
طاقم الإدارة
جوا 28, 2024
مستوى التفاعل

Cooper - adolescent boy (11 going on 12)

Sasha - cooper’s 9 year old sister

Suzette - 34 year old mother of Cooper and Sasha

Samantha - 16 year old female babysitter

Rebecca “Becca” - 36 year old female, Sam’s mother.

Max - their dog

Chapter 1 (CHP 1)

Cooper woke up that Friday morning extremely excited, for tomorrow was his birthday. He was going to be 12 years old. He woke up a bit earlier than normal and being a preteen/teenage boy, he woke up with morning wood.

Like most mornings this summer when he woke up with a woody, he moved his hand to his dick and started stroking it. Also like most times jacked off this summer, he pictured his babysitter Sam. Samantha or Sam for sort, started babysitting Cooper and his younger sister this summer. Normally Cooper would imagine some girl from TV, or a girl from school. Occasionally he would imagine his own mom naked and sometimes even his younger sister.

But ever since he saw Sam in one of her tight, one piece swimsuit in his family pool. Sam is 16 and just got done with her freshman year of high school. She was probably 5 foot 10, ginger with moderately pale skin covered with freckles. She was kind of chubby, but in a good way. She had hips, a butt and breast that while large compared to other 16 year old girls, didn’t look to big for her body.

By now my right hand was moving up and down on my shaft, my left hand was reaching down between my bed and the wall. The other day I snuck into my mom’s room and stole a pair of her panties. I pulled the silky, purple pair from between my bed and wall and wrapped them around my young dick.

The fabric felt wonderful around my shaft. I was in the middle of disrobing Sam when my younger sister, Sasha burst in my room.

“Morning she said as she jumped onto my bed.

Quickly I stopped stroking and moved my hand away from my crotch. I rolled onto my side to help hide my erection. Before I knew it, my little sister was snuggling up and using me as a big spoon. This did not help ease my painful erection, as she started rubbing her butt against my crotch.

“Your pointy this morning.” Sasha said “Sam told me what that was.” Sasha said and she moved her butt up so my dick was poking into the area between her cheeks and the top of her legs. Next thing I knew my sister was - slowly rubbing her butt against my crotch. I slowly wrapped my arm around her stomach while trying not to moan.

lifting her top leg so my dick pushed in between and she closed her legs around it. It felt amazing as she rocked with my dick between her legs.

My enjoyment with my sister was short lived as our mom knocked on the door.

“Oh, that’s where you are Sasha. Morning you two, time to get up. Sam will be here soon and you both need to be dressed at least.” Our mom said before she shut the door she added “Oh, Cooper, Sam said she had a early birthday surprise for you today. Now get ready.” As she finally shut the door.

I groaned in frustration and put the panties back between my bed and wall. I’ll have to deal with this later, I thought to myself. I threw on a clean pair of boxers, a t-shirt and shorts and headed down stairs for breakfest.

Downstairs I was greeted to the sight of my younger sister in a cammy and a short skirt. Our mom was dressed in tight slacks and a form blouse. Our mom was a fairly well respected doctor with a good practice and allowed us to live comfortably. Our father passed away in an accident and my mom got a large amount from a settlement and life insurance.

“Hey, I’m not working a full day today Cooper.” His mom said. “Sam should be here soon and she told me she had an early present for you. She also said something about spending the night.”

I simply nodded and ate some cereal while moving my gaze between my sister’s legs, my mom’s boobs and her butt. I moved to the living room and thought about my sister rubbing her butt against my crotch while I waited to see what Sam had for me.

Not long there came a knock on the door. I had to get up slowly, due to my thoughts on my sister. Walking to the door, I could hear Sam talking to her mom outside. Opening the door, I greeted both of the beautiful ladies in front of me.

“Hi Sam. Good morning Ms. Samus.” I said

“Hey Coop.” Sam replied

“ Goodmorning Cooper, you know you can call me Becca.” Sam’s mom said “Also I need to talk to your mom about this weekend.”

“My mom should be in the kitchen. Sam, you can put your stuff on the couch.” I said

Sam’s mom headed off to the kitchen to talk to my mom. Looking at Sam, it seemed that she had much more stuff with her than for a single night sleep over.

“Everything ok?” I asked her with a look of concern.

“Should be, something came up last minute with my mom’s work. She has to go and help out another office for a week or so. So she is going to see if I can stay with you guys.” Sam said.

“That’s be awesome. I hope my mom will let you stay.” I said

“That would be great, I brought along a few more surprises for you if that happen.” She said with a sly grin.

I gave her a puzzled look.

“You’ll get your first one just as soon as your mom leaves for work:” Suz said.

Suz took he stuff up to Sasha’s room and by the time she came back down both her and my mom where waited for them by the door.

“Well it’s all settled young lady, your gonna stay here while I’m gone. I have to get going.” Rebecca said as she gave Sam a hug and a kiss.

“I have to get going also you three. Sam your in charge. I’ll bring dinner home when I don’t with work. Love you two.” My mom said as she headed out the door.

I went to the living room to watch some tv, but soon I heard hushed voices and whispering. Before they ran upstairs. Probably 10 or 15 mins later, the pair came down and told me we are going swimming, and that it was part of her surprise for me. They were wearing robes and said they had already changed into swimsuits.

They lead me into the small changing room.

“Alright Cooper, you have a choice to make.” Sam said while holding up two bags. “In these two bags are two different swimsuits along with some other items. Which one you choose, determines how much fun you get to have today.” Sam finished by handing over the bags.

Puzzled, I looked at both bags and then asked “do I get to look inside them before I choose?”

“Of course silly.” She replied and added “there is a note in both. I’d suggest you read each note carefully before you make your choice. You can open them in the changing room.” She said and the two walked off.

What the hell I thought to myself as I picked up the two bags and headed to the changing room. Apon entering the changing room, I noticed the room was not how it normally was. The futon that was normally against one of the walls was placed in the middle of the room and was made into a bed. A piece of rope was on each corner of the futon.

Wondering what the rope was supposed to be for, I sat down and picked a bag. Opening the bag revealed a folded piece of paper, a pair of blue and silver swimming trunks (my favorite color combination.) and that’s it. Picking up the paper, I unfolded it and began to read.


This is the “normal” bag. Nothing special and nothing extra fun and not the bag I hope you would pick.

Feeling even more puzzled, I put that bag down and opened the other one. Again in this bag was a folded piece of paper, a blue and silver swimsuit (this one was a one piece girls swimsuit, which I admittedly found sexy.), four sets of cuffs and a piece of long, black fabric.

Confused, I opened this letter and read what it said.


Where do I start… Sasha has found out what you like to do in private. She heard odd noises coming from your room one night and saw you masturbating in one of her swimsuits… and well she liked it. She found out what kind of porn you like to watch and she also likes that. We have been talking about this and about sex for awhile now. We have come up with a plan to give us all a great time for your birthday.

Sadly the plans for this morning got cut short when your mom interrupted her teasing session this morning.

Here is what I’d like you to do,

1) put on the swimsuit, it’s silky and your favorite colors (I hope you like it.)

2) put a cuff on each wrist and each ankle.

3) securely tie one of the ropes to each of the ankle cuffs.

4) take the the long piece of cloth and tie it around you head above your eyes but not covering them, yet

5) secure your right arm to a rope

6) lay down and move the cloth over your eyes.

7) call out and let us know your ready to proceed.

P.S. if you choose this bag, I can assure you, that all three of us will have a much more pleasurable time.

Hmmm, what to do… this letter dose help explain why Sasha had been coming into my room in the mornings lately. Part of me did want to try on the girls swim suit… what the hell.

As I got undressed, I was already starting to get a hard on. It only got worse as I started putting on the cute and sexy girls swimsuit. Sam was right, the fabric felt incredible on the skin. My stomach started to fell strange as I put the cuffs on and latched the rope to the ones on my ankles. My nipples where hard and aching to be pinched and pulled. My excitement kept building as I tied the fabric over my eyes and lifted it up so I could see to latch my right arm. Laying down and moving the blind fold in place I called out to them.

“Hey Sam, alright .” I called out.
اسم الموضوع : A day in the life | المصدر : Sex Stories