in my stories are 18+ and tale of brotherly love that went to far. Just an incest tale.

Cheryl and her Brother.

Well, my Sister caught me in her dress trying to sneak into the house by way of the upstairs window, maybe too drunk for my own good, a first for me. My Little Sister is in her baby doll nightie, one that Dad or Mom would send you to the farm for your sinful ways just for wearing them. You had one hand in your panties and one hand grabbing your mouth, trying not to scream in shock. I was still too drunk to think clearly, but what caused my Sister Cheryl to almost call out?

Was it my wearing my Sister's sundress? I’m not a cross-dresser that I know of with no underwear on, or is it the dress still caught on the window where you tie the blinds up. My dick is getting hard being on full display, or was it seeing my angel sister getting caught with her hands down her sexy panties? Did our folks not tell us what the hell this was to even touch it? Can't stop looking. My mind is too fuzzy to stop.

My Sister is more intelligent than me by a significant amount. She was up out of bed; she put her hand on my mouth that was rubbing her pussy, giving me a treat beyond words and softly says. "Be still, be quiet. You'll wake the house, Tommy. Damn, your cock looks wow, but I got to know why you are in my sundress, and what's this black thing on your cock?"

I can’t stand the smell of your pussy on your hand. It drives me wild as my tongue slips out, licking your juices to your knuckles. Your hand is over your mouth to muffle your moan. I’m sucking your fingers as my hard cock slips out from under your dress. You touch me. We had never felt this before. This touching is new. But then, we were just brother and Sister, not lovers. My hand slips into your panties, sliding under the elastic opening for your leg. You are wet beyond belief.

I say in a whisper. "Football team caught me late at the gym; the pricks were ready they stole your dress off the clothes line. My ex shaved my dick and balls and put me in a dress and high heels, putting this remote toy on me. They fed me booze till I puked, then dropped me off at the college on the biggest frat night of the year. I kept sticking my hand down my mouth to throw up until nothing was left."

Cheryl says. "I'm close, Tommy, please, more to the center that hard nub softer but slower there, that's it.”

I feel your hands feeling for hair down there; none is on me. Something if Mom and Dad knew they ground me for life just like they kill me if they knew we were touching. You stroked my hot cock. You come hard, grabbing my shoulder and holding on for dear life. Leaning in your cold mouth hits my hot cock, and a few sucks, just a few strokes, made me come. The four hours of being vibrated on with one of those wireless toys clamped on, I get close. It would turn off and back on until its charge ran down long before it let me come, and Cheryl untied the twist ties, taking it off of me.

It gave you more dick to suck. You had me at my whole seven inches, filled your mouth with my girth the size of a red bull energy drink, 8.4 once can at that. You took your time as the world's sounds stopped, and all I heard were our heartbeats and the low mutters of our soft moans.

Cheryl says. "Damn, who knew what a great cock, my brother has, as we could have been doing this all year. You prick, now give it to me."

It did not take too long for my slut of a sister to suck my toenails out of me. Finally, we caught our breath, and my Sister took my dress off and gave me a dirty tee shirt and gym shorts. We sort of wore the same size clothes, both being what's called big-boned. We are both six foot plus, and I hit the scales at one hundred and ninety pounds to your one hundred and fifty. We both had sky blue eyes with blond hair; unlike our folks, they had black eyes and blacker hair, which matched their mood. Most days, dark was their life for their god.

My Sister went first barefoot, another rule or sin in this house; the house was full of rules. So I grabbed her flip-flops, slipping them on to keep my dirty feet from leaving footprints on the scrubbed, clean floors. If we left tracks, we would be down on our knees scrubbing the floor with sponges and toothbrushes.

Seeing into the master bedroom, whose door was always open, you waved me by, watching for any movement of our folks. You kissed me as I passed and showed me your breast, sin in this house to even have them. I slipped into my room, safe and satisfied. I pulled the covers off my bed, made it messy, went to my bathroom, used water to clean my feet, and cleaned the tub afterward.

I laid down thinking about what we did and how it felt right nothing in this house has felt right since we turned thirteen, and our sex became clear who or what we were. Mom and my Sister wear wraps to make their breast smaller. My Sister has 38C's that melted my heart tonight; with that, I dozed off. I was asleep in seconds and woke to the smell of hot coffee and breakfast cooking downstairs. My Sister is jumping on my bed like she done for years, trying to wake the dead. I look into your eyes; you have not yet wrapped your breast. Your tee shirt was cut short, and you were giving me a show of bouncing beauties.

Then we heard shouting from downstairs. "That bed is made for sleeping, not a bouncy tent."

Damn, that was seven years ago when we had a bouncy tent for our birthday.

That day as kids alone in the bouncy house, My shorts got caught, and you saw my underwear, and you had such a smile as you pulled your shorts down, so we were even. We were being bad; if our folks knew we were, they would be sent to one of two families. You should meet our two sets of grand nutcases if you think our folks are tough. One summer, we went to one farm, then the next, we worked on our grandparent's farms from four am till sunset, then dinner and Bible studies till ten pm and bed. The three weeks at one farm and three more at another put a ton of muscles on our bodies. We stayed fit and healthy after that.

Our Dad asked us. “Do you two want a birthday party on your Grand Daddy's farm or later when you return home?"

We do not share the same birthday. I'm a year older, and we are six weeks apart on our birth certificates. Still, as long as we can remember, we had one birthday party and one gift, mostly socks for me and clothes for my Sister.

It took our smiles away inside, but we kept them outside for Mom and Dad to see. We say. "When we get back, Please."

We answered quietly and humbly; we learned this when we were five. It was not a lovely time in our life. I got tapped on the foot, indicating that we needed to talk alone. It's Saturday, the few weeks left from the end of the school year. We are to walk for our diploma, make sure not to score too high, or spend the week in the root cellar at one of the farms. Trust me, forty-eight hours of bible verses getting whipped and preachers on TV were not like any normal folks. There were family preachers. I knew them as family, but they seemed less sane than our grand folks were.

Our folks have made sure we not going to college with our grades. We learned early not to write our folk's answers on tests at school because CPS got their panties in a bunch over that test.

You asked nicely. “If we could get a ride to the library as we had finals.”

We rode silently, not even the radio playing on the church station. The reception was too poor during the day to try and listen to it.

We were dropped off and told to walk home before ten pm and bedtime; we were given five dollars for dinner. You punched my arm as we went in and checked out the stacks over by the computers as we had finals. Rather than get started, you checked bus schedules and told me four times over three days that you remembered the times you started with. I notice a young couple not using anything; both read their tan-colored bibles they pulled out of their bags. I noticed and made Cheryl change her seat with me. It lets her see and work the screen.

I say. "Clear the search history; don't get caught looking, seeing the young couple over at the end table. The two look like the kids of the family that let us sleep at their house during that church week four years ago. Are they here for us? Talk with your hand over your mouth; they might read lips."

Something our Mom was capable of doing; don't ask how we know, please.

Cheryl says. “I overheard Dad on the phone talking to his father; it scared me something about maybe the next siblings are a better match. We have to be virgins. I overheard Mom talking to her Mom, or the marriage won't work. It had happened before they said, and we would have to be removed, and the other side of the family could try again in four more years when they turned eighteen. What the hell does that mean? We got three weeks to get over five hundred bucks, and we need to be on a bus before we get sent to the farm again, for I fear for the last time. Do you think your Sister is paranoid?”

I did not speak another word but was looking up a phrase I heard at the farm from a hired hand; my face went white as I read. I google Blood Magic, which showed me Countess Elizabeth Báthory; we read, and fear gripped us. Elizabeth Báthory was a Hungarian countess who purportedly tortured and murdered more than 600 women in the 16th century to stay young. There was a painting of her; we both tried not to freak out that it looked a good deal like our Mother.

I say. "We need to get away, and we need to not be virgins."

We talked for the few hours about how to make money.

I say. “If I sold my medical collection of animal skulls and complete skeletons, medical tools from the civil war, a gift of an uncle, stamps also a gift two are worth maybe four hundred, rare coins a gift none are in good shape but still worth something, and a tin of baseball cards a gift from a friend of the family whose son died in Desert Storm whatever that was.

I looked online for what they could bring; it all came to a few thousand if we were lucky. I made a mental plan to get things out of the house. I will change the things worth nothing on display in my room and remove the items worth cash. We went home by bus, getting off a few stops early to get a happy meal between the two of us. We notice the two from the library. As we walked home with plenty of time. The next day at school, we see them again at the school office. We chatted about it waiting on the bus to go home.

My Sister long after dinner when the folks were asleep. I felt my Sisters soft hands over my mouth; you pulled my hand out, and you put my hand under your tee shirt, and you found my cock growing hard in your hand. You're stroking me hard; you have a washcloth to clean me up. I said my Sis is smart.

You move my hand down your hot and wet again. You got louse shorts on with no panties; a few strokes was not enough for you. Sticking my fingers in your pussy, you're so hot, and it's making me hot we came at the same time. We licked our hands, getting our juices off them, and you pulled my hand to your mouth. As I did your hand, my taste was OK, but yours made me hard again.

You kissed my lips, then you say so softly I was not sure you spoke. “I Love you.” At my ear, you tiptoed away.

Days later, I skipped out of school to go to the mall, and went two blocks over, grabbing a bus. I was careful of being followed, but no one stood out, going to sell the cards and things, and the guy there said he had a buyer coming in, and he had a number for what he could pay in a day or two. So he asked for my phone number.

I say. “Sorry, No, no phones 4g are the devil's work; my Dad tells us, yes, it sucks. I will be back in three days. I trust you to get the most you can. It's a kind of life and death. If my girlfriend's Dad finds us first, we won't leave town. We may not live, I wish the police would believe me, but hell, I don't believe me.”

With that, he agreed to sell them for me and shook my hand; he even drove me back to school. I returned to school for the last bell and caught the bus home with my Sister.

I took my birth certificate and Cheryl's with two forms for a passport and state Id. There was a place at the mall. So I did mine and sent Cheryl out to do hers, and I waited at the bus stop and hid in the bushes. We will only be a few minutes late getting home as you get off the bus, talking about laying low for a year or more, then we could leave the country. We had a doctor's note saying we needed the IDs quickly as we had to leave the country to see our dying grandparents. So I listed another address we had it sent to my third-grade teacher; she knew of my folks and had been a friend to us both.

We ate what little we were fed; it is against house rules to ask for more it showed how ungrateful we were for what we were given. It was a blessing, after all. Dad caught me bringing in junk food once; that was a weekend in hell. My Sister opened her purse and pulled out a protein bar. We ate half. I jotted a note for you to read the deal with my stuff, and our Ids would be here in about ten days. It was cutting it close. We said good night and went to our rooms. I know we both wanted more, but fear was a desire killer. I hoped to go to my Sister's room if I took my time, but our folks kept getting up because some noise was heard.

We both talked on the way to school about feeling like Mom and Dad were watching extra close. We did not go to any church in town, but twice a year, we went to a tent revival where trickery was not used. The people there kept getting older year after year. We never saw anyone our age there. The time flew by fast our fear mounted the closer it got to the last week of school.

I overheard Mom talking to her Mother that they were ready to leave straight from school the day before graduation. Scary indeed it was; I had not told my Sister yet. I received the cash for my found things and gifts of coins, stamps, baseball cards, and fossils. It was over two grand; it had to be enough. I picked up some things we needed for the road and hid them in a shed in an abandoned burnt-out house a few doors down.

The last week before the end of school and days away from graduation, we got on the city bus to go home from school. I saw my third-grade teacher; she nodded at the couple who got on the bus after her. My teacher did not talk to us, but she dropped our passports into our laps in a newspaper when she stumbled when the bus hit a bump as she was getting up to leave. I grabbed my Sister's hand.

I whispered and say. “I saw them at school and the library. It’s time.”

I looked at the couple, and our stop came up; I grabbed your hand, rang the bell, and you watched them get up and go to the front of the bus to get off as we were to exit from the back. You stopped us from leaving, and we went to the next stop, got off, and ran near home, picking up our loaded backpacks hidden under the garden shed at a house that burned years ago. It was a few doors down from home. We opened the letter as we changed out of our church school uniforms to clothes that made us look hip for 2018, not something we had before. I bought a smartphone when I bought the clothes. It has an open plan, and I booked two tickets at the airport, at the bus station, and a rental car and used my Dad's, Credit Card.

I turned the phone off and split the cash into both our bags. We kissed for a few. It gave us the courage we needed; we dyed our hair red and did each other, and you had me cut your hair short. It made you look cute, like a kitten. When done, we washed off with a five-gallon can of water we hid. We ate junk food till it got dark out. In the note was a car key to a Volvo. It said where it was parked not too far away, and she asked to leave it in the next town over at the bus station and just send a letter about where it was. Dad disapproved of my Sis driving, but I did have a license, but I had yet to drive dads car other than the test.

We started walking to the main street and the food store, where we found the 1970s 164 Volvo with a bed in the back and an ice chest full of good food. We nibbled as we picked the best way to get out of town over a map. We drove to the end of the street, pulled into a mall, and drove around till I felt I could do it. Driving out of town, we saw the couple from the bus talking to someone in a car and getting in. We turned left and went a long way out of town. We crossed the ferry and drove north, stopping at gas stations to check to see if we were being followed; it was clear.

We drove two towns over, stopping at a campground, and we kissed as we closed the blinds in the car as ate a sandwich. We were both too much on edge to feel like making love, but holding and kissing were a big part of who we are now. Kissing changed our minds. My hands found your breast bra-less, and your nipples hardened in my hand as we kissed. It got so hot in the car we rolled the windows down as we took our clothes off in the small car.

My Sister says. "We need to not be virgins; the sooner, the better."

I kissed your nipples to your moans; you trembled as your hand found my balls. You played like they were your marbles to play with. I was OK with all the attention till you sucked one into your hot mouth, and with a few strokes of my hard cock I exploded. Your luck, or was it the skill of getting it in your mouth, was something to watch, much less feel you have to burn in hell it felt so good.

I pull your panties down; they stick to your wet. It's dripping much like I drip. I suck your wet lips into my mouth. You moan, grab my head, and try to move me, but I not moving from this spot till your taste is gone, then I move. Science class was some help, but that porn film I watched at the only birthday party I ever attended was a bigger help with ideas I wanted to try. I made you come as quickly as you did me, but I'm still hard. We moved to lube you up as you put a condom on me were both so scared, even the first time having unprotected sex. You're spinning a revolver playing Russian roulette. The biology class said there was a thirty to fifty percent chance of getting knocked up without protection. Even on birth control and condoms, it's not 100% safe. It's somewhere between a 5% to 9% possibility of leakage.

We made love; it was slow and gentle. I slid inside you without hands; you were wet, and the lube made us feel like nothing ever did before. Finally, my hard cock hit your hymen, and I stopped moving; your face showed pain, so I held still. I sucked your breast as my fingers found your clit; I teased it with what was dripping out of your pussy.

My stroking changed your mouth; it got cooler. Finally, you grunted your come, said words we were taught never to use, bumped your hips above me, slid down some, and made a face, and you spoke in a husky voice. "Dude, you could help but thank you for being so gentle."

I pushed up, and you pushed down, you say. “Fuck so full so much a woman now.”

I felt you come a second time as you started moving your body as if it had a mind of its own you twisted and danced on me. It felt like heaven; the condom and lube kept me from exploding. You fucked us harder. We took turns pounding each other it was a race. You were ahead in points; you almost three to one, as my second or third was about to happen, and it did. We froze together as the damn broke. It was weird you peed all over me as you came. The sleeping bag was waterproof, and it was easy to clean when being human returned to us. We ate naked, our young bodies covered in sweat as we cooled off. It was so hot I found earwax dripping out of my ear. We dressed and went and washed off in a gas station, putting our sleep clothes back on. It felt; free we felt free.

We needed to decide where our bus would take us. We thought the sun and sea on the west coast would be a new change. So we fell asleep and slept till breakfast taco time. So we checked out, got tacos, and left the car in a parking lot near the bus station. We walked over, bought two tickets out of state, waited for our bus, got snacks with our food bags, and picked up some things to read, called magazines. I had no clue they were still part of the world in 2018.

I sent the location of my teacher's car in a letter with the key, a thank you note, and a twenty for the gas we used. We got on the bus; it was mostly empty, and we held each other like last night. We stopped halfway out of state, had to change buses, and had a few hours of layover. We found an internet cafe and checked the news about our city. Our house burnt down, and four bodies were found; that was odd. Then, on a bizarre hunch, I checked the two cities where our grandparents lived. Two more fires and bodies were found, which freaked us out. We needed to change names and seal the files; how would we do that.

Later near the time for the bus, we see a most wanted ad on cable TV, a boy-girl team of Eco Terrorist our only saving grace is they have us in long blond hair and all-black clothes. Cheryl and I cut ours off. I gave you a lousy scar with glue and some makeup. I did mine as if I had a black eye. I hoped it would make people look away and not watch us too close, added some tattoos we found in a gum machine. We got to the west coast in twenty hours. Seeing the sunrise stopped at a coffee shop near a small town, and I looked at the places for rent and jobs that needed doing. I noticed a light-keeper job for a husband and wife team. So we cleaned up at the edge of the water, got rid of the scar and black eye and changed clothes, and went to the office listing the job we went and applied for the job. Cheryl asked if I would get our Ids out of the bottom of the backpack. Whatever you saw, you took the lead; I trust you.

You spin a tale so close to the truth to be scary that said our parents sold us to a cult for a virgin sacrifice. We show our IDs, and he looks up the family names. The two weird preachers' videos discuss blood magic and old laws. He sees the news reports of the fires. He believes us, takes our Ids and gives us a form to sign for new names and cards under a new name. The guy was a county judge. We left by boat; we had the job, tying up the boat and unloading food and fuel. The old lighthouse keeper showed us both how to run it, and it had satellite with the internet. After a quick tour, we are handed a handbook on how to operate it all. I did the list with the keeper to get the light running, and everything was checked off by the book.

Cheryl made dinner for us; the guy left and says. "He wrote his book; he was not coming back."

Dinner was odd as it was the first time for us to cook. Cooking was another skill that should have been taught at home. It was terrible. We laughed, feeding it to the poor fishes. We hoped it did not kill too many. So we went to Youtub and learned to cook the perfect bacon and egg burrito in under fifteen minutes. We did it together, and it was a wow we made one more and split it.

We had no bedtime, rules, or paddles and were not kept in a root cellar. So you go to the bottom of your backpack, and your old teddy bear backpack is there. It was full of condoms and looked like there were a few hundred there.

The two kinds of lube and six months of birth control pills that my Sister risked her life to get there were enough to make me go down on one knee, and I asked you to be my wife from this day forward. You pushed me down, took our clothes off us, and started sucking my cock again. Finally, you flipped around, and I picked up on your smell and heat as we came and came again like a kid with a new toy. We came till we were too sore to come more.

We wrapped up in bed sheets and went and watched a movie. The hard drive there had a few hundred TV shows to films; we had not seen any of them. We started with one called Star Wars; we watched two more just after we fell asleep in each other's arms. We woke to the alarm going off; we grabbed each other and held on to each other we noticed that the lighthouse was not dark; it had beautiful light coming in.

I went and checked the list of things to do. You made coffee after watching a youtub video. You brought it to me dressed in a man's shirt. You had two cups and biscuits stuffed with sausage and cheese. We ate one each. Also, she found how-to on a video.

I noticed two things your pussy hair was trimmed, and it was blond, and I saw the outline of a condom in your breast pocket. We ate, and I took your hand and put it on my face as we kissed. I touched your pussy to your hot moans. You used the lube on yourself, but you're a steam bath. Your pussy was so soggy. I kissed you as I stroked you, teasing your nipples just like the porn film I saw with my friends all those years ago. I rubbed you. I felt you get hotter as you stroked my cock. I came relatively fast as you did too.

You stroked me hard and put the condom on me as you pulled me into you. I sank a few inches and hit your bottom, your cervix. I rubbed your clit like last night, waiting for a word from you to move. Instead, you came, slid me out some, and began rocking on me. It made me want to move; the sun felt hotter as we stroked into and out of each other. We knew each other like we were one. But, joined for life by hate, we turned to love instead. If the sun was any judge, it agreed with us as star-crossed lovers.

It was the most important day; neither of us had been virgins since the night a few days ago in the Volvo, but we were free to be us. But we made love for a good thirty minutes or so. Of course, we got a little sunburn, but oh, what fun, we came together for the first time. It was perfect; my Sister took the condom off my cock and licked and sucked me clean. We planned dinners and bookmarked what to watch to cook. We picked up lots of skills over that summer. We lasted that summer, but not being around people felt like what we did at home but with perks.

The boat came and picked us up dropping our replacements off, and it was great timing as we ran out of condoms, and you told me about what Mom did for Dad to keep from having kids. We ran out of lube two weeks before the boat. If you can't guess, there are two places where you can't get pregnant. So we found it messy and needed a good deal of preparation lets just say condoms are a must, and let us just leave it there.

We were good, but Cheryl says. “She needed to get her tubes tied and stop the kids as each generation raised kids for this.”

We agreed to go to Mexico to get it done. Getting off the boat, the Judge was there and took us to the office as he had new names for us. We were now Joy Helen Smith and Dan Allen Bogart.

He married us, and his wife witnessed for us. We had birth certificates, wedding licenses, passports, and Ids. The Judge had a report from the feds about the cult. I had sent the Judge the info on our cousins. We went to the next town over and took driving lessons for my Sis to drive; my Sister took her license, and we moved south.

We found an RV for sale; it needed fixing up, but it was alright. So we rebuilt it, making it clean and livable.

We still had a fair amount of cash, but we drove south, had both of us fixed in the baby dept, and hung out at the beach till we healed. Then, working on our tan, we found a coffee shop. They let me cook lunch for my Sister and me. It smelled so good the owner had me make them as street food. We were given a chance to buy the place after we made it a hot spot a year later.

We had a storm the second year that wiped out the business. The insurance paid the landowner, not us. So we headed back north as a Pandemic swept the world. We settled in a small town north of San Francisco. We started a food truck that sold food to police officers, and folks in the medical field, we lasted till we both got sick. An angel in a mask was there daily, making us breathe deeply. She never asked for a thing except for a roof over her head and a bed.

She fed us, making us drink water, and we lost track of time. It was six months till we felt half right. The city wanted to give us an award, and we left that night, afraid of our ghosts. I bought a long gun and a shotgun, and two nines. We practiced at a ranch we watched that winter for forty grand. I sent a letter to the Judge and asked if he had anything to add to our story we were tired of hiding.

I was given a website to look at. We watched our folks go in my grandparents on both sides then our cousins went into that barn that saw so many whippings. Then about twenty SWAT vans rolled up and took fire; as soon as their vans stopped, the return fire was hell the police had an electric Gatling gun. The barn exploded with a killing radius of half the building.

An armored van drove out of the ramp in the ground near the barn; the police gave chase. They had that Gatling gun that blew the tires off the truck. It slid off the bridge into the frozen river. The footage stopped and resumed with images of our folk's bodies blue with their icy death. We made love under the covers in a cold but heated cabin. We talked about returning to the lighthouse as they were looking at needed help again. I sent a letter to the Judge. We finished up at the ranch. When spring came, we went west to a job waiting for us. We were done with people we never fit in.

We got there, checked the gear, and slept like babies that night. The next day I saw you bring me coffee, my white shirt, and nothing else. We had a coffee, and a snack, then made love for an hour. We had sex in the back of the Volvo because we had to. We thought it would make us safe. We made love under the sun at the lighthouse because we needed to; it was the first place we were happy. I mean the happiness that felt like days, and it was six months. We had so many rules growing up; we had no restrictions at the lighthouse; it was pure freedom. We swam in the tide pool; they have done work on it. The bottom is sealed and covered in the sand no thousand cuts on corals but a nice seawater pool. So if the thing that the Judge said comes true, then we're looking to buy the lighthouse, and the price is doable, fingers crossed, but no matter where we are, if together, we will have love and peace at last.

The End.
اسم الموضوع : Cheryl and her Brother. | المصدر : Sex Stories