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طاقم الإدارة
Jun 28, 2024
Sometimes even the most difficult obstacles can be over cum by an active imagination.

For the fifth time that day I found myself with a
raging hard-on. My four luscious daughters were
either playing in or laying beside the pool, and I
found myself once again dreaming about each of
them. How fantastic would it be to get any one of them into my bed and feel my hard cock sliding in and out of them?

My name is Len Clinton, and no, I am not related
to that lying bastard, Slick Willy. But I do share
his almost endless, limitless horniness. And I am
especially hung-up on my four beautiful daughters.

I am 44 years old and a single parent every since
a particularly nasty divorce with my ex-wife Jill
nine years earlier. And believe me, living with
these four luscious and very curvy young females
without grabbing one or more of them and ravaging just them has been very difficult indeed.

Oh, I know they are my daughters. The fruits of my loins. And, I'm well aware that such thoughts in today's society are most improper. But that is
beside the point because I am also human. And I am subject to the same frailties that attack every
other human of the male persuasion. My daughters are both beautiful and extremely sexy. Hence the fact that I find them attractive beyond belief.

Amanda, the oldest, is a 21 year old beauty. She
was voted Homecoming Queen last fall at nearby
Southern Methodist University where she is
finishing up her Junior year. She is 5'6" tall,
weighs around 115, and had the nicest, most
perfectly proportioned figure I have ever seen on
any woman. Her breasts are smaller than my
ex-wife's, but they are still 35 or 36 inches and
solid B cups, maybe C. Her waist is slender,
swelling into extremely nice, almost womanly hips.
I noticed that her naturally blonde hair actually
shimmered in the sun, cascading over her shoulders as she sat up on her lounge chair, her legs spread wide and her feet on the ground on either side (directly facing me), and spread more sun-block oil over her belly and sides.

Jenna and Trisha, or Jen and Tee as I more often
called them, are both 20 years old, and also
incredibly beautiful. They are identical twins,
and had originally been an "accident," being
conceived just a few days after the doctor told me it was okay to begin having sexual relations with my wife again. That was several weeks after Amanda was born. For more than a week I had really poured
the sperm into Jill's always-willing cunt before
my horniness had been adequately addressed. The twins were the result of that period of torrid, almost unending sex, with Trisha being just 21 minutes younger than Jenna.

They are a little taller than Amanda, standing 5'
7" in their bare feet, and they might weigh 118
pounds each. Their figures are not as pronounced
as their older sister's yet, but they are still
striking. They have smallish 33 or 34 inch busts,
really slender waists, and nice, slender hips.
They are both honey-blonde, an obvious cross
between Jill's very blonde tresses and my own
light brown hair.

Paula, at 18, was the baby of our family. She is
5'4" tall, and goes around 116 pounds or a little
less. She entered puberty a little later than
normal at 16, and now is a budding woman after
painful yet almost startling growth spurt and
transformation. It seems that, almost overnight,
she changed from an almost homely caterpillar into a most beautiful butterfly.

Her breasts are still developing, but are already
filling her 32C bras and halter tops. Her waist is
also slender like the other girls, but she still
has just a hint of baby fat. And her hips have
swelled nicely and will probably go around 34
inches now.

But it is her face, her lovely face, that
instantly captures the eye's attention. She has
deeply alluring, pale green eyes that seem to
penetrate through anyone she talks to or looks at.

Her other facial features instantly remind any
teenage boy or adult man of what a perfect woman should look like. And girls her own age often suffer a quiet, jealous rage as she attracts all the boys around her.

Four hot foxes frolicking all around me and I,
their father, couldn't touch. The mores of our
modern society forbid my doing anything more than
looking and maybe sneaking a feel or two as they
climbed on my lap or hugged me for whatever
reason. It made me furious! Incest was one of the
few unforgivable sins of society, and I was not
allowed to go there. Mores suck, big time!, I
thought to myself.

All four of the girls are virgins, I am sure of
that. They had all witnessed the near-endless
infidelities of their mother as she snuck one
lover after another into their house and our
marriage bed while I was busy busting my ass to
make a living. When I did discover what was going
on I tossed her slut-fucked ass out on the street
with a divorce that gave her virtually nothing.
And shortly after that legality was history all
four of the girls professed to me their intentions
never to succumb to the temptations of sex until
they were either married or living on their own as
a single adult.

But I now had the hots for any and all of my
daughters. Damn it all, there had to be some way I
could get into their pants, bust their cherries
and use their bodies, and not have them hate me
afterwards. I would give anything to be the guy
who plucked their cherries and taught them about

The answer to my "family" problems came to me a
few nights later. I was in my study and on the
Internet, reading sexy stories about incest, when
I came across one about a burglar caught in the
act of his crime. He didn't want to kill the
husband, wife and 18 year old daughter, but they
had seen his face, and he was not going back to
prison ever again. Then he decided to make them
commit incestuous acts that he video-taped, and he
kept the tape with threats to distribute it to
their church members just to insure their
continued silence about his crime.

Could I do the same thing, only with a twist?
Could I create a crime like that and then take
advantage of it? The more I thought about it, the
hornier and more excited I got. Sure it was
possible, and it would be downright easy to do.
All I had to do was find the right guy, and I
already knew who that guy was... * * *

Maury Ackerman is a professional photographer and
video maker. I had used him hundreds of times over
the years for company work, either doing a clients
bidding on a contract or making public relations
stuff for the firm. And I found out about his
"sideline" one day when I showed up unannounced at
his studio to chew his ass over some obvious
mistakes in one of his contract jobs.

There was no one out front in the lobby, so I made
my way back into the heart of the building. I
found Maury jacking off as he adjusted a
tripod-mounted video camera. The scene he was
shooting involved an adult man and a girl that
could not have been anywhere near legal age. The
guy was currently taking her in the ass, but it
was plain to see that her pussy had also been
thoroughly reamed out during the last few minutes.
And while I stood their and watched the man pulled
his gigantic prick out of the girl's ass and
started coming all over her back and cheeks. Then
he rammed it back in, stroked a few times, and
pulled out again to shoot more sperm into the air
and onto her back.

When Maury had become aware of my presence I could
tell he was more than a bit nervous. This was
obviously child porn, pure and simple. I had
witnessed enough in ten minutes to put him and his
male model in jail for ten to twenty years. He
offered me the girl for as long as I wanted her,
but I declined. He offered me a lot of other
things, but I just let him know that I knew. Then
I chewed him out for his mistakes, gave him the
tapes, and walked out. * * *

The next day I put my plan into motion. I went to
Maury's studio and explained to him how we could
square things up between us. I laid out my entire
plan, and carefully explained his part in it.
Then, after he agreed to participate, I handed him
a brown paper bag with his props inside. As I was
leaving he helped me load two professional video
cameras and a bunch of assorted video gear into my

When I arrived home I unloaded all the gear and
set it up, positioning the cameras at wide angles
in the living room and putting the bright lights
around the room. The girls arrived home from
school right on time and immediately asked what
all the stuff was for. I explained that I wanted
to make some home movies of all of us so that I
could capture some of the many happy feelings we
all enjoyed in our house. It would be something I
could carry into my old age with pride and love.
This was on a Thursday.

That evening I did shoot some videos of all of us
having fun doing various things. We played board
games after the girls had completed their
homework. Then each of the girls came over and sat
on my lap as we finished out the evening watching
television together. * * *

The next day I was almost too excited to
concentrate on my work. I left the office early,
went home, and checked out the video gear. The
girls had already arrived home from school and had
left to go to various girlfriend's houses. They
were back in time for dinner, and I had ordered
Chinese delivered for everyone. After dinner we
played around some more, and the time seemed to
drag by. Finally it was time for everyone to go to

At 11:30 p.m. I got out of bed, dressed only in my
boxers. I snuck down the stairs and met with
Maury. He was already sitting on the sofa and
waiting for me after having snuck in through a
window I had left unlocked in the laundry room. I
saw that he was wearing thin driving gloves as per
my instructions so there would be no fingerprints
left should the cops somehow become involved. And
he had already collected the silverware from where
I told him it was stored. Everything looked good.
I asked him if he was ready and he said, "Sure,
lets do it."

I snuck back to the top of the stairs, turned
around, and shouted, "Who's down there. What are
you doing down there?" At the same time I flicked
on the room lights and saw Maury, now wearing a
knit hat low over his ears and just above his
eyes, pointing a gun at me.

"Alright, buddy, you caught me," he said loudly.
His voice had to carry into all of the bedrooms.
"But I have a gun, and you don't. Get your ass
down here, and bring everyone who's up there with
you. Hurry up, or I'll just start shooting."

The girl's bedroom doors were already opened, and
they were all looking out at me. They were all
dressed in delicious, low-cut baby-doll pajamas
that always managed to send my cock into
instantaneous raging-steel-nail-pounding hard-on
condition. I motioned for them to come to me, and
we all went down the stairs together.

"What do you want from us," I asked the burglar?
"You'll have to kill me right here and now if you
try to harm any of my girls."

"Chill out, asshole, and you and your little harem
all sit down on that couch... NOW," he shouted. We
all quickly moved to sit on the couch. Jenna was
on my lap.

"You see, asshole, you caught me inside your
house. Yeah, I was stealing your things. But your
problem is that you caught me, and now I have
caught you. I don't want to kill any of you, but
you have all seen my face. You could tell the cops
who I am. Pick my picture out of the mug books
they have there. I ain't going to do any more time
in the joint, so if I can't figure something out
pretty quick, I'll have to off you one at a time."

The girls were beginning to understand what was
going on, and they all began to cry. I tried to
comfort then. "Take it easy, girls. I won't let
this guy hurt any of you."

"Oh, yeah? That's a really stupid thing to say to
them, seeing as how I am holding the gun. If I
decide to pop you, you get popped. End of
discussion. Say, what are these cameras for," he
said as he seemed to take notice of the two video
cameras for the first time.

"I was making some home videos of me and the
girls. They are valuable cameras. Go ahead and
take them."

"Oh, I won't steal them. Too damn big and bulky,
and too hard to fence. No, but they do give me a
great idea of how I can leave here without killing
any of you and not worry about you going to the
cops. You see, you and the little ladies are going
to make another home movie. You are going to ball
all four of your cute little girls right here and
now. Really fuck their asses off, if you know what
I mean. And you better look like you are enjoying
it, too. Lots of smiles, kissing, sucking, stuff
like that. Then I leave with the video and the
stuff I have already got. You go to the cops, and
I make sure these videos end up on the shelves of
every porn outlet in the country. And I know just
the guy who can arrange that."

"No way, you fucking pervert," I yelled at him. I
could never do that to any of my little angles.
Not in a million years."

"No," he said, shaking his head slowly from side
to side. "Well, don't say I didn't offer you an
out." With that he stepped closer and raised the
handgun, aiming it right at me.

"NO. WAIT!!" Amanda screamed. Then she leaned over
to me and whispered, "Dad, we have to do like the
man says. He'll shoot you and all of us if we

"But honey..."

"Daddy, Amanda is right," Jenna said in an equally
low voice. "You have to have sex with us. We don't
have any choice."

"Well, what's it going to be, asshole?

I looked at Trisha and Paula, and I could see they
agreed with the other two. "Girls, can you ever
forgive me after we do this?"

With that all four of them tried to put their arms
around me at the same time. "Daddy," Amanda,
stated for all of them, "there will be nothing to
forgive. We have to do this if we want to live.
And we know you will be gentle with all of us. We
have to, Daddy."

"All right, you damned pervert. What do you want
us to do," I asked Maury, er, I mean the burglar?

"Simple enough. First, draw all the shades in this
room. Then turn on the lights and start the
cameras rolling. Then you sit on the couch and
each girl will come over to you, strip off her
pj's, and kiss you passionately. You feel them up
tits and pussies, and start getting them hot. Then
I'll tell you what to do next."

The girls pulled the blinds down as I clicked on
the lights and then put two tapes into the
cameras. I centered each on the couch and turned
both of them on to the record mode. Then I walked
to the couch and set down. The girls lined up to
my right, and, with the burglar's nod and a
reminder to all of us to smile, Amanda walked over
to me. She stood in front of me and, with a big
smile, lifted her top over her head and tossed it
to the side. Then, still smiling broadly like she
was really enjoying this, she put both thumbs into
the waist-band of her bottoms and pushed them and
her panties down to her ankles, and stepped out of

I couldn't believe it. Here was my oldest
daughter, standing naked in front of me in all her
natural glory, smiling, and barely two feet away!
Her tits were so beautiful and so perfectly
matched. They jiggled slightly as she came
forward, bent down, and planted a passionate kiss
on my lips. I responded quickly, slipping my arms
around her and bringing her onto my lap. Then I
squeezed and fondled both of her boobs.

Our passionate kiss continued as I pinched her
nipples lightly and caressed the tits some more.
Then my hand slipped down over her belly and
between her legs. She moaned as she spread them
wider, and my hand cupped her warm, nicely furred
mound. My middle finger slipped into her rapidly
moistening slit and I fingered her. I found her
clit and flicked it several times, feeling her
shudder with a mild orgasm in my arms. Then I
could see Trisha start forward, so I slipped my
arms from around Amanda and gently let her slip to
the sofa next to me.

Trisha was also smiling wonderfully as she stopped
in front of me and took off her pj's. Then she was
on my lap, and I was kissing and fondling her. I
stroked her breasts, then moved my hand down and
fingered her. I had to flick her clit a lot longer
than Amanda's before I felt her shudder and shake
in a severe orgasm. She groaned and gave out a low
squeal as she peaked, then she fell limp against
me. I shifted her to the couch as Amanda moved to
make room.

Jenna was next, and she was a perfect repeat of
Trisha's performance. Paula was the real surprise.
As I fingered her tender young pussy and let my
thumb rub over her sensitive clit during a really
passionate kiss she began to orgasm. But it
continued on and on, even after I stopped rubbing
her and just held her tightly. Four straight
minutes or more of orgasm from a teenage girl.
Damn, what a sight! What a feeling!

Maury, er... The burglar said we all did well for
Act I. He then ordered me to stand and strip off
my boxers. I did as he instructed, my erect 8 inch
penis slapping my belly as it was suddenly
released. Then I sat back down on the couch
between my four daughters, two on each side.

He instructed me to start with Amanda while the
other three girls slid to the floor and sat around
us, observing our love making. "I want you to take
her in the traditional missionary position after
some foreplay. Got that?" Yes, I replied.

Then I slipped my arms around my oldest daughter
and kissed her passionately. She returned my
embrace and kiss with her own passion. Together we
laid over onto the couch and our nude bodies
pressed together from thighs to hips to breasts to
lips. My free right hand felt all over her body,
squeezing her butt cheeks hard and sliding my
fingers up through her crack and over her rear
hole. She shivered and kissed me with more passion
as I did this.

Then I forced my hand down between us and into the
V of her legs. I cupped her entire mound, allowing
my social finger to fully explore her entire
crease. She was already dripping wet, and I
couldn't wait to feel my heard cock sliding up
inside this beautiful creature. I then sunk my
finger inside her hole as she shuddered in another
orgasm. I felt her hymen, and pushed my finger
through the opening to begin the tearing process.
She moaned with the new mixture of pleasure and
pain, and her hips began to hump against my hand
involuntarily. She definitely wanted more, and she
was ready for me now.

I lifted my body and shifted hers until she was on
her back with her legs spread wide. I got my knees
between her legs and reached down to grasp my
penis. I felt her hand on mine, and she whispered,
"Let me guide you into my body, daddy. I want to
feel your manhood as you make me a real woman.?

What could I say to that? My lovely daughter's
hand encircled my cock as I removed mine. I
shifted my hips downward and felt her place the
head against her opening. Then, I bent down and
kissed her with all my passion as I hunched my
hips forward, driving my cock deep into her pussy
and tearing through the remainder of her cherry. A
couple quick follow-up strokes and I was buried to
the hilt inside my daughter. Her surrounding
tightness was almost more than I could stand, and
it was all I could do not to shoot my load into
her right then.

Somehow I managed to hold off. In a minute or so I
began to stroke slowly in and out of her. Her
moans became continuous. I asked her if it was
painful, and she replied, "Noooooo. It feels like
heaven. It's soooo wonderful. Please, go
faster..." I increased the speed and force of my
strokes, knowing I could not possibly hold out for
long with this kind of stimulation on my sensitive
cock. Soon, it couldn't have been more than three or four minutes, I felt myself pass the point of no return.
I plowed her cunt hard and deep as I
felt myself begin to shoot. She began to cum at
the same time, and we both bounced and shuddered with the combined force of our mutual releases.
I felt her cunt grab onto my cock, seemingly milking it of everything it had to offer. I felt seven or eight different spurts of cum shoot into her body as I experienced the most intense orgasm of my life!
اسم الموضوع : A Daddy's 'Forced' Situation | المصدر : Sex Stories